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CITY OF A T LANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia September 2 5, 1967 HERBERT T. JENKINS Ch i ef MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: The Atlanta Police Department (Gertrude Pasley) September 18, 1967 to September 24, 1967 inclui;ive 1 patrolman vacancy -- widow has received a year's salary 1 patrolman resigned -- GreenAir Compressor Co. 3 patrolmen employed Total vacancies: 12 Total guards: 3 E . 0. A. employees - paid by Federal Government: 2 �September 22. 1967 Parent of Warren Jac kson S c hool c / o Mrs . B . Pollock 43ZZ Conway Valley Court. N . W. Atlauta, Georgia Dear Mrs . Pollock: Thi will acknowledge receipt of the petitio frmn the parents of the children in the Warren J ckson School hich you recently forw rded me . I am ttacbing a report from both the Traffic Engwer amt the Police De rtment d I hope that thi additional action ta n will be s ti factory . Please express my appreciation for the petition. Sincerely your , Ivan Aile • Jr. Mayor lAJr/br E closur • �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia Se p t e ber 21 , 196 7 HERBERT T . JENKINS Ch ief Mr . Geo r g e Roy a l Ma y or ' s Of f ice Ci ty Ha ll 68 Mi tc he ll S tr ee t, S . W. At labt a , Geor 6 i a 3030 3 Dea r Lr . R:::>ya l: / I n r ega rds to t he petitiJ n from t h e mo t hers a t the Wa r re n JacksJ n Sc hoo l f or a ~ chJo l Tr aff ic Pol i c e Woma n, we are now attempti ng t o fil l t is position . Bef o1·e t he s c h ool y e~ r be~an I ne t wi t h Mrs . arie Smor t, pr: ncipa l, a nd at t ha t time we d id no t a nt i ci pate a need f:::> r a pol ice woma n . Aft er lear nin 6 of t his petitio n a nc a c a l l from hr::; . Smart , we made a no th vr sur vey and t8 l ked t o se v era l parents . Some in di c . ted they woul d l et their c hi l dren wa l k if there was a Traffi c Poli c e Woma n o n duty . There are about 25 to 30 students wsl~i ng or ridin 6 oicycles to schoo l, usinJ or c r o s s i n6 "It • Pa r a n 1-{ J b d • l t . Pa r a n R J a d i n the s ch o J 1 are a is a ve ry narrow ro.sid i-Ji. th tnany Stlarp curv e s . There are no sidew a lks in this area . I ha ve re ceived permissi:::>n from my sup erior off i cers and the cJmptroller ' s offic e to hire a Tr ~ff i c Police Wowan at this school . The s c hoo l a nd the Pa r e nt Teacher ' s Associatio n are now assisti ng me i n findi nb a n applicant for this posit~on ~ .Respectfully, (1// ~ ~ Lt. C. V. Forrest e r �C TY OF ATLANTA TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Atla nta , G e orgia 30303 September 19, 1967 K A RL A. BE V I NS Traffic En gin ee r The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta 206 City Hal 1 Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: In answer to your request for information concerning our proposed activities in the area of the Warren Jackson School, we should like to give you the following report. During the past three weeks, members of our staff have discussed this situation with Mrs. Smart, Principal of the School; Mr. J. Lewis Cook , Safety Director of the Board of Education; and Lieutenant Forrester, of the Atlanta Police Department. As a result of these discussions, we have done a substantial amount of signing in the vicinity of the school. Since the school is located approximately 1000 feet north of Mount Paran Road , we did not feel that it was necessary or desirable to reduce the speed limit to 25 MPH from the presently existing 30 MPH. We have, however , installed signs on Mount Paran Road on each approach to the school driveway which warn drivers with the message SCHOOL CHILDREN IN ROADWAY. A recent count of the children walking on Mount Paran Road and entering the Wa rren Jackson School at the Mount Pa ran Road driveway indicates that a relatively small number of 20 to 30 students are entering the school property at this point . Although the letter and petitions which accompanied your memorandum to this depa rtment r e f e rre d only to a request tha t a police office r be assigned to this location , we felt that you would like to know what actions we have taken on r e ques t s which have been ma de directly to us . At the present time , we do not have plans for additional work in the vicinity of this school . I f you de s i re any additional informat i on conc erning this matte r, pl eas e f ee l f re e t o call on us . ERSJr/fd �Sept e ber 18, 1967 Mayor Ivan Allen City Hall Atl~ t a i Geor~ia Dear Mayor All n~ We a r e deeply conc erned about the f a ct that a polic offic er hae not b e n a33i~ned to ass i~t th e children in crossin~ Mto Paran Road in front of Warren J a ck 3on Schoolo W have conta ct ed Lto Pender~ra3tp who i~ i n char~ of th School Police Divi!ion of the Atlanta Polic D part ent, r ~ardin~ thi! tt er o He does not fe 1 th e nee 3~ity of placin~ a police wo an at Warren J a ck! on Schoolo We, a3 parent3, feel th at th 3af ty of our childrsn is beint ne~l e ctedo We can not wait until a child i3 injured or killed to prove th e nee fo r a police wo ano Altho~h Mt o Para Road is ot a ain thorou~hfa r P it is ah avily travel9d road, an b cau3e it le a n~rrow, win di ~ roa with no 3i walk 3, it 13 very hapraous for youn~ chil r to cro 3s without !Upervi~iono May par nts have expre33ed a d93ir to hav walk to and fro ~chool but thy h ave not a llow bec au! of thi! l ack of supervi!io o their chil r n the to walk As r~3i nts of the hi~hest tax payin~ district in the City» w feel ju3tified in askin~ th polic depart e t to act o our r quest Q · W eed your 3upp:ort in this att r and any help you can ~iv e u~ will be eeply appr ciate o Enclose a r (300) thr -hundr 3i~ne petitions~ copi s of which a r bein~ ~ent to th police d p~ rt entQ Very truly your~~ Pare t ~j Wa r r~ J ack5o School �'- 334 Auburn Ave., N.E. 'Atlanta-;' Georgia 30303 Telephone 522-1420 Southern Christian Leadersh ip Co11feren ce Martin Luther Kin~.. Jr., Prt. ..... tident· .. Ralph Abernathy, Trtasurtr Andrew J. Young, E:ucutivt Dirtcto, September 19, 1967 Chief Herbert T. Jenkins Chief of Police City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia '- Dear Chief Jenkins: Last week I ·requested a parade or "march" permit from your office, and was informed that the request must ·be made 5 days .·prior to day of parade. · . · I, 11 1' I I am .h~reby requesting par~de permit~ as follows: l. Monday ,' September 25th (PM) 2. Tuesday, September 26th (PM) 3. Wednesday, September 27th (PM) 4• . Thursday, September 28~h (PM) 5. Friday, September 29th (PM) .I . Please send permit and any other correspondence to the following address: ' ·· Rev. Howard W. Creecy, Sr., President . · Atlanta Chapter Southern Christian Leadership Conference Mount Moriah Baptist Church · 200 Ashby Street, S. W. · Atlanta, Geo r.gia 37;::::zfw ;:, .~ Rev. Howard W. Cr ee c ~ Pr eside nt, Atlanta Cbapter Sout hern Christian Leadership Conference CC: Mayor Ivan All en, Jr Dr. A. M. Davis, President NAACP Jesse Hillp Jf pp Co - Chairman 9 · Atlanta Summit Leadership co·nf erence �' CITY OF ATLANTA~ ~ ~ ~ DEPARTMENT OF POLICE ATLANTA, GA. 9-1 8-67 Mass Meeting : Mt. Moriah Baptist Church We atte n ded a ma s s me e ting at t he Mt. Moriah Ba p tist Chu r ch , corne r of As h b y and Fair St. a t 8PM t h i s d a t e. The follo wing was s tat e d b y Rev Boone as being nec es s a r y for the Bo a rd of Edu c a tion : 1 . That the r e i s not enou gh Ne g ro me mber s in the Te chnic a l Schools 2 . Th a t there a r e n ot enou gh t ext b oo k s J. That schedule s must b e r e a d y b y t h e f i r s t day of sch o ol and 3 and t ha t n ot t o o many b e enrol l e d 4. That a r e-s tudy of a l l te x t bo oks b e mad e , wi t h n o pr oper respect on rac e . 5. That n o ru l e be i ss.ed d e ny i ng freed om of speech 6. That a Negr o Pr i n c ipal b e p u t i nto the s ch ool and n ot onl y in Ne g ro s c hoo l s 7. That by Jan 1 , 1968, a Negro superintendant is placed in c harge of the scho ols 8. That departments be directed by Negroes 9. That children be removed from the double sessions Rev. Boone spoke on the lack of decent housing , in the Negro sections, poverty and the fa :ili.Jre on the part of power s truct u re. A Mrs . Dorothy Bolton came forward, speaking for the parents bring ing back to mind that in 1964, the first march to Central Hi gh School. She spoke on how the parents must join to ge ther in order to take a stand for their children. She further stated that she herself had g one down to Dr. Letson's off ice and tri e d to ap p eal to him but that he only put her off saying that she had to wait until he had time to se e her. Mr. Thomas Harper , representing Youth Town, spoke on how his organization was designed to keep teens in line, meaning that they were trying to keep them from be coming juvenile delinquentsa He too talk ed ofthe double sessions in the schools and on how he thought the Ne gr oes were being cheated out of an education. Thr e e points that were brought out were as follows: Slums must go Dro Letson must go Double sessions in the schools must go Mro Hosea Williams came to th~ platform at this time speaking on the subj e ct of proving ones manhood. He stated that this could.onlyfbehnroven. when wen come together in an organ1~ea as 10n oe1ng on thB one blagk ~c ~ra 0 �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT OF POLICE ATLANTA, GA. 9-18-67 Dr. Martin Luther King s p oke l a st stat ing that we are eithe r to g ether or divided but that there was no division in NAACP. He stated that dop e victi ms and alcoholics are only caused b y the lack of unemployment. He stated that Atlanta bo a st of having jobs for eve ryone but that wa en the Ne g ro p eop le g o down to the city h a ll a n n e x , they ar e turned away wi t h the p retense of not b e ing we ll en ou g h q u a lif ie d . He ende d by saying that the job of t h e Neg ro de manded tni ty and that we might b e separated among ourselves but tog et h er a g a ins t the whi t e pe ople. At t his t i me it was st a t ed that e a c h p e r son p r es e nt would ma rc h wit h the l eade r s do wn t o the Wa shing ton Hi g h School . Dr. King a dvi se d the g r ou p to h ave n ume r ou s demonstrations, non- violen t l y. He reminde d them of t he de st ru ction of t h e pr evious r io ts and i ndi c a t ed b y h i s spe ec h t hat we di d n ot nae d a r e o cc ur ance. Oth er g ues t s were a s f o l l ows : Dr. M. L. King Jr . A. M. Davis Ral ph Ab ernat hy Sa m Wi lli ams J oseph Boone Ho sea Williams Leroy J ohnson Julian Bond Respectful l y ~~ Sgt. L. Goss Det J P Arnol d Mrs. Lind a Tucker P.S. Dr. King stated that h e h a d planned to makea :. speech., and had a l ready written it out at this time, b ut that since e v eryb ody e lse had made such goo d remarks he would not speak , but that he would bring out points on thei r remarks. These are listed above. �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT OF POLICE ATLANTA, GA. 9-18-67 I n Re g ard s to the Mas s Mee tin g: T oni ght upon co mp l e ti on of t h e meet i ng a t t h e Mt. Moriah Baptist Chur ch, Ho s e a Willi ams asked t he enti re gr oup to a c c ompany him i n a ma r ch t o Was h i ngt on Hi gh Sc h o ol . He came to t he outside at the front step s and aga i n app e a l ed to t he gr ou p to march with him. He succeeded in ge t t ing appr ox i mat e l y 300. They mar c he d n orth on Ashby Street t o Hunter St. Du r i ng t h e ma rch , app r oxi mat e l y on e hal f of these pe ople dr opped ou t a long t h e wa y. The remain der c ont i n ued t o the fr ont s t ep s of Wash i ngton Hi gh Scho ol , wh ere they sang tw o songs . Hosea Wi l l iams greeted the group. He tol d them that we mu s t demonstrate unt i l s uper i n t endent Le t son knows th a t we are not p l ay ing. We should turn thi s ci ty upside down, I mean we sho uld fil l al l the jails with adults and not send our c hildren. He stated we must show the p ower struct u re of the school and of the pol ic e de partment t hat we mean bus i ness. He further stat ed t hat Chie f J enkins had sent his good guys out to be with them toni ght, h e kne w that there wouldn't be any trouble. This group remained on the steps of Washington Hi gh Sc hoo l f or about 30 minutes. They then dispersed and went in different direct ionso This g roup at the ch urch consisted of app roxima t ely eleven hundred. Respectfully 75-~ Sgt. L. Goss De t . JP Arnold lt �Corrie See And 1T..fe ar A GIZEAT AIVlERICAN DR~ }\AAR'fl I LUTH=:R17 l(ING, JR~ President, Southern Christian Leadership Conference ~v1onday r1ight, September 181 1967 s~oo p~m~ Sharp ~Aot1nt Moriah Bapti§t Cht1rch Corner YNest Fair and A§hby Street DOU BU: SESS~Ou JS AN D f'OOR SCHOOtS MUST GO! Did you get a decent education? Are your children on double sessions? Are your children in overcrowded classes? Help protect your children's future. You may have a job, you rn ay be making a good salary, but what about the 15 black me·n out of every hundred without a job, while only 2 white men out of every ·hundred has no job. ATlA ~rA POUCE BRUTAUTY. Maybe policemen have not be_aten you y et. /v\aybe policemen hav e not b eai·en your husband, your wi.fe · '--~-, or your children. We must stop po lice brutality. '·,--.,; \. ~ ,. - m

