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- - - ·. - - - - - - - - - -Letter read fro m the County Attorney da ted July 30 which is more fully se t out as follows: ,--, "Co mmis sioners of Roads and Revenues 40B County Admini stration Bld~. Atlanta 1 Georgi a 30303 Re: Adamsville Health Center Property Gentlemen: Attached is mernorandu~ from Mr. John C. Lemon concerning an~reement reached with City officials covering ihe joint use of the property on which the Adamsville I~alth Ce nter and Ad am sville Recreational Branch are located. As you know the County is preparing to expand th~ health facilities at that location. It seems that . the agreement reacr1ed · by }fe ss.rs. ·1em on 1 }fr • . De lius of tJ:-Je Parks Department and }Ir. Ivey of tb e Land Office, is equitable and I reco mmend that s ame be a ppr oved by the Co mmissioners and filed as a matter of information and record. · Very truly yours, (s) Harold Sheats County Attorney" Commissioner Lindsey made a motion that the above letter be filed as informa tion. Said motion was s~cond ed by Commissioner Aldredge and una nimously adopt e d by the Board . •• ··':I. ---


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