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U l\J.TED STA T ES DEPATI. T:\ JEi-; T O F J US TI CE F E DE lU L D li l, E.-\. U OF 1;:s; y ES TI G ATI Oi'\ , f,1 iami, Fl or ida Sep t enfu er 26, 1967 ..· Re: /1Rl-L~ND CERAJ/iI; ANT.f-IOffY Clf\RLES SWEE'I1 I· In July, 1967, Swee t purcha s e d the Be l Air Hotel, 2140 Pe a chtre e Road, N. E., Atlanta , Georg ia, fo r th e propo se d openin g of t he Atla nta Ra cque t Club. Cerami ha s i d8ri tiflec1 him se lf' a s a partne r with Sv1ee t in the pr·o pose d r a ccru e t club. Records of the Flo:eida Sta te Beverage Commi ss ion, Miami, Flor:i.da , reflect tha t Tony Swee t and Arman d Ceram1 are offic e rs in sea food r ~sta urants locat e d at Key Wes t, Mia mi, and Y. t. Lauderda le, Florida . rrh ey- operate the r e staurants doing bu s ine s s a s Tony's Fish Marke t, Key West, Inc., Tony Si·1ee t Enterpris es , Miami, and 'l'ony S\·; e et' s Fish Mo.i." ke t, Inc., Ft. Lauderda le. Si·1e et is Pr e sid e nt and Ceram i :l.s Secreta r y - Tr easur er in each of the co r pora tion s . 1 ·1 ·I 1· Anthony Cha rl e s Si·1ee t, 9-l s o knovm as Tony Sv1ee t, state s he wa s born September 27, 1916, at La ,,1 ren c e , M2.ssa chu se tt s . Record s of the Bure au of Vita l Sta tistics, Commo nwealth of Mas sa chus e tt s , Boston, Massa chus e tts, contain no record of Anthony Swee t b e ing bo r n on Se ptemb e r 27, 1916, at Lawre n c e , Ma ssa chu s e t ts . The re is a reco f d of one Antho ny Sawi cki b eing bo r n on Se pte mb e r 27, 1916, at Lm·1re nce, Ma ssachu s ett s . Paren t s of th i s i nd i vidua l we re l is t e d a s Julius Sawic k i a n d Ur s ul a Nul eron ek Sawick i, both b orn in Lithua n ia-Ru ss i a . ! I II t , Record s of the Id entifica tion Di vision of ~ 1e Fe d0r a l Bur eau of Inves ti gatio n r efl ec t that Anthony Char l es Sweet , FBI No. 317988 C, ,,,as a r r es t e d b y t hE: Sh er i f f I s Of fic e , Mi ami , Flo ri da , on Oc tober 1'"(, 1951, for opera tlng a gamb ling hou se . On J une 13, 19~3 , h e was a r r es t ed for viol ation of th e Fl orida Sta t e-Bev erage l aws. , I '- I <;, t {) �Re: ATIMAND CERA MI ANTHOffi CHMlLES SWJ.ff,;rr On Augus t 17) 1964) Swee t was charged by the Florida State Beverage Co ~n is s ion '~11th refilling ten bottles of associat e d liquor s " at rrony I s Fich -Marke'c) Miam:l. He was fined $500.00 _on stipulation to the offene3. ' Arma nd Di az Ceram i was born February 20) 1920J at Hacken saclc) New Jersey. He reportedly was graduat e d from the University of Mexico in 1942 with a degr ee in Business Adminis~ tration. He 1-ms in the milita ry servi.ce from 19l12 to 1945; and received a rne dicaJ. discharge on June 25) 1911.5) due to psychoneuro s is. Ii. .. I I i j I. I I j Sources have reported that Cera.mi \-ms known to major hoodlums and gambling figures in the Miami area. He r eportedly was a "collector" of la rge gambling debts incurred by individuals throu gh association with memb ers of the gamblj_ng-hoodlum g roup . On April 16) 1963J Cera mi advJ.sed Agent s of the Federal Bureau o f Inv~ s tigation that h e was a p ers onal associate of Cha rl es Tourine ) also kno wn as Charlie 1--lhi te. He admitte d that h e a1,rang e d to have Tourin e take ove r his apaftmen t in New York City ahd also procured a Cadilla c car for Tourin e at dea ler 1 s cost. He admitted that while traveling in Europe in the summer of 1 962, he met with Tourine in Ita lj. He said this mee tin g was accidenta l. Tour :i.ne has been id entified as a member of the organize d criminal eleme nt a.nd is r eported to be a member of the La Cosa Nostra. The r e cords of the Id entific a tion Division of the Federa l Bureau of Inves tigat io n reflect that Armand Cerami, FBI No . 20313d2 ) was arrested in 19Lio and charged with stea ling a car at Lex ington) Kentucky , and driving it to Washington) D. C. On J anuary 14) 1941, h e wa s pla ced on thre e years probation fo1:' thi s off ense . Re cord s of the Mj_ami Beach Police De -p artment s ho w t hat on May 30J 1958 ) Cerami was arrested at Ypsilan tiJ Michigan ) and charged with br eaking and entering of a t e l ephone booth. He was fin ed $100.00 and co sts. • On July 28, 1 964 ) arami was arrested by th e Miami Beach Po li ce De par t me nt and charged with aggravated ass a ult on John brya n Gray) a suitor of Cerami ' s d ivorc e d wife . On 0 f; 2 -· �Re: ARMAND CERAMI AN'11HONY CHfiHLE,S s nEET J anuary 23, 1965 , Cerami appeared L~fore the Cri n1inal Cou r t in Mi ami and wa s fo und guiltj o f a ggJ avate d as sault on Gray . He was pl a ced on on e year p rob a tion and ordered to pay the ex p enses and d2.mages . Gray filed a clvil suit aga in st Cerami and aske d damages 11 in ex cess of $5,000. 11 Cerami , throu gh his attorney, s ettled the civil s uit out of court . iI !I I i I I - 3* - 0 Cl • �