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\ Sponsored by Ai'lanta - Chapter-·- Nation n l Association for the Advanceme nt of Colored People Dr. Albert M. Davis, President Atlanta Chapter -- Southern Christian Leadersh ip Conference Rev. Howard W. Creecy, Pres.iden t �P1\ TiWUi[N SUPi~:n o R OFf-H:l: l{S ,}_::_J:_~. ~\·01:t,:ij'r....::.::.Yif O':l----:--_ _·:?c:it Ln~nin,r U,1i forr.~ 9 -~ ,1() l 3t1 E,·c:n i n_<: Tr;iff i c S'.; } ~/ 7 1) l "'·' ·-· ---· ] (, i' T8s l: r-orci:' Tot R-1 -


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Tot.al ;'OJ ice ~er'.,onnc l ,wailnh _k ----------- ·-Ovcrt :i. 11:.: for c:ich 1 .an ~er 1.rcc l:--- ·-- ··-- --·· -- 8'15 t1- 4 hour s Ov rUi ·e for :, 11 11:)rsonn"'i n·.n we:cl,-----·----- 37, 130 h ou.'s Ov cr t-i.1. i: for 2 11 ,1JJ··soiFwl :icr cl ::;y- --- ---- - 3,3 R0 hours �October 25, 1967 Chief H. T. Jenkins Atlanta Police Department .E: Disorders on ~gnolia Street Sunday - October 22, 1967 donday - 0 tober 23, 1967 Dear Sir: On Sunday night, October 22, 1967, at about 9:30 p.m., Captain • c. Bryant called me and stated that a explosive situation was about to develop at Vine and t1agnolia but that he thought everything was under control . I got re dy to go to the area nd just as I was leaving, I heard on th r help call and fire call in this area so proceeded to Vine and tagnolia . I found that Officer J . B. Phillips and oth r offic re h d arre ted several person t th t location and had · d conoidcroble trouble with the s bjects and after the orre t nd the person had be n transported to j iL, a consid rable crowd of di orderly r:er ons gathered on 1ognolia Str t between . faple and Vine ond set sever l fires . The Fire Depart nt w s call d evernl ti~ but th fir w re put out ostly bcfor th Fire D partment arriv d . Lt. C. J. Perry and Copt·in ry nt w re on the cen and had Car LO-, 12-B and a wagon patrolling th are . All of thes w r nn <l by negro offic r . he crowd grew nd beca ore di orderly, ctting firs nd throwing rocks nd bottle • The Task lorce head d by Lt . c. B. Dicker on and about ight p trot en were c lled into th Dr a with peci l qui nt, helraet, night ticks nd hotgun to diapers th crowd . Several other arr ts w r d , on a known a it tor by th nm of c, uir, a white fe ale . In a hort whil, order wa restored . I in tructed tl two K-9 truck with driv r nd the do s in th truck to p trol th r the re t of the ni ht. The stre ta nd �- 2 - sidewalks were littered with debris, rocks and broken bottle a On 1onday, October 23, 1967, a circular was distributed in the area calling for a mass meeting at the play lot at ,1agno l ia and 1aple to protest white ownership of stores and houses and police brut ality . Alderman Q. v. Williamson called me and came by my office . He wanted to ta l k to Officer J . B. Phillips and I had Officer Phillips go by his office on Hunter Street . Alderman Williamson brouTht one of the circulars to me and stated he was present when they were run off the .nachine ond that he thought that the so called "Rev . Boone" was behind them . Alderman Williamson was of the opinion that if the officers would lighten up on the defendents , it would help the situation . I did not agree with him but sent Officer Phillips to see him . I alerted Captain R. c. Little and Lt . C. J . Perry to the situation and instructed them to allow the meeting if it orderly . I went to the are and was there until the situotion got GO unruly , I ordered the Task Force into the area iith full equipment to disperse the crowd e They had set . fires against the doors of both super~arkets at Vine and 1agnolia, Dcro s the entire street at taple and gnolia and other fires in the street at ~agnolia ond Walnut . The fires were fed by gasoline . The door at Herman's Sup rmarket, 544 Magnolia, w s forced open and looted of beer nd other articles . While the officers were investigating this, The Rig Rock Supermarket was brok n in the front door but no entrance was made . The rear window of the captain's car w s ')rok n out by a brick and as I passed a roup of people who were listening to Senator ~roy John on who clai.ed he had the group under control, apron tanding near him thr w a rock into my front window which was down and struck rn on the hand . I talked to Alderuan ililliamson the second time that night at ~a~nolia and Vine and infor ed hi~ that l was goin· to call 1.n reenforce ents and clear the area . He agreed with e . Color pictures were made of ll damage . 1 h d held Lt . c . 3 . Dickerson and ei ht her of the Task Force in the building from 8:00 p • • until that tie, and I c lled for them to co e into the or a and disperse the unruly crowd . I was with them the entire time and they did an excellent job of clearin the street with no injuries or undu force and no arre ts . No ghots wer fired, although the T sk Force wa€ ar.ed with riot 'uns . �- 3 - Captain 0 ., W. Jordan and the Crime Prev ntion Bure U 9 including Lt . C a Dixon, Sgt. Goss and Detective Re B. Moore, were on the scene and were of invaluable assistance in restoring order and contacting the well meaning people of the community of which there were many ., It was found that most of the unruly crowd were from several blocks to several miles away from this immediate area ., The Transit Company rerouted their buses from this area during the worst part of the disorder and automobiles that did not belong in the area were prohibited from traveling the street during the emergency . On Tuesday night, the Cri e Prevention was assigned to the area under the direction of Lt . Dixon and Sgt . Goss and no trouble was reported anywhere in the area . The Fire Department responded each time they were called . They did ask that we appraise them of the nature of the fire .so that they would know which type of equipment to send . This was done and ~any fire calls were canceled by the police when they could be handled without fire equipment . ,=-;v:r~ espectful~ James F. Brown, Superintendent JFB:b �Sep tember 20 , 1967 Rev . Howa rd w. Creecy,sr ., Pr e s ident, tlan t a Chapter Southern Christi an Le adersh i p Conf . 334 Auburn ve . N. E. tlanta , Ga . 30303 Dear Sir : I am enclosing a copy of "Parade Ordinance", adopted by the Mayor and the Boa rd of Aldermen , and a l so , copies of the a p plication for a p arade . You may fi l e these app lica tions at any time you desire . Yours very truly , Captain of Police Sp e cial Inve stiga tor JCM/ p nc . �334 Auburn Ave., N.E. So1L1tl1ern Christian Leadership Confere nee Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Telephone 522-1420 Ralph Aberna thy, Treasurer Martin Luthe r King J r., Pre.,ide111 Andrew J. Young, Ezecurive Directo, September 19, 1967 Chief He rb e rt T. Jenkins Chi ef of Police City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Chief Jenkins: Last week I requested a parade or "march" permit from your offic e , a nd was informed that the request must be made 5 days prior to day of parade. I am here by requ esti ng parade permits as follows: l. Mond a y, Sep t e mber 25t h ( PM ) 2. Tuesday, S e pt ember 26t h .( PM ) 3. Wednesday, Septemb er 27th ( PM ) 4. Thursday, Sept embe r 28th (PM) 5. Friday, Se pt e mber 29th ( PM ) > Plea se send permit and ·any oth e r corr esponden c e to the following addr e ss: Re v. Howard W. Cr ee cy, Sr., Pr e sid e nt Atlant a Ch a pt er Sout he r n Chri s ti a n Le ade rship Conf e r e nc e Mount Mori a h Bap ti s t Church 200 As hby Str e et, S. W. Atlanta, ~ e orgia ~incl.r e ly you r s, j. J Re v.1~~ ¼) W LU/4q, , WV Howard W. Cr ee c y, S~ Pr e sid e nt, Atl a nt a Ch ap t e r South e rn Christ i an Lead e rs hip Conf er e nc e CC: Ma yo r I v a n All e n, .Jr Dr . A. M. Da vi s , Pres i d e nt Ni-rACP J es se Hill, J r ~, Co- Cha i r ma n , Atl a nta S ummi t Le ad e rs hi p Conf e r e nc e �- September 21, 1967 Mr. A . l . Gaulden, Jr . LeMa Apartment 2515 Northeast Expressway Apartment G - 7 Atlanta, Georgia Dear r . Gaulden: I m ure you are a are that it is rare to receive a letter of special commendation as your • 1 am mo t grateful for your comm.ent about Officer Adams a d l am ure be will ppreci te bat you plan to do. 1 am for ardin this letter to Chief Jenkins ·th my ppreciati • Sincerely your , Aile , Jr. lAJr/ r CC: Chief Jenkins long ---, �September Zl, 1967 Mr. W . M . Teem, Sr. '5 66 Martina Drive, N . E . Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. I Teem: Thank you £or your letter of September 20th. l will be happy to ask the Police Depa.rtmellt to have this truck removed. Sincerely yours , Iv n Allen, .Jr. Mayor IA.Jr/hr �S ptember 19, 1967 y • Jo 1 Tr • . �TRAFFIC FA.TALITI:SS TO DATE 1/57. 5:50 A.H. August 21.i, 1967 N.W. Freeway and Howe ll Mill Rdo VictiTJ1., drive1• of vehicle; which was struck by vehicle //2, which crossed median and overturnedo W.M. ??

58. 8:00P.H.

