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' \...,"'Jj1t.{ ( S'1.1' :-\ U -,1,,. · ,-,-_·1·FJ' ,;,.J _, ' 1·' ~ ' 1.1 ... , · - 1-1· J ,.,· 1>.\IJ"\I .. \. . l·"·"'I' l '\ L - .J . 0 E JU' , 'f'1' '--' . (};1/ (c, . Ii111 c V f... .~ ... . 1683 Post Office Eo x / 11 Reply, ]'/ws, Nej a to r}1' i \. Afl~nta, Geo r gia 30301 File 1\'o. Octob e r 3, 1967 Chief Herbert 'i'. Jenkin s .Atlanta Police Departme nt Atl anta , Ge orgia 30303 1Dear Chi ef : Recent ne i·1spaper p1.:.blicj_t,y h o.s indicate d triat /rnthony Charles Sv1ect) also kno\,m as ~n:y_~7_e_~_t:t ha.s p1.ir c;hs.sed the former Bel Air Hotel at 2140 Peachtre e RoedJ N. E., and has opened a club to be known as the nacqu e t C1ub at this addresr,. One·i~mand Ceram:l)has repor-tecUy j_c1enti:ficd himself to members o:f=ycTtrr-cr-e rrfrtrnent B.8 a pc:.r"cner \'7i th s~eet in this venture. I I· ! Knowing of your concern rcgarding·the possible inte1~est of me mbers of the organ:Lzcd c r·:l.minal element in the Atlanta area) I am taking thJ.s opportunity to for \-!al'd to ~'OU for v1ha tever ac t:i.on you deem appropriate a memorandum summarizing information which has come to the attention of this Bureau concerning Anthony ChRrles Swe e t and Ar mand Cerami . Very truly yours) /, - -- --- / --/· ·-' -. .,,.. . (/ r ..:.·'. -·.....-; '. l, _/ , ,, •• -- - .- / .:' J ~-~ -· PRANK V. HIT·r Special Ag e nt in Ch a rge Enclos1Jre 1 " ' I • ll �