September 1, 1967 N.W.Fre eway and Mt Paran Rd. W.F. 23. Victim, passenger in vehicle which was struck by vehicle cha_nging lanes. 1159. 10 :25A.M. September · 9, 1967 2544 Peachtree Rd.,N.W. W.M. LB. Victim, driver of vehicle which struck power pole. �TUITION GRANTS ATU.NTA POLICE OFFICERS COST OF COURSE PER QUARTER $35.00 Per Subject P er Qua:tter $10.,00 Per Subject Per Quarter for Books $ 6.,00 Per Quarter for Students Ac tivity Fee 1. All Officers will be allowed to take up two subjects Per Quarter. 2. Tuition will be paid to all participating Officers up to, but not to e x ceed $100.00 Per Quarter. 3. The tuition will be paid to the Of f icer af~er he has successfully completed each quarter. 4. Reimbursement will be paid only to those Officers participating in Police Admi nistration Course. METHOD OF SELECTI ON FOR REI MB URSEMENT 1~ En trace Examinat i o n Scores. 2. Length o f service with the Dep artment. 3. The Police Officers performance rating and up on app roval of Chief o f Pol i ce . �V September 196 1967 V Mr. B . M . Doster 1414 Boulevard Lorraine, S . W. Atlanta, Georgia Pear Don: Thank you very much for sending me a copy of your letter to Chief Jenkin • It would be needles for me to say that we regret th incident to which you refer, and t hat every effort ill be made by the Police D pa.dment to determine ho the per ons ere nd prevent any other incident of thi type in the future. A to ·whether you may wi h to obtain permit to carry a protective e pon; thi i a deci ion you ill have to ma e. Perso Uy, I thi k the Police Deparbn nt is dequate for the protection of all c i tizens . Sincerely, l IA.Jr:am Alie , Jr. �B. McDONALD DOSTER 1414 BOULEVARD LORRAINE, 5. W. ATLANTA 11. GA. September 14, 1967 Chief Herbert Jenkins Atlanta Police Department 175 Decatur Street, S. E. Atlanta~ Georgia Dear Mr. Jenkins: I want to report an incident that happened Wednesday night about 9:00 p.m., September 13, which occurred on Gordon Road at the railroad underpass just west of the intersection of Lynhurst in the event you wish to alert your patrolmen to events of this kind. My wife and I and friends had dinner at the Plantation Restauran t in Marietta .and were proceeding homeward through Access Highway , Bolton Road by Fulton County Airport, Gordon Road, Lynhurst, and Sewell to Cascade Heights. When we approached the underpass west of Lynhurst, but still some di st_a nce away , I saw five or so young Negroes sixteen to eighteen years old, or thereabou ts, standing on the right hand side of the street at the abutment to the railroad b ridge. They were doing nothing that appeared to be out of the ordinary, but were apparently were t a lking and having fun. Just as I became even with them, we were startled by a terrific report which sounded as though a gun had been fired inside the car. I ha d seen no one make any move and no flash from an e xp losion was seen so assumed that the boys had thrown a giant firecracker under the car where it exploded. There appearing nothing more serious a t that time, I did not stop but proceeded on homeward. After visiting with our friends for an hour or two,l!!Y wife and I went on home where we then examined the car because someone had e xpre ssed an opinion that something struck the car, which we did not immediately confirm. Upon e xamination under · light it is c lear now that the e xplosion was the dischar ge of a gun, and the car was actual ly struck by the bullet and that from the trajectory th e bulle t ca me �,-- B. McDONALD DOSTER 1414 BOULEVARD LORRAINE, 5 . W. ATLANTA 11, GA. from overhead on the railroad bridge, from which someone must have fired the gun. The bullet, from directly overhead, was fired at about a 40 degree angle, and it struck the left rear door window just above the center. Being struck from overhead, the bullet merely glanced off the glass and struck a curved portion of the metal door at the base of the glass where the curve caused the bullet to riccochet outward. The glass was not broken, but was scarred by the impact·and the metal was not pierced, but was scored by the riccochet. It is obvious that someone was making an attempt on the life of some unsuspecting person who would drive under the bridge. That person could have been me if the gun had been fired a split second sooner and six inches to my right, where it would have pierced the windshield directly in front of my face. I saw no one on the bridge above, and having proceeded as far forward as I had, I saw no flash, but the circumstances wer~ easy to read. Very truly yours, B. M. Doster cc: Mayor .Ivan. Allen, Jr. City Hall . Atlanta, Georgia �Beptcmber . 2~ 19 ·17 S pt 0 C 0 Chafin Capto Oo Jordan Lt J 0 R Shattles Sirs : Th i s date ~t 4z30 pm I took a photog:c .pher to the Bo~.:rd o :f Edu.ca;t i m1 0 2 24, Central Ave,., He made p i ctu~es of individmi.J.s o c cupy i n £; Supt a i:1:-:.n T-et~ ons of£icc:JJ I retun,eu to 22.(~ Central Ave 9 and remained u n til ll : 45 pmll at vrhich time t he:;~ persons were told t o l e~ve the buil 'ing 'y De t 0 ~r ,.D Hudso n 0 11. orc'k·r s f :rom Lt 0 N.-t,c·:!:1 0 They refused 9 and v·ere a:>:rested f or violat i ng ci i:y o-c1ina.,ce 20=27@ (Loit e ring ) 0 Ca-e et 2~30 pm 0 Se:ptQ 13-th o A r:r.ested sub j e cts we:t:e as :follm-'7Se- J <::?ss i cm Holl nd 0 ,,;rf20 , 3 34 A burn Ave o J a:mes Gibso:..,~ \' m.21 11 334 Auburn Ave., I rma J ean J acksc:-:nr; cf2 '1. 0 334 Aubu:rn o Marge Mnndcrson 0 f'39 9 7 ~1 Wilson Rd o No 1·lo Rev o J oseph Eo Boonep c m44 9 4 520 CJ.axmont Dr o S0W0 Rcv 0 Howard W., Creecy 11 c ra39 9 192 Ashby Sto S oW Rev 0 J cC 1vard 9 cm3 :i 14 7J. Eason Sta NoWo Wi1 scn Bro m i, cm3--1ll 360 Nelson Sto S.,W 0 Albert Henry 9 \'JT.141$ 3 42 Gth o NoEo W' lli.am Lo ckett, c m35 9 2-116 Ua t h i e 1rs on P l a S oWo Supt 0 Letson h ad r -,fu e el "co meet t h :i.s g r.ore. ea:rliezs 1:n.:i. t did ' ' O ':\t 6 1~30 p ·o i n b:i.s offic e o He want ed t o mee t this group in ·' he la:.:go r1K:~ting i:oomp but thi s group refused to d o soe They b o ugh t up t v;0lv e point s :foz: di.·cussion hu t fi n~ J.ly de cidGd on o ne:;i that b e ing Dr., Let.son c al J. a,.n emei:gency meeting o f. the boa:ed , f ol.' no l a t er than tomorrowo not rea ch himo D:c ., Letson made an a t t empt to c a l l D:::: ., Cook~ but could Dr o L etson left th2 b'uiJ.ding at l Q:"2-.5 p m 9 and :ce tuxncd a ·i.. 1 1~ 30 ::\t t his time he told the g J:oup they woul d h ave t o leave .. over to L t., He t hen t u.rnr~d ·the matter Nash and l eft G The a r re st was o:cder ly and wa,s c ar. ied out by the echooI d e tect:i.vc:s:i Lt o Copeland , Lto Sheppard ., 1"he:.re was sev e ra l o ther o ffi c ers on t h t~ scr--,ne ,., Wnen asked to 1 ;:\w~ a .o l o:red f emv. J.12 and col 2eci ma le P ohn Boorie ) l e fto Charles A., Webster X'ema i ned on the scenG 11 b ut was a l lov·ed t o go~ when h e stated he · ould b e glad to g oo He c ame on to the sta tion .and wi t nessed the booking of the p:dscnerso He l ate:r. c ame to the De t., Offj c-.e and q uest ioned Capt 0 Duncan on the xd:.--b,~ i <l~nti ty of the o;fficers p a rticip~~-· g i n the rrest o St2.ting ~dlli'.:'~ "i:hr., t h eh ad to make a r eport to Mr o Richa:cd Fr e em: ,. RecpectfullyS) Q)~t, ;\~. /· {' . ___ _1_<;'..,. "· . '- j ( ,,. ,,, . . ..,____ - ...... --:---..... ~ma Sec ux :i. ty Squ2.J :;i Cr i l11e Pl:eventio;.l �CITY OF A TLANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia September 18, 1967 HERBERT T . JENKINS Chief MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: The Atlanta Police Department (Gertrude Pasley) September 11, 1967 to September 17, 1967 inclusive 4 patrolmen resigned - another job or discharged discharged moving back to West, Va. discharged 3 patrolmen employed Total vacancies: 13 Total guards: 3 E . O. A. employees - paid by Federal Government: 2 l �September 15, 1967 Mr. B. McDonald Doster 1414 Boulevard Lorraine S. W. Atlanta, · Georgia 30311 My dear Mr. Doster: Thank you very much for your letter of September 14th and the information contained therein. The police patrol in the damsville neighborhood ha rec ntly been strengthened. I hav forwarded your letter on to Supt. Clinton Chafin of the Detective Divt ion and Capti o. w. Jordan of the Crim Pr vention Bureau with instruction to make a complete investigation and report of this incid nt, and to give the m tter their personal attention and be t fforts. HTJ: c. c. Supt. Clinton Chafin & Capt. o. W. Jor Mayor Iv All n, Jr. ~ �September 2.0, 1967 Chief Herbert Jenkin Atlanta Police Department 175 Decatur Sti-eet, S. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Chief: Mayor Allen _ r f rred to me for comment nd filing your letter of September 18, 1967 pertaining to your erving on the National Advisory Committee on Civil Di ord r • There ia nothing in the City Code that prevent• your ervin on th commi ion nor your receiving comp n tion for uch service. We r filln your letter juet • m · er of r cord and augg t that lm r lett r• be writt n p criodically so that the record will be complet • Pl • cc:ept my belated congratulation• o thi• appointmentIt i• juet noth I' recognition of your ellident d d dieated rvtc in the fi ld Qf · w enforcement. Sincerely yowr•, R. rl L nd ra Adminlatrati - Aa•l•ta. t EL :lp �7 CITY OF A TLA NTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE A tlanta 3, Georgia September 18, 1967 HERBERT T . JENKINS Chief Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia My dear Mr. Mayor: On July 27, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson appointed me to the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. The Commission has been meeting about two days per week in Washington and visiting some of the cities that were damaged by recent disorders. It is the Commission's plan to meet every other week in the future. I have been reimbursed by the U. S. Treasury for all of my traveling expense , and have received the following compensation checks to date Date Gr oss Deductions FICA Fed. T ax Net 8/1:l/ 67 $500. 00 $22.00 $99 . 50 $378 . 50 8/2 6/ 67 $400. 00 $ 17. 60 $69. 00 $313. 40 T otal $691. 90 This is furnished as a matter of information and my futur e action will be guided by your sugge stions. HTJ:gp �September 14, 1967 Mr. Aaron I. Alembik Shulman nd Alembik 503 National B nk of Georgi Building Atlanta, Cieor ia 30303 Dea.r Mr. Alembik: This will ac o ledge receipt of your letter regarding the school crossing on M t . Pa.ran Road. 1 am forwardin this reque t to the Police Department for consideration. Sincerely your , Ivan Allen, Jr. yor IAJr/br I CC: Police Department �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia Septem rer 11, 1967 HERBERT T. JENKINS Chief MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: The Atlanta Police Department (Gertrude Pasley) S~eptember 4, 1967 to September 10, 1967 inclusive 4 patrolmen employed 1 patrolman resigned (accepted job with more pay - been with department o ne week) Total vacancies: 12 Total guards: E. 0. A. employees - paid by Federal Government: 3 2 �•' FORM 32 • D· 101 SUPPLEMENTARY OFFENSE REPORT ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT 175 DECATUR ST., S. E. ATLANTA, GA. ADDRESS -I~st Hunter Bapt ot Church, Hunter & Cnestnut Sv • ADDITIONAL DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVEST_IGATION, ETC. Persons who addressed the audiea ce: 1. Rev. A. B. Boone I.ocal Minister 2. Rev. J. D. Ward. Spokesman for Operaticn Bread Basket -;. Rev. Clyde Williams - Vietropolitan Grass Roots Council 4. Hr. Smith - Sum.m.er Hill Youth Council 5. Hosea _Williams - Southern Christian le adership Council The meeting was opsned by the Rev. Clyde Williams and Rev. J.D. Hard. At that tit1e t here were about 50 people present and about 50% of the s e p0 op1e ware Local Viin:l.nters and varicus Community I,.3aders. Rev. Ward recognized t he presence of nolice and asked t hat we leave without him having to poi:.1t us out., but we did not leave. He pointed us out and aske d us to leuve the build- ing. because they had no need for Police Protection . After we did not; l eave they decided to continue the ~~eting but to hold all plans for a Cam~ittee Heating whi ch was to follow t he l'Iass i·;e e tin5. 'i:'bo s pe akers were c a lled u pon as follo ws : Rev. A.B. Boone related his convictions to t he members concernin g t he F.ducat i on P:roblem in Atlanta. "I am tired of seeing of seeing our c hildren ge t un at down in order to ge t to school". it is not corrected 11. "We are going to h ave to turn Atlanta upside down j_f Rev. Boo r.e's e n tire t a lk ·.,1as along these lines. He also referred to tbe J?rogram on Urb an Renewa l t ha"!:i was THIS . OFFENS E IS DECLARED: UNFOUN D ED • • •••• CLEA RED BY ARREST • • • D 0. EXCEP TIONAL LY CLEARED 0 INACTIVE (N O T CLEARED). 0 SIGNED _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DATE _ _ _ _ _ _ __ INVESTIGA T ING OFFICER SIGN ED - ~ CH--,1_,,E_F_O_R_C_O_M_M_A_N_DI_N_G_O_F_F_I C_E_R_ _ DATE - -- - - - - - THIS FO RM IS U SED BY OF FIC ER ASSIGNED TO A CASE TO REPOR T PROGRESS AFTER THREE AND SE V EN D AY S AND WEEK L Y THE R E A F TER A LSO TO RE PO RT SIGNIFICANT DE V ELOP MEN TS . Page 1 �page 2 FORM 32 • D • 10 1 0 FF EN s E _--4i"7 ...,,;:;i,;;:...i,jS.;:;$.........,.,!'-i\1G2,--,5e4,tr.!i=-in±i5,-:,. · - - - s ER I AL NO. SUPPLEMENTARY OFFENSE REPORT COMPLAIN ANT - -- 9· 7-59--

,------- ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT 175 DECATUR ST., 5. E . ATLANTA, GA. Ao o REss ~ a e a ...n, , _, _d.,_. ____,C,Lb"--'--"'e~:, ,_t:.un , ....1....i.....,t;,____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDITIONAL DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, ETC. pushing negroos out of slums and not replacoing t~::.cm. He ·off01~ chnllengc to city off i ci~l a , th nt j f schools are not op 0 nAd "we wjll uc0 force to open thom". Next ·speakBr was Mr. !--:r. Hosqa \.JiJJj,qms: Jil.1i ama tar,;et wa n the polic~:iatic Committee, and. the-- 1 Chief of Police .. He proposed that tcle r:rams be sent to President Jobnoont demand i ng t bat Chief ,T0n1d D8 be evj cted from tbA Riot Comm:!..t-tee • And tha t: e ach-m€mb t_n;• o-r th@ °olice Comr1itt0 e, no t be allo·.rnd to fo re;-e·t that "Al Capone Marshall, and oth "1r policemen, hav"" h en giJri::>n a Jice.ns e 0 to h 0 at pea!)Je, bec !)use of ti-.,.,;r vot- e , on--1.a.s t ni ght". · the Detroit, C':Jica ;:;o and MiJ •,ra ] kee riots, ~.nd..~ ne eroe s in tho se communitie s , h a d I!e then----i-mr:,~ized !'lds of t h-e-- to bo r esoJvAd. "I hope th at: •l t] nnta wouJd not have to go through wh a t De troit an.d other citi e s did, b:; t if this the way it mu st be done , it mus t be done", . Mr. '-J illimn s continues to l ash a wa y a t she 'PcJ i ca _Camm i ttee , C' 1 i e f ,Tenkins ., a...'11-....,d- - Hay or Allen . I~ c rit i c ise d t he Mayor , fo r not h av in g c ontra) of tbo -department s , und0 r hi--s- G - ~ - ~-g rre groas in r espons ible jobs, withi n the wat e r depar tment, board of- educa t i on and etc •• l1ext speaker Rev . J. D. ',lard: THIS OFFENS E 15 D EC LA RED: UNFOU N D ED . • • • •• CL EAR E D BY ARRES T • • • 0· D EXCEPT I O N ALLY CL E ARED 0 I NACT IV E ( NOT C L EARED ) . 0 SIGNED _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ INV ES TI GAT I NG _ _ _ _ _ D A TE - - - -- -- - OFF I CE R S I G N ED - - - - -- -- ~ ~ ~ ~ - - OA T E - - - -- - - CH I E F OR CO MMAN D IN G OFF ! CER T HI S FORM IS U SE D B Y OF FI CER A SSIG NED T O A CASE TO REPORT P RO GRE SS A FT ER TH REE AN O SE V E N DA YS A N O_ WE E K L Y T H ERE· A F TER ALSO T O REP OR T SI G N IFICAN T D E V E L OPME N T S. �._ 1,.._ ' __ _ e page 3 FORM 32·0· 101 0 FF E N SE - -...,I-j ·.,... a~::~;s~f""1~ e-c.....,t;....,i~l~lg-- SER I AL NO. SUPPLEMENTARY OFFENSE REPORT -~9,_..-.._,7,__5....,7,,_. COMPLAIN ANT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ ATLANTA POLICE D E PARTM E NT 175 DECATUR ST . , S. E. ADD RE ss ATLANTA, GA. --F-:uf+n - t-e-r,~~.-a....n .....d,_.C,~-h...,e-s-t--r-.l-u-t---------- ADDITIONAL DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, ETC. Rev. :.rard stated t hat h1'3 wo . .tld at~a.::k the boa..!.'d of educ a tion, Dr~ letson and others, aJon g tr,,o 1:2ajn l:i nes • . One through demonstrations, on:l-41w-o, through the ballot box ~ He told the rne0ting · t~.at the Alilan t;a 13oard of Education and Dr. Ietson, had aareed to meet with a cam:mjttee on ~I~ ·In~D~'3.....P....,Y,--n......_.j ..g.,,..h.....t.,.__... a ....t~ · . . .,·,'.:'. ,J.....,x,.,.._...,.n....,J1....,_· -~ ~0 U ,£; 0~1*' , Y'

', T,-,,,.s

O~~.----<.f- 'h.... ~ ~ ,,., l-,.,.,. ..... U v ~ - a wuvr -- o uu s ± -~ ~v ~ u 1 v a CK l-,. • • inno vneir .J.., . • -G-Gm~ i - - go t e v e ryone po s3ible, to dtt e nd t Le m~e t;.i. ng. ::::t u te .:.ng that "~.J0 wil 1 07errnn the ro eti ng on Mond;;,y nigh t and if 1.rn d on't get 0 4*-at wo wa nt t he r e, we will-fill ever.y--Be-ard-H,:nnbers office on Tue sday mornjng . I--will par s ona lly be i n t ::e :~ayer' s eff iee, on Tue s das, i f we don't get wha t we want." After about one hundred peonl e arrived , it wa fi put to a vo1-e , t bo.t a pronos a l be submi ttP.d to,Pr0 s id PDt Jobn con, in t he-form of a tele gram , n ski ng b j ~h i e f Je n'!.dns fro m his appoi .... ....~ t. LJ.1,/l..Ut;;u t t· l%:t. i .t;~l d i u ! e ~t t a~ t time t ,.___e;i a~Ke ' d the y vot0.d unani mou s l y to send t he t e l ogram . aLWil that news papeP-Pcportcrs and poli c e to l ea \fe .

-le t hen l eft.

THI S O FFEN SE IS D EC L A R E D : UNF O U ND E D, • , • C L EAR::: D BY ARRES T , • , •• EXCEPT I ONALLY C L EARED I NACT I V E (NOT CL E ARED) . o. D 0 0 SIGNED E.A . - -~~ ~ J s+, G w ~ Yrt-PcE,l\rnold DA TE .-· ' ·.


..· //

~ S I G N ED - C -H I_E_F _O_R_C_O_M_M_A_ N _D_ I N_G_ O_ F_F~ ! C~ER T HI S FORM IS U SED BY OFFIC E R ASSIGNED TO A CASE TO REPORT P R OGRESS AF T ER T H REE AND SEVEN D AYS AND WEEK L Y THEREAFTER ALSO T O R EPORT SIGN I F I CA NT D E V E L OF'ME N TS . 9-7-6? - - - - - - -- �I , FORM32•O•10I 9-7-67 Press Conference •,· OFFENSE---- SUPPLEMENTARY OFFENSE - - - - - - - - - SERIAL N O . - - - - - - - Baptist Church · _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COMPLAIN ANT _ Ebeneza ______ _____ ____ REPORT ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT 175 DECATUR ST., 5. E. ATLANTA, GA. Auburn Avenue at_Jackson ADDRESS _ _ ____ _____ _ _ _ _ _Street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDITIONAL DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, ETC. 1. or 2. Mr. Jessie Hill - 3. Rev. J. D. Ward - Spokesma n Operation Bread Ba_s_k_e_t_.________________ 4. Rev. Clyde i·Jilliams - l\!e tr :Y?oli tan Grass Root's Councilo Albert Davis - ?resident !Local Ch;:mter NAAO'. Coordinator Atlanta Summit Council. Dr. Dcwis o pened the ne,·Js conference at 2:35 P.M. with a sta ·~ ernent, 11 '.ve the v~riou s organi zation leaders since the Labor Day neekend have been in clos e conference a mong ourselves and with Dr. Martin Luther King, concerning the problems in Atlanta. We have urg e d Dr. King in view of these problems to corae to Atlanta and assist us in non-violent actio ns to alleviate them." Dr. Davis cited in series th e probless t hat he felt wa s facina .negro comn~nities: l. ~ie stated that the Atlanta Board of Education is naw holding double sessions in five negro schools and none in white schools. Furt he r that office e ~ ploy- ment in the c e ntr a l office for neg ro s in supe rvi so r y positions lag ged. 2. Une mployraent: pl o yed. Neg ros still r e main in the l ~rger p 2 rcentile among t he unem- According to Dr. 0a vis of the ten p2 rc~nt une moloyed in a given group only two percent were white. ? Je llou s ing: The Atlanta Housing Au ~horiti es ~ r e s till oracticing se g rega tion and also rnai11tainin~ se p arate o ff ice operation according to Dr. ~a vis. Ju stic e a nd the Police: Dr. ~~vis sta t e d he feels sure t ha t there was evi den c e of police brut al it y in the Dixie fli l ls area and a laxit y of cit y o ffici als in Tt-<i~ OFFENSE 15 DECLARED: U H ,. ,j U N O E O • D CL•~kEO OY ARREST • • • E /. ', t' PT l'i Pl ALLY CLE ARE D m1'. TIV!. fNOT CLEARED). -0 D·. D SIGN ED A. Bell - 74- 1 79 - E.

----~---- - -

DATE INV EST I GAT IN G O~F I CER - --------- SIG N E D - -C



.. ... '"7'7A""'N-=0"" 1N-,-G-c-c o-F=-F=-1-cc-=E= R - - - DAT E - TH I S FORM I S U SE D BY OFF I CER ASSI G N ED TO A CAS E TO R EPOR T PROGR ESS AFTER THR EE AND SEV E N DAYS AND WEEKLY TH EREAFTER ALSO TO R EPORT S I G N I F ICANT DE V ELOP M E NTS. - 1 - - - - -- - - - continued. �. __ -- ... _ -··- ·- ··· - - --.. . .:: · . . . ·· - . ~· . . .:.-- ., , FORM 32 • O• 101 OFFENSE __ P_r_e_s_s_C_o_n_f_·e_r_e_n_c_e___ SUPPLEMENTARY OFFENSE REPORT 9-7-67 SERIAL N O . - - - - - - - COM p LA IN ANT __ E_b_:_e_n_e_z_a_B..:.a~p_t_i..:.s_t_C_h_u_r_c_h_________ ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT 175 DECATUR ST., 5. E. ADDRESS ATLANTA, GA. _A_u_b_u_r_n_._•\_v_e_n_u_e_a_t_J_a_c_k_s_o_n_S_t_r_e_e_t_.______ ADDITIONAL DETAILS OF OFFE N SE , PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, giving s e rvice to that com:i,m nity. ETC. Two recent decisions rendered bv the _:_A~l_d.:__:e~r~m_,._a_n_i~c=-~p_o~l=-i~c~e=-~c~o_m_._m~i~t~t~e~e:_h_..:.a..:.s:_s::..:.:h..:.o..:.'~'n:.::.._t~h=a..:.t:_t.:...:.:h~e=-c=-=o..:.m=m=,1=·~t~t~e=o----'w~a=s_:n~o~t:_:r~e=o~r~e=s~e~n~t==e~d,......_He .further c ha raed t hat t he alte rcation he+we 0 n Officer Ma rsha]] a n~ Mr. Ho sea Williams added to the attention that Atlanta wi ll oe t, but it is not a prime factor in their grevance against the police d epartmen t. Oftentimes Dr. Davis would elude que st ion~ propounded by reoorte rs concerning the Williams ca~e. did howe ver relate t hat Williams had conferred with He Dr. King and wa~ still conferri ng with him a bout the matter . Rev. Clyde Williams stated that a mas~ meeting would be slated at the W st 0 Hunter Baptist O,urch a t t he cor ne r of Ch estnut and i::iu oter c:;1reet~ ton ight , . Septembe r 7 , 1967, a nd t he oroblems of in adequa te hous ing, po lice inj· 1stice a nd . othe r subjects would be discus sed . Mr. J ess ie Hill when a sk b y reporters about the Ma rs hall and Wi lliams altercation state d t ~at he had had a confe rence with Dr, King Sep t embPr 7, J QA7 , and h e a s k Dr . King to conside r Atlanta th e ta r oet for SC! A ( Soll tb e rn ,~bri stj clP Le adership Conference) action. Fur th er t hat Dr. Ki ng revealed that he had been unde r pressure by sever al members of this con g reQation t o come to Atlant a. II I do not f ee l that the Ma r s ha ll in c id e nt hurt Atlanta as far as pres~11re is conce rne d and i s not an out s taudi ng f;;ict.-,r b · 1 t ;t helps to· show th-a n@ed for as sista,1ce ." THIS.OFFENSE I S DECLARED: UNFOUNDED. CLEARED BY ARREST . . EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED INACTIVE (NO T CLEARED ) . o. -D o· 0 SIGNED E. A. Bell - 74-179 DATE 9-7-67 INV ES TI GATING OFFICER SIGNED CHI E F ::lR COMMANDIN G OFF I C E R DATE TH I S FORM IS USED BY OFFICER ASS I GNED TO A CASE TO REPORT PROGR ESS AFTER THRE E ANO SEVEN D AYS ANO WEEKLY THEREAFTE R ALSO TO REPORT SIGN I F IC ANT DEV E LOP MENT S. continue d. t,, ' ". �.• • FORM3 2 •D•IOI OFFENSE _ _P_ r _e_s_s_C_o_n_f_e_r_e_n_c_e___ 9_-_7_-_6_7_ _ SER I AL NO. __ SUPPLEMENTARY OFFENSE REPORT .. _ Ebeneza Church COMPLAIN ANT _ _ _ ___._Baptist _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ATLANTA POLIC E DEPART M E N T 17S DECATUR ST., S. E. Auburn Avenue Street. ADDRESS _ _ ____ _ _ _ _at _ _Jackson _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ATLANTA, GA . ADDITIONAL DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, ETC. As far as what course would be taken by Dr King it would be' his own d12cision according to Dr. :)?.vis. Dr. Davis further stated that Atlant a is a city that will listen but fail to act. 11 l•,Te have detected an end to progressive action." Dr. Davis stated that if it was necessary to move the head of the Board of Education, Chief of Police or an y other office it must be dong so that progressive action might exist. I talk2d with Dr. Davis after the conference and he stated that he exnected some word fro m Dr. King within a few ·hours. Furth e r that Dr. Kinq c o uld be reach e d in Cleveland, Ohio, a t 851- 4 300, that he felt sure that s o me action ~ould be taken by Dr. King det e r mined from th e ir conversation. No reason was aive n as to why Mr. Hos e a Willia ms f a il e d to a tt end th e c o n fe r e nc e The conferenc e end e d at 3:05 PM. TH IS O F FE NS E IS DE C L AR ED : D UN FOU N DED . CLEAR ED B Y A RRE ST • • • EXC EPT I O N ALL Y CLE AR ED INACTIV E ( N O T CLEAR E D ) . 0 0. D SIGNE E . -A. Bell - 7 4 -179 0-- ----------,-------IN V ESTIG A TI NG SI GN ED 9 -7 -6 7· D A TE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ O FF IC E R C H IEF O R C OMMAND I NG OFF I CE R DAT E -- THIS F O RM IS U S E D B Y OF FICE R ASSIGN E D TO A -CAS E T O R EP O R T PROGRESS AFTER T HRE E AN D S EVEN D AYS AND WEE K L Y T HER E · AFTER AL SO TO REPORT SIGN IFI CAN T DE V E LOPM E NT S. - -- - -- - - �September ll, 1967 Mr. Dougla B . Fincannon Calhoun Company, Inc. lZl Forrest Avenue, N . E . Atlanta, Ci orgia 30303 Dear Mr. Fincannon: This ill acknowledge receipt of your letter regarding the video tape equipment which your coinpany bandlea . lam forwardl,Qg thia inf-ormation to Chief Herbert T. J nki for further consider tio • Sincerely yours , Alle , Jr. !AJr/br CC: Chief Herbert T. Jenkins �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia September 4, 1967 HERBERT T . JENKINS Chief MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: The Atlanta Police Department (Gertrude Pasley) August 28, 1967 to September 3, 1967 inclusive 3 patrolmen employed 10 patrolmen resigned -or on leave Total vacancies: 15 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 resignations requested on military leave service station dw to family reasons return to college partnership in trucking company security division of Kressge Co. going in contracting business U.S. Govt. Food and Drug Dept. Total guards: 3 E . 0 . A. employees (paid by Federal Government) 2 �August 28 1 1967 V MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Iv n Allen. Jr. From: Dan Swe t Subject: Polic Sci nc D gr e Progr . m. Thi i just to let you know th t I am workin with the National Council of Chri tians and Jew through Don McA voy in tt mpt t.o obtain ome tuition fund for polic me?l to p rticipate in the Polic Sci ne Degre Program t G orgia State •. The National Council in eo in taru; provid a some l tanc for cours in polic · ..community r 1 ti one nd Don m t think the r is chanc that w might ob.tain om h Ip foi- th1 program. l am al o working with th Community R l tion Service h r and ln Washington d 1th Jim McGovern of th t.ropolitan Crime Commi eion ho i elating 11 in d t rminlng N othe~ fun.de might b av llable lo ly. A soon s L .. Bob Lan in th Polic - D par nt ts b ck from 1 av this w k , will ttempt to dr ft augg at d proc dure lo• · nting tuition a to memb r of th AU ta Polle Dep rt- me.nt. Clty might abl to put up fund th llr•t b to be matched by outei rant for tw nty ddltio 1 offlc ra. 1 1 that if w can ob in ut•ld el e r City ha• ould be uound 50% t c r due obj ctlo • hich ml t a,ia _ fl!om other mploy e l'O\lpl i City Government. I ill ke•p you infor ily

r. ai-1 L d. �W ILLIAM R. FISHER, M .D. JAMES E. PRUETT, M.D, SUITB ~65-C, DOCTORS BUILDING 490 PaachlrH Strael, N, &. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30 308 JA 4-2666 August 29 , 1967 Chief Herbert T. Jenldns Atlanta Police Department Atlanta , Georgia Dear Chief Jenkins : After a letter from Mr. Edmund W . -Hughes of J uly 7, 1967 , of which you have a copy, and my letter t o you of July 17, 1967, I fe lt that the matter of using the taxi lane to pick up private passengers at the Atlanta Stadium after stadium events had been settled. However, I was again prevented from doing so after a baseball game a few days ago. As I stated in my last letter to you, I appreciated your consideration of my request and your help in making it possible for us to use this lane, but apparently your patrolmen have not received instructions to allow this. Since I am told on the one hand that such a thing is now permissible and am told on the other hand that is is not permissible, I can certainly E?ee why the patrolmen are confused. Since it apparently has already been deoided that this lane should be and is available to private vehicles to use after stadium events for picking up private passengers, I would certainly appreciate your informing your officers of this fact or else giving me something in writing which I may show them. It is embarrassing to be stopped in the middle of the street repeatedly after being given assurance that what I am doing is legal. I would appreciate your consideration and help in this matter. Respectfully, I// ? ; ,(; ~~1 William R. Fisher, M.D. WRF/lp Copies: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. William C. Bartholomay Edmund w. Hughes �CITY OF A T LANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia August 28, 1967 HERBERT T . JENKINS Chief MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: Atlanta Police Department (Gertrude Pasley) August 21 to August 27, 1967 inclusive 4 patrolmen employed 1 patrolman on military leave 2 patrolmen resigned -- one to U.S. Treas. - other res. for personal reasons 2 patrolmen pensioned Total vacancies: 8 Total guards: 11 E. 0 . A. employees (paid by Federal Government): 2 �Augu t Zl, 1967 Mr. Geoffr y A . Heard Mr. Henry Phip Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc . Price N i hhorhood Servic Center 1127 Capitol Av nue , S . E . Atlanta, Georgi 30315 D r Mr . H ard and Mr. Phip inly co pp:reciate your letter d your high ndation of Officer E . H . Lyons . I am forw rdin this letter to Chief Jenltin9 Ion ith my pps- ciation for Officer Lyo ' ouut ing performance. Sine rely yo r , Iv Alle , Jr. Mayor lAJr/br CC: Chief Herbert Jenkins �'IRAFF IC FATALITIES TO DATE //L6 July J.O, 1967 J.l:l.i5AM 1892 Mariett~ Blvd.,N.W., wm, 17. Victim: driver of vehicle which c1•ossed median and was struck in side by vehicle #2o //47. 9 :30P. M. July 25, 1967 E. Freeway and Boulevard S.E. C.F. 23. Victim, driver of vehicle which crossed median, into opposite lan e was struck by Greyhound Buso .,_ -- .

48. 1:20 P.H.

July 28 ,, 1967 w. WM, 41. Freeway and South Freeway Victim, driver of vehicle traveling west on W Freeway struck bridge. //49&#51 July 29, 1967 Luckie and Simpson W.F. 4 yr. W.M. 15 mo. //50. 5: 20P .M. Victims, pa ssenger s in vehicle traveling west on Luckie St ,,, l eft roadway and struck pole o July 31, 1967 399 Ashby Sto CM. 6 Victim, pede strian ran from sidewa lk into path of vehicle.

52. 12 : 551\.M

August 5, 1967 Cornell Blvd. and Bakers Ferry Rd. CM. 47.


Victim, passencer in vehicle which lef t roadway and struck poleo 6: 55PM Augus t 9, 1967 Crumley a nd Pulliam Sto CM, 12. Vic tim, pedes t r i an on bicycle was struck by vehicl e t raveling sou.th on Pulliam St. �#Sh 12:46PM August 9, 1967 Juniper and Ponce de Leon t ve c W.Fo 22 Victim:i passe nger in vehi cle t r aveling wes t on Ponce de Leon Aveo was struck by vehicle trnveling south on Junipero

550 9 :JOA.M.

August 10, 1967 1248 Ba nkhead Ave o C.F .6. Victim, passenger in vehicle t r aveling on wrong side of roadway, struck vehicle trave ling east on Bankheado //56. 8 :JOPM August 11, 1967 Simpson and Chestnut CH. 6, Victim, pedestrian struck by vehi cle traveling east on 5 i mpson Sto �V July 31, 1967 Mr. Moss H . Kendrix 18Z6 .. 11th Street, N . W. Washington, D. C. Z000l Dear Mr . Kendrix: This ill ackno - ledge r~ceipt of your letter regarding your interest in the Pl-esidential Ccmunission to which Chief Jenkins ha been appointed. I have forwarded to him thi information and I am sQre he will give it every consideration. Sincerely your _, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor JAJr/br r �July 18 , 1967 Mr. Sidney T . S c hell 1726 Fulton National Bank Building Atlanta, Georgi a 30303 Dear Mr . Schell : Thank you very muc h for your letter of July 14th concerning the Joel Chandler Harri s m emorial Association. I agree with you that it is di sgraceful that any thr eats have been made against the staff of the W ren' s Nest. I am having a. check made to see if it was reported to the P olice Department, and. if not, I will ask the Police Department to offer its servic to the W ren' s Nest aad assist the staff with any threats of this type. If there is any further information you would like concerning the city's action, I will be glad to furni h it. Sincerely, I van Allen. Jr. IAJr:am cc: Chief H. T. Jenkins Mr. Irving Kale r �Mrs . Moses Page -2- times in the past twenty-five years. Without a doubt , the Presidential Panel , on which Chief Jenkins is serving , could use the sort of knowledge that I feel I have at the level of major Negro-population centers--Negro Press , thoughtleaders, opinion-makers and leaders of national and local organizations and institutions. With regard to programming, I have some ideas which would involve the cooperation of the Negro Press and important organizations, with whom I have worked for more than a quarter of a century. I would be grateful to you if you would transmit copies of this communication and attachments to Chief Jenkins and Mayor Allen. I am sharing a copy with Mr. Jones. Very truly yours, Moss H. Kendrix Director cc: Mayor Allen Chief Jenkins Mr. Jones �CITY OF A T LANTA EPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia August 17, 1967 HERBERT T. JENKINS Chief Memorandum To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: Atlanta Police Department (Gertrude Pasley) August 14, 19 67 to August 210, 19 67 1 patrolman on pension Total vacancies: 7 Total guards: 12 E. 0. A. employees (paid by Federal Government): 2 �t, CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia August 14, 1967 HERBERT T . JENKINS Ch ief Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia My dear Mr. Mayor: This department is receiving more and more demands for additional police services in public housing projects because the very nature of the project requires a large number of people, of various social standards, to live together in a very small area. We feel that the housing authorities, both private and public, should share in the expense of this security by employing one full time security officer for each project. The most frequent problems are petty larceny, breaking of windows and screens, and other vandalism by juveniles. A full time security guard is needed on the premises at all times to help protect the property and the occupants. If the housing authorities could employ such a guard, this department could swear them in as special officers, to protect the property of the owners and to notify the police if any assistance is needed. The housing projects that are most urgently in need of such security at this time are: Bowen Homes Capitol Homes Carver Homes John J. Eagen Homes Henry Grady Homes Joel Chandler Harris Homes Alonzo F . Herndon Homes Techwood Homes Perry Homes University John Hope Homes If you approve of this proposal, please pass it along to the proper authorities with a r equest that it be done. HTJ:gp (~\ ~ �ugu 17, 1 67 r y l foll ti f r �t I on, di U 1 m �. J,)


33 Gilllier Street 1 S. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 August 11, 1967 i:lemorandum To : Law Enforcement Officers From: \.J . J. Subject : Associate of Arts Degree in Police Administration I-lathias, Coordinator of Police Science, Georgia State College 1. Many of you have expressed deep concern over the entrance examinations required by Georgia State College. He have been assured by our President and Dean of Admissions that t hese tests will be used more for guidance and counseling than as '·screening out 11 devices. Therefore , this test should not cause you any unnecessary anxiety or wor ry . 2. We are in the process of changing our math requirement to make i t mor e practical and useful to law enforcement officers . We will no t r equire anyone to take math until this matter has been resol ved . 3 . For anyone who feel s t he need , ren,edi al courses are available in English 1 mat h and readi ng compr ehension . These courses are of f ered t hrough t he School of Special Studi es. 4. We have received special per mission to accept application for this program beyond the stated August 9 deadline. Applications must be received by August 20 for those persons who must take the College Entrance Examination Board test (new students and transfer students with less than 30 quarter hours of trans ferable credit). The deadline for transfer students with 30 or more quarter hours of transferable credit must subm:f.t their applications no later than September 11. However, everyone is urged to submit their applications at the earliest possible time to avoid any delay in processing. �August 15, 1967 r . L. W . M r hall Di vis i on General M nager Tenneco Oil Company P . 0 . Box 29187 4 Executive Par E t , N . E . Atlanta, Geo~gia 30329 De r Mr . Mar h 11: Thank you very xnuch for yo r kind l tter of August 7th nd your generous comm ndation of the Atlan Police D l'tment nd rticularly Officers M r hall and Adama . lam aendin this 1 tt r to Chief Jenkin• long with my pprecia.tion. Sincerely your-a, Ivan All n. Jr. ayor lAJr/br CC: Chief Herbert J'enkins �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia August 11, 1967 HERBERT T . JENKINS Chief MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: Atlanta Police Department (Gertrude Pasley) August 7, 1967 to August 13, 1967 inclusive 12 patrolmen employed Total vacancies: 6 Total guards: 12 E. 0. A. employees (paid by Federal Government): 2 �August 7, 1967 Mr . G-,or ge Bl au L y Th ologie l Found tton 1757 Angeliqu Drive Dec tur , Georgia 30033 D r Mr . Bl u: Thank you very much for your letter of August 4th. with 1 r gret th unpl a1 ot xp ri nc you h d memb r of thi d partment and offer my polo i a. I hav lo-rw rded your 1 tter on to C pt. E . 0 . Mullen for a complete inv stig tton and I ilh to •••ur you that . are m.akln ev ry effort to eltmtn te uch cornpl int& an lll giv thh1 ca e our b •t efforts. Sine r ly yours , ' HTJ:gp c. c. Capt. E . 0 . Mullen N-T<J-~ (folic 1cb!ef of �August 4, 1967 . Hon . Herbert T. Jenkins Chief of Police , Atlanta , Georgia . Dear Chief:~e &re receiving from merchants in the downtown shopping area co~plaints about the everincre sing activities of criminals, both inside and outside the stores . 'ome of these merchants have told us they feel that the presence of uniformed police patrolling these areas would act as a deterrent in the a~ivities of shoplifters, flimflam artists, till tappers, etc . At a mooting of our Executive Committee on yesterday we ··ere requested to write you to ask if it would be possible to put some uniformed men on p trol in the downtown shopping areas . Our Committee feels this would be most helpful against the continued advance of law violator, and any assistenoe your Dep rtment can render long this line will be o t appreci ted by our m mbers. Cor ially yours , ATLANTA HE~AIL 1 {CHA~TS J-OCI,TION H. Eaton Reag n, r.xecut1v Copy to: Hon . Ivan Allen, Jr., Ma7or, City of Atlant , Atlanta , G orgta~ Vic - President . �CITY OF A T LANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia August 7, 1967 HERBERT T . JENKINS Chief MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: Atlanta Police Department {Gertrude Pasley) July 31, 1967 to August 6, 1967 inclusive 1 patrolman pensioned 1 patrolman - resignation requested 2 patrolmen resigned {go with U.S. Treas. Dept. one with 20 year service, left to write) Total vacancies: 20 Total guards: 18 E. 0 . A . e mployee s {paid by F e d e ral Gover ntn.e n}: 2 �AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION of Georgia 52 FAIRLIE STREET, N. W. • TELEPHONE 404/ 523-5398 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 • July 31, 1967 OFF I CE R S E . T . K EHRER PRE SIDEN T W IL LIAM A LEXANDER FIR S T V I CE - P RESIDENT MRS . LEON GOLDBERG SECO ND V ICE. PR ESI DEN T MRS . JOHN MORRIS S EC RETARY JOHN GLUSTROM TREA S U RER Chier Herbert Jenkins Atlanta Police Department 175 Dec tu r Street, S. B. Atlanta, Georgia Dear Chief .1 nkinsz ADVISORY BOARD DR . C . A . BACOTE DR . JOHN BALL REV . M IL NER BALL FRANCIZKA BOAS HELEN BULLARD BRUCE GALPHIN HUGH W . GIBERT REV . C . S . HAMILTON ELIJAH H I LL. JR . DR . R I CHARD HOCKING DONALD HOLLOWELL JEANNETTE HUME JON J. JOHNSTON P . WALTER JONES VERNON JORDAN. JR . DR . EDWARD T . LADD KtEVE LANDESBERG SAM MAS SELL, JR . SYLVAN MEYER MARTIN J . MORAND HOWARD MOORE, JR . WILLIAM P . RANDALL Lours REGENSTE I N RAB B I JAC O B ROTHSCHILD MR S . FRANK SPENCER WILLIAM J . STROUD MR S . A. M . KtTFIELD E XECU T IV E DIRECTOR Congr tul tions on your ppoi.ntment to th Pr . ident• Special Advisoey Com.mi ion on Civil Disorders. We re confident 1;h t you:t bro d ,q>etienc in this .: field c n be brought to bear on th national crisi _ . It i our inc r mi ion nd ny b of th forth by the Co.l.LIIWi..a.:;,..ion Atl nt. Siner ly, t .T, t: E.T. Pr 1\l 21 fl+cio co; lv n All n, n Ricbud Jr. / c. ~ hr r ide.nt B'TK: j o Co - ndation pu1; ent d by you in n �July 30 , 1967 Offlce ot the ayor City of tlan City H 11 tlanta , Georgi De r Mr • ose : Attach d re so e ref ences which I would pr ct te your h ring 1th ayor 1 en nd Chi f J nkin 1 support of our telephone conv Uon of t other day. �T.RAFFIC FATALITIES TO DATE //32. 7: 56 A . M. May 21..i, 1967 Merr ill Ave . and Oakland Dro C. F. 11 . Victim, pedestr ~an was struck by vehicle t raveling s outh on Oakland Dro June ?.> 1967


2: 55 P.M. Fa irburn Rd. and Sewe ll Rd. C. M. 17, J.l1, C. M. 18. C.M. Victims , passengers in vehicle Hhich l eft roadway and struck tree . Victims thrown from vehicle. IIJ6Ml 37 J: 55 P.H. N.E.Freeway and Rail Hoad Bdge. W.M.16, W. F. 15. Victims, dr iver and passe nge r of vehicle which crossed fr om one side of road to other , the n str uck bi·idge abutment. 1138 z !/L o. 11: 07 P.M. 899 ~ . Rock Spr i ngs Road. W. M .J O. W. F. 81. Victim, driv er of vehicle #1 which str uck vehicle #2, hea d on o Vi cti m, passenre r i n vehicle #2 D.O.A . //39 June 2:;;, 1967 2 : 58P. M. 2176 Bankhea d Hvry . W. F. 72. Victim, dr iver of vehicle , cr ossed ce nter line and struc k vehicle #2 hea d on o II l, J.. 11 : OOP •~-1. June 20, 1967 1145 Pea cht r ee St . N.E. W. M. 5J. Victim, pedes t ria n, Peachtree St . Has struck b y vehicl e t rave ling north on �r //L2. 7 :J0 A. H. July 7, 1967 500 Ponce de Leon Ave. W. F. 66. Victim, pede str ian, walking on sidewa lk wa s struck by vehicle whick l ef t r oadway. //LJ. 5 :30 P .M. July 9, 1967 3200 block Collier Dr ~~ N.W., C. M.6. Victim, passe ne;e r in ve hi cle trave l ing by vehicle tr ave ling east on Colli er Dro i1es L which wa s struck

LL. 12:15P.H.

1532 McPherson Ave .,S.E. W.F. # . Vict im, pedestri an, wh o ran in fron t of vehic l e tra ve ling eas t on McPherson Ave . IIL5. 6 : J OA . H. J uly 19, 1967 76 Whitel1 al l St. S.W. W.M.??? Victim, pcde strai n who fe ll from cu rb in to s ide of Bus whi ch was passing . �SIDNEY T. SCHELL ATTORNEY 1726 FULTON AT LAW NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 523-6001 July 14, 1967 Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Mayor: I enclose herewith a copy of a letter that I have written on behalf of the Executive Board of the Joel Chandler Harris Memorial Association to Eliza K. Paschall. One of the salient reasons for the enclosed reply to the letter of Mrs. Paschall has been the receipt of threats by several members of the staff at the Wren's Nest that it would be stoned or burned unless its visitation policies were changed. I think it rather disgraceful that these dedicated ladies, who are attempting to maintain a memorial to one of the South's outstanding literary figures, should be subjected to such threats and abuse. Acts and conduct of this kind and character do more to promote friction between the races in Southwest Atlanta than can be counteracted by various organizations that are attempting to peacefully integrate the area. On behalf of these good ladies, I call on you, as Mayor of the City of Atlanta, for such police protection as may be necessary to maintain the dignity of their person and property. I am taking the liberty of sending a copy of this letter to Honorable Herbert Jenkins, Chief of Police. Kindest personal regards. Very truly yo? STS : ebV cc: Hon. Herbert Jenkins ~~ . Sidney T. Schell ,J~ �SIDNEY T. SCHELL ATTORNEY AT LAW 1726 FULTON NATIONAL BANK BU I LDING ATLAN TA, GEORGIA 30303 52 3- 6 001 Jul 14, 1 7 {rs . El a K. P SC 11 ecutiv Director CotDnlmity tious


1203 Ci y l Atl nt, G or 30303 tter of June 28, 1967, C n 1 r Harri . W. , Atlanta, , lead that om110sed o ter ·• •• l l . I.ala ; r t nt of 1050 Gordo t for rt.al thtl rl••· �r/ · - -· ·----- - ., I I HARV ARD UNIV ERSITY Augu s t 1, 19 6 7 THE POLICE CHALLENGES AND CHANGES IN AT LANT A by H. T. J enkins I, II II Sinc e the beginning of modern day local gove rnment, as we know it, th e polic e powe r ha s be en the v e hicl e that e nforces the w i shes of local officials. The p olic e powe r i s a t w o ~e dge sword and when it is misuse d , it c ause s local governments to fail to furnish th e service th at it wa s d es i gne d t o furnish a ll o f its citi zens. I O riginally p olic e services we r e furnish ed b y volunteers and local citize ns und e r th e supe rvi s io n of a J u s tic e of th e P eace. This was known as th e "hue and cry 11 systerr1 th a t d epend e d u pon th e fr i ends and re l atives of t he v i ctims of crime, to apprehend and p rosecut e th e perp e trators. ' �- 2 "" In 1829 Sir Robert Peal e org anized the Metropolitan London Police D e p artment and l a id the foundation on what is based all metropolitan police systern.s of the free w orld today. ( This was the first tin.1. e that a local govermnent en1.ploye d a full tiine uniform polic e forc e and accepte d all of the responsibility to pre vent cri1ne and to arrest and prosecute all law violators. Thi s system provide d · for a division of uniform officers, or constab l es as th ey were call e d at that ti1ne, to patrol and to furnish a day watch and a night watch , also a plain cloth e s or detective division; The duti es and responsibilities of th e police has ch a n ge d very littl e sinc e th a t time and are d e signed t o maint a in th e p eace and good ord e r, to pr eve n t c rime , to prot e ct l ife and prop e rty, to . enfo r c e th e l aw and t o g u ar antee the £re e do1n of th e indi v idua l. �- 3 u The A1ne rican cop that you see working his b eat today 3 gets his nickname from the abbreviationof "Constable of Police ' 'c This system has be e n ch ange d and expande d continuously by adding specialized s e ction s , such as police training, traffic control, fing erpr i nting , crime l ab or ator ies, community relations , cri1ne comn,issions and n,any othe rs. The great est deterent to crime and the 1nost effective crime p revention program re1nains the Night Watch and the Day Watch by qualifie d unifor m police officers. The mos t important funct i o n of a police d epar tment to successfully 1ne e t chang ing condition s tod a y 3 are polic e r e cruihn e nt a nd police trainingc The odor e Roo s e v e lt r e c o g ni z e d thi s rn 1895 w h e n h e was Police Corrun i ss ion e r of N ew Yor k City a nd o rgani z e d the fi rs t polic e a c ade m y, o r the fi r s t p olic e t rai ning p rogram for a l ocal c it y poli ce d e part m e nt. \ �i - 4 - The police d e partn1ent that has b een mo s t succ e ssful in.me eting the challeng e of today, ar e those d e parhne nts that have the ~best tr a ining progran 1, and a r c best pr e pared to meet

( I changing conditions from. day to dayo The Atlanta Polic e Departme nt h a s not b ee n up to full authoriz e d strength for many years, for th e siinple reason that a young r:nan, who 1s qualifie d to m eet the high standards of the police d e p a rhne nt i s not willing to subj e ct him s e lf to th e dan ge rs and th e h azar d s of th e job, or subj e cting hi1-nse lf and hi s family constantly to i nv es tig a tion s, ridicul e and critici sm. H e c an ear n a b e tt e r liv i ng fo r h e and hi s f a1-nily a n d e njoy a b ett e r a n d mor e pl e a sant life by follo w ing some othe r v o c ation. ( To fill t h e s e v a c a n c i es an d t o p rovi d e th e n e cessary cov e r ag e a n d p a t ro l , th e Atl a nt a Poli c e D e p a rt me nt h as a dopt e d one - m a n p a tr o l ca r s • ~.. . I �- - - - --------- ---------- - ----------·- -·- -·-- - 5 - This is a highly controvers i a l subject and has brought great criticisrn to th e chie f of policeo This is a subject th at is quit e oft e n n1isunder stood and often e1notio.n ally i f I contro lled. I 1° I I When a polic e offic er is injured or killed in line of duty, it gets lots of publicity and there are those who sincerely beli e ve th e I II i I I incident would have been prevented by t wo ~man patrol I~ cars, but the facts do not support this belief 0 We adopt e d th e on e- m a n patrol cars for th e follo w ing reasons: lo The records , both loc a lly and nationally, w ill show that mor e polic e I o ffic e r s ar e kill e d in t w o - n1. a n p a trol cars than i n one - m an patrol car s . 2. A 1na j ority of the call s an swere d by th e polic e , d o not r e quir e any action by th e p o lic e , only r e qui re counc ili ng a n d g i ving o f adv ice. �----- ---~------- - - ------- -------- - - -- - -------- - - ----- -------- ·- - -- ·- - - - - 6 3. N When a police offic e r needs to call for assistance, he has twice the numb er of u n it s to call on, and h e can get n1.ore help quic ker th a n h e could otherwise. 4. It is good sound polic e 1na.nage1nent that requires an officer to do his f. o wn thinking, to use his iniative and imagination, and to d evelop a hi g h e r d egree of performance 5. 0 For the Atlanta Polic e D e parhnent to arbitrarily adopt the h v o-m an patrol, would cause the nUJnb e r of patrol unit s and th e police service to b e cut ·. 1 h a lf, or it v-rnuld require a ll police p e r sonne 1 to w ork seven d ays p er week, in stead of five days. To ove rcome t hes e and other handicaps, the city i s c on stantly striving t o inc r ea se pol ic e com p e n s a tion and fring e b e n e fit s , ( . which 1nak e p o lice s e rvic e s extr e m e ly e x p e n s ive fo r the t axp a y e r . �- 7 - This requires complete coope ration and understanding behveen the business c01n1nunity and the city officials. The needs and increased demands for additional city services has confronted I. i our city with a l a rg e financial proble1n 0 This is cornplicate d by the r e fusal of the state government to allow the city to broade n its t a x bas e . Th e main source of income for the city is from ad valore1n taxe s. It i s b e lieve d by mos t t a x exp e rts that r e a l est a t e a nd p e r s o n al propert y is alr e ady b e ing tax e d to its li1n it. A r ecent s u rve y by th e N a tion a l L e agu e of Cit i es p re dict e d that Ame r ic a n citie s w ill e x p e rie 1}ce a r e v e nue d e fici enc y of 262 billion doll a r s i n t h e n e x t t e n y ear s . C r i m e agai ns t p rope rty and c r i m e a g ain s t th e p e rs on continu e s to i ncr ease y ear by y e ar ~ w hi l e the p rot e c ti o n of l i fe and p r o pert y b e co1ne s m o r e complicate d a n d e x p e n s i v e . �·------- ··- ------------- -··--· - ··

----·--- --

-~--- -I ·- - - - - - 8 - There is no corrunon cause for crime , the refore there is no con~mon cure, but a con1bination of 1nany things. The records will show that n~ost crim.e s are com1nitte d by repeaters, ( persons who hav e already been tried and convicted of a similar crime. They have escap e d or they are out on bond, or the y are on probation or parole. I had an opportunity r e c e ntly to t e sti fy befor e a Cbngr e ssional Committe e that was holdin g h earing s on "The Safe Str eet and Crime Control Act. The City of Atl ant a support e d this act 100%, but I we nt eve n furth e r 0 I look e d for w a rd to th e d a y w h e n the U. S. Ju s tic e D e partme nt and th e U. S. Cong r e s s w ill say to eve ry city polic e d e p ar t m e n t , r egardl e ss of i ts si z e - �I If your departnlent meets all the p r ofessional standards in police recruibne nt~ police pay, poli~e tr a ining, and polic e supervision, the F ederal Governnlent w ill contribute a p e rcentag e of your annual budget .. - it should b e about 50%. The . greatest obj e ctions to this is the fear of c entral or fed eral control. I was aske d reeently in Washington if I was adv ocating a national police forc e. Well, I am not a d vocating a national police forc e, but th e thought of it do es not fri ghten me any 1nore. I Th e Atlanta Polic e D e partment devot e s most of its tim e and effort in enfor cing state and fed e ral l a w s, rathe r than city ordina nc e s. I To enfor ce f e d e ral l aws , it i s n e c e s sary to a cc e pt a cert a i n a m ou nt of fed er al co nt r ol and to foll ow f e d er al pro ce du res. �( - 10 - We have no choic e in these rn.att e rs now , and personally. I have no obj e ction s o Th e time h a s come wh e n th e b es t e ffort s and r esourc e s of the fed e ral, state a nd loc a l go ve rnrn.e nt a r e required to m eet th e high cost of law enforc e ment and to che c k and r everse th e tr e nd of i n crea s ing crime that we have b ee n exp er i e ncing 111 r e c e nt y ea r s . W e r e ad and h ear a l o t of c ritic i s rn dir e c t e d t o th e courts, esp e ci a lly to the U. S . Sup r e rn.e Cour t. I am not o n e of tho s e w ho join in this critici sm.• P e r son a lly I h a v e no criticism of th e c our t s o r any of th e ir d ec i s i ons , . ( I fo r t h e s i m pl e rea so n th a t t he ob j e c tive s and t h e ultimat e go a l s of the c ourt s, and th e p o lic e , a re id e n tical -- which i s - �-. 11 - To rn.aintain the peace and good .order _ .., To preve nt crime - - To protect life a nd prope rty -(_ To enforc e the l aw-- And, to guarante e the fr e edom. of th e individual. Thi s w e c a n a ll agre e on. The n, the only dis ag r ee 1ne nt b e t wee n th e c ourts and the polic e are - - h ow w e ac h i eve these go a l s. Wh e n th e c ourt s and the polic e di sagree , t his i s a n indicati on to m e , t hat the polic e ar e i n e rror and m u s t change the ir actions ac cor d i n g ly. ( I t i s not, however , p o ss ibl e t o fur n i sh 100 % se c u rity and 10 0 % fr ee d om t o a ll c iti zens of t hi s n a tio n a t th e same time . Judge Thurgood M ar shall r ecently r e pli ed to a 1 questi on fro1n S e nat or J oh n 'McC l e llan t hat t h e c r i n 1e rate i n t his nation was cr i tical , �( - 12 - but it 1nust b e fought within the fr a m ework of the Constitution, and it 1nust not b e reduc e d at the exp ense of the freedo1n of the individual 0 It app ears to 1ne that the courts in s01ne ca ses might have given fre edo1n of the i n dividual regardless of hi s conduct, top p ri o r ity over all oth er rights and considerations. I would r es pectfully sugg e st th at we might t ake another l ook at this proposition. The cas e s that are most frequently di scusse d are - The Mallory case The Escobedo cas e The Mapp case and, th e Mir a nda case. There h ave b een many documents and articles wr itte n on these cas es '-- - - - - - - - c ~- - and a gre at many s p ee c h es made , both pro and con, but fri e fly this is w h a t h appene d i n these cases. �l r I - 13 - MALLORY VERSUS UNITED STATES Mallory w as arrested in Washington, D. C. on April 7, 1954. He was detained i n Washington jail and charg e d w ith rape 0 Afte r consid e rabl e ques tioning , h e adrnitted the charg e. H e was l ate r tried and convicte do In 1957, the U. S. Supreme Court r eversed the conv iction and state d that 11 11 A suspect must be taken b e fore a Magistrate w ithout An y unn e ces sary d e lay w ill i nvalidate a confession obtained from the accu se d p er son p r ior to his appE;a r ance b e for e a Magistrate. 11 ESCOBEDO VERSUS ILLINOIS Escob e do was arreste d in Chic ago, Illinois, on J anuary 19, 1960, and wa s charged with rnurder . �. ~ 14 - He asked for an attorney and his attorney asked to see him. Both were denied 0 I I I ~ Later h e co11£e ss e d and was trie d and convicte d. In 1964, the U. S. Supr eme Court r eversed the conviction and state d 11 A p e rson has a right to an attorney and the right to rema in silent. 11 MAPP VERSUS OHIO Mr s . :tvfapp was arres t e d in Cleveland, Ohio, on M a y 23, 1957, after officers forc e d th e i r way into h er home without a _. warrant, and found obscene mater ial. The officers d enied h er attorne y entry during the search, nor would they p e rmit Mrs. Mapp to see him. She was l ater tried and c onvicted. �1 - 15 - I n 1961, the U. S. Supr eme Court rever se d th e conviction and stated that evidence c anno t b e used u 1 any court if collecte d in a search a nd se i zure that is unr eas onable or ill egaL MIRANDA VERSUS ARIZONA Miranda was arrested i n Phoeni x , Arizona, on March 3, 1963. He wa s d e tain e d in th e Phoeni x j a il and charge d w ith k idnappin g and rap e . After co ns id erab l e qu e stioning , h e ad1nitte d the ch arge. H e was t r i e d and convicted. In 19 66, the U. S. Suprern.e Cou rt r eversed the conviction on th e gr ou nds that h e was not advis e d of his right to counse l, and the right to remain silent. I c anno t agree that th ese cases have l egally hand icapp ed th e polic e i n any way . But, I b e l ie ve we can agr ee th a t t he ch ange s that th e se ca ses required · in police pro ce dur e ha s mad e polic e w ork more comp li cat ed and much mor e exp e nsive, b e c ause they put s evere r es t rictions on cust odial in te r rogation. �- 16 - To cornpletely inv e sti gat e a cas e and d etermine all of the facts prior to th e arrest of the su s p e ct, requires n1ore investigators and a gr eat d eal 1nore ti1ne and effort, but this is legal and n e c essary to protect the rights of the individua l, and in th e s e ca ses the p er p e tr ator is the individual. Th e ques tion th at dis t urb s 1ne , and ha s not been answered up to this point, is, 11 w h at a bout the rights of the v icti1n? 11 They a l so a r e entitle d to protection u nd e r the l aw. It i s very ea s y t o forget a victi1n aft e r the first 11 spl ash 11 of publicity, an d after the p e rp e trator h a s been i dentified and t aken i nto cu stody. All of these ar e routin e police pr obl e ms that address the1nselves to good police n1 an a ge1ne nt. �/ - 17 - The greatest challenge that has fac e d a c i ty or a police dep a rtment esp eci ally in th e S outh, h as b een th e socia l and r a cial .. r evolution th at we h ave expe rienc e d in the l ast t wenty y ears • •••• where custo1n and t radition versus the l aw, and i n most c as es w her e the fed e ral law and the state l aw were 1n conflict or contradicte d each othe r. For many y ears th e American Negro was segregate d and di s criminated agains t b e c a u se of th e color o f h is skin, and kept i n a po s i _tion of second a ry c itize ns hip . S eg r egation was neve r d es i g n e d t o s e p a r a t e the rac es , but to k ee p the N egr o in his infe r i or pl ac e . It was wr itte n i n t h e l aw , and it w as th e l aw. During th ese y ears th e p r i ncip l e fu nc tio n of t he police was t o k ee p the N egro i n h is pl ace. �- - - --- -- - - - --- - - - - ·

· - --- - - 18 - Th e Presid ent of the Unite d St a t es, the Mayor of the City of Atl anta, Ralph McGill, Editor of the Atlanta Constitution, and many oth e rs saicl this was w rong and 1nust be chan ged. Th e U. S. Sup rerr1e Court h e ld in m a ny ca ses that this \vas uncon stitutional and th e Am e rican N e gro was entitle d to all the rights and privile ges th a t goes with first cl ass citizenship. In 19 4 5 th e court s gave the N eg ro es the b a llo t. Thi s was th e first ti1ne that th e Arner ican N e gro could a ctua lly p articip ate in th e 1nanage1n e nt of his government . I n 1954 th e cou rts h e ld s eg r egat e d schools t o b e unl awful and u nc o nstituti onal. P erhap s these t wo d e c isi ons effecte d more p e op l e, brou g ht ibout a greater ch ange i n attitude , habits , customs and action, than any other d e c i s i ons. ' I I f B e t wee n th e y ears of 19 5 8 a nd 19 63 the City of Atl ant a rece i ve d c our t I · ord e rs t o d esegre gate _ .,, �19 ~ bus es golf courses scho o ls air t e r n1.i na ls s w i1nn1.ing p o ol s and o t h er public f a ciliti e s Th e Ciiy of Atl ant a n e ver h e s itat e d or d iscontinued a ny p ubli c f ac ility in an effort to avoid t h ese c h a nges. Fo rmer Mayor Willi a1n B. Hartsfie ld a nd Mayor I v an A ll en, J r. p rovi ded superior l eadershi p w i th fin e cooper a t i on and assi stance fro 1n both th e w hit e com1nunity l eaders and the Negro co1n1nunity l eaders. All of th ese changes were accomp li shed w i th a mini mum of di sturbances. The Ciiy of Atlanta began e1np l oying Negro p olice i n 1948 and today 14% of our tot a l personi1e l i s N egro. �\ .. 20 = During th e des eg r e g a tion of public faciliti e s~ public officials were und e r great pr e s s ure to d ese greg 2.tc p r i vate prope rty and private facilities, o ve r which the y had no control. On e of th e n,o s t e ffe ctive civ il rig hts or gani zations i n th e s e activitie s was the Stud e nt Non=vio l ent Coordinating Connnittee know n as S N CC. O r i gin a lly SNCC w a s co1nposed of r es p ect a ble and d ecen t l aw abiding stud e n t s fr o1n the u n i versiti es , tha t was committe d to and pr ac tice d non~ vi o l ence . W e enj oye d f i ne con,n,unications and coop erat i on fro1n t hem. The y we r e just agai nst se gr egati on, othe r wise the y were go od l aw ab iding citizens . By 1964 SNCC had fall en int o the h and s of i rresponsib l e l eaders , and t heir fo llowers includ e d crimin a l s of a ll k i nd. �-- - - ----- - - - - - .• 21 -~ Aft e r our experience w ith SNCC i s and around son1.e Atlanta restaurants I I I I I in 196 4, I 1nade the st a ten1.ent: that SNCC had b e con1.e a Non-student Violent C01nrni1..-te e and time has proven i! i I th a t s t atement to b e true. ! I Th e U. S. Congr ess h a d been extre1ne ly slow in accepting changes and in h e lping th e col.uts and th e cities ,v ith th e ir probl en1s . But the U. S . Con gress gave the Civil Rights Move1nent its greate st I as s ist ance I- 111 adopting the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1965. Th ese Acts in my opinion, s a ti sfy a ll th e l egiti1nate complaints of th e Civil Rights Moveme nt in th e fie ld of publfo accomod a t ions and voting rights. Th ere w e r e 1na11y oth e r things th at n e e d e d att e ntion, li ke ern.ployme nt, housin g , r e c re ation and l a w enforc e ment. And, again th e City of A tl a nt a n eve r h e sitate d. \ �- --··- -- - --- ·------- - ----- ·-----··--·--- - -··--- - - ---· --- ~ - - - - - --- ---· 22 - They 1noved r ight into these activities w ith all the vigor and resourc es avail a b l eo I n 1965 Mayor I van A lle n, Jro a ppointe d th e Atlanta C o1n1ni ssion on C r irn e and Juve nile Delinqu e ncy. U. So Judg e Griffin B e ll was appointed Chairrnan~ a l ong w ith 26 othe r very distingui shed and able citize ns. Jud ge Bell appoint ed a ve ry ab l e attorney,· Fr an cis Shack l ef ord, a ,l. general counse l, and eig ht other young attorn e ys, to act as staff for th e Con1.m.ission. Judge Be ll th e n di v ided th e C om1nission into six sub-~co1nmittees - Juveni l e D e l inque'.ncy Rehab ilit ati on Crirne and H e a lth C r i m e and Pove rty Law and Ord er Org anized C r imea �--------- --- T he co1T11-r1ittee 1ne n1.b e r s were s e l e ct e d and a p pointe d on the b asis of t h e ir inte r est and a bilit i e s i n the i r spe cia li ze d field. Th e C on.1.miss i.on 1nad e an i n - d epth study of a ll the c aus e s and c ur e s of c r i n.1.e rn Atl anta. Jud ge B e ll h e l d w eek l y n 1.eetings w i t h the Corn.1n i ss i o n and pr e p a r e d the i r r e p ort u nder the Titl e o f 11 0 p p ortunity for U rb an E xce llence 11 • An1.ong oth e r things t h e C on1.1ni ssion fou nd tha t c rin1.e and pove rty were t w i ns that c ould not b e s e p a rate <l. On e coul d not b e i1nprove d without i n1.proving both.; They r e c om.mended t hat the Atl ant a Po l ic e D e p artment emp l oy police- c on1.munity counse llo rs t o w ork i n high poverty and high cri1ne comn1.unities , to h e lp i 1nprove l iving conditions and t o al s o i m prove t h e polic e i.1nage . �-- ____ - 2 4 ~- This was a c 01npl ete l y new appro a ch to crin.1.e pr e v ention and l aw e n.f orce1ne nto In the p as t th e polic e h ave rn.a de eve ry effort to keep the l ine b etween soc ial welfare s e rvice and police service separated. But, und er thes e reco1n1ne nd a tions ~ th e servic e s would b e com b ine d and put additional duties a n d r esponsibilities on the pol ice The r e we r e t w o cou rses we cou ld h ave followe d at tha t p oint : 1. To acc e pt th e cb ange imme dia t e l y and ac ti v ate the p rogram ,,;,,ith pr e sent employees and e qu iprn ent , or 2o To opp ose t he c h ange with d e l a y e d t actics a nd wait fo r a d d itional app r op r i a ti ons a nd p ers o nne l b e f ore t ak i n& a n y acti on B e c a u se of the great a d rn.ir ati o n a nd res p ect tha t we h a d for th e a bility and integ rity of t he Cri1ne Connni ss i on, we acc e pte d tbe recomm endations i mmecliate l y I was p e rsona lly prep a red to yie ld to the ir j udgment \ 0 0 0 0 _.... -- ·--.,,_ �-·--- -----

- 25 - We r e cog ni ze d tha t the r e w as a n e ed for s uch se rvices b e caus e w h e n a soci a l w ork e r w as c onfront e d w ith ho s tility a nd r e si s t anc e , th ey shnp ly b acke r!_ off and call e d th e polic e for ass i s t a nc e. W e al s o r e co gni ze d th a t to pro vide thi s se r v ic e th a t th e polic e must b e esp e ci a lly s e l ec t e d and train e d to w e a r t w o h a t s. Fi rs t to ac t an d serve as a so c i a l wo r ker - ~ And, second, wh e n condi t i ons requi re it, to arres t an d p r os ecute law viol ators. I n J anuary, 1966, we o rgan i ze d a C r i1ne P reventio n Bureau a s p ar t of t he D e t ecti v e D ivis ion and d e t a ile d sixt e e n p o lice p ers o nne l, t hat include d both Negro and w h i t e u nifor 1n o ffi ce r s and d e t ec t ives. \ �~ - - - - -- - - - ~-- - - - - 26 - These officers we re assigned to Econ omic Opportunity Cente rs in p ove rty comrnunities w ith sp ecial in struction s to act as guides and coun sello rs in getting jobs, in getting drop - out s back in school, and furn ishing other welfare servic es. To act as advisors on go od citizenship and to n1ake fri en ds and suppo:rters fo r the police d epartment. V ehicles u sed by the Crin-ie Preventi on officers h ad sp ec i a l equipn-ient, such as loud speakers , record players and spr i nkl e r h eads. Th e y could clo se a street to vehic ular t raffic and hold street rneetings w ith some entertain1nent, or if it v1as a hot sunny afternoon, they coul d hook up th e sprinkler h eads to a fire plug, anal turn on a showe r. On Many occas ions th ey have had a ll the childr e n from a hou s ing project playing u nde r the sprinkl e r i n one bl ock. �----- -·--- ------ ------- -- -- - - --

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- 27 - Th e Cri1ne pr eventi on o ffi ce1·s h andl e a ll o f t he f ollowi ng co1npl aints i n th e ir di s t r ict - M a liciou s r n i schi ef P etty l ar c eny M is sing p er sons Stole n bic ycle s and, a ll j u venile c ases . Their j ob i s to find a so lutio n to these problems without n:1a king an arres t i f poss i b l e . We h a ve tri e d to adopt a p age from. the Juvenile Court's m a nual by n1aking thi s a correctional o rganiz a t io n, r a ther th~n a punitive o ne. T h e Crime Pr eve ntion offic ers h a v e earne d the r es p e ct of mo s t of the p e opl e ( living i n the i r dist r ict. They have a l so earne d the r es p ect of other n1.e1nbers of the d epartn1. eni: W e h ave som e reques t s from othe r xnemb ers of th e d e p artment to be t ransferred to the Crin1..e p . revenhon Bureau. 0 �-~ ... 28 - The p a tr o l officers are qui ck to c a ll the bureau fo r assistance w h e n they se e p rob l en1.s d eve loping . v\T e b e lieve th a t we a re 11.1.o v i ng i n t]1 e right dir e ction. In Vle expect to see th e bu reau grow and expand, and certainly that w ill b e expensive. We now h ave 29 p o lic e p e rsonn e l ass i gne d t o th e bur eau, which includ e s a c aptain and thr ee li e ut e n ants . Th e C rime Pr evention Bur eau officers n1.us t always wear t wo h ats, and w h en th e y find a group that ca1m.ot b e p ers uaded with the ir h e lp and couns e lli ng, to ob e y the l aw, th ey must b e arr es t e d and pros ec ut e d. T he hi gh e st value of the l aw i s t he keeping of th e p eace. �- 29 In :tv(a rch of t his y ear we organized a T a sk F or c e of a b out thirty s p e c ially tr a ine d and equipp e d offic ers ~ who c an b e m ove d i nto a ny con,m u nity nn s h o l' t not i c e , t o u se w h a t ever f or c e th a t 1s n e cess aT y t o e nf o r c e th e l aw and maintai n th e pe a c e . W e are c onv i nc e d tha t t h e a c ti on of t h e C r i me Pr eve ntion Bur eau h a s p r evente d the c rin 1e r e cord fron1. r i sing as r a pidly as it n, i g ht h ave. W e a r e a l so convin c e d th at whe n str ee t fighting d o e s occur , th e b ur e au I s action ke p t i t fr orn b e i ng a s s eve re as i t 1n i ght h a ve b e e n othe rwi s e 0 • W e h a ve h a d 1nore th a n our sh a r e o f s t r e e t fighti n g o r riots a s the y a r e s orne ti m e s c a ll e d. On S e p t e 1n b er 6, 1966, t w o d e t e c tiv e s atte mpt e d t o arr e st H aro l d Pr:athe r f or auto l a rc eny a t C a pitol Ave nu e and O rn1.ond Str eet . �-~ 30 ~ Pr ath e r r es i ste d and \Vas s h ot b y the d e t e c tive s . T his caused a l a r ge a nd ang ry cro\v d to g a th e r in the str eet. M a yo r Ivan A lle n , Jr. e lb owed hi s way t o t he c enter of t he cr owd an d did a gr eat j ob i n t a l k ing to a nd qui e ting th e crow d until S NCC arr i ve d on t he s c e ne and in cit e d the c rowd t o start thr owing b ricks and b ottl es. The polic e rnove d i n, in forc e , and c l eared the streets. It was n e ces sary t o call i n off- duty polic e and t o p ut t h e d e par t rne nt on t we l ve hour p er d a y duty. 7 3 p e r s on s were arrest e d; several of w h i ch vvere i ndicted by the G rand J ury fo r inciting t o r iot, in cluding Stokel yI Carrn.ich ae l. O n S e pte 1nber 10, 1966, a w hite 1n otori s t, whi l e driving through a N egro corn1nunity 011 Negro youth. North Boul eva rd, shot and k ille d a �- 31 - A gain a n ang r y rn.ob g ath e r e d i n the s t r eet and agai n Mayor A ll en rnove d r i g ht i nto t11e i r n 1ids t to u r g e p e a c e an d qu i e t . This was a great d en1on strati on of 11 C o1n e and l et u s r e ason t oge t h e r ' 1 • But, t he rnob ,v as i n no n~oo d t o l iste n t o the vo i c e of reason. Th e y o n l y shou t e d thr eat s of i nsult s a nd v i o l e nce , and sta rte d t hrow i ng b rick s a nd fir e b on~b s . T e n sto r e ·w in.do vs we r e b r ok en a nd s everal b u i l dings we r e s e t on fir e 0 But, th e p olic e vve r e t h e r e in fo r c e o Th e fir es were p 1· 01nptly e xti n gu i s h e d a n d th e re was no l ooting" T h e s t re e t s were cle ar e d, a nd 6 5 p e rs o n s w e r e arreste d o n th e fi 1· s t n i g h t , a n d 14 a dult s and 15 j u ve ni l es ar r e ste d o n t h e se cond night. I n r e p o r t ing t h i s t o th e Chi e f 1 s conve n ti on i n P hila d e l phi a l as t O c tob e r , I sugges t e d t h a t p erh a p s t he b est way for t h e p o lice t o h andl e a s i tuati on afte r it r each e d th i s p oint, was fo r t h e p o lic e· · t o a lway s sp e ak v e ry k indl y , �- 32 - walk v e ry slo\vl y, and i.rar1·y a sa-..,ve d off shot gun. Brick s and b ottl e s can b e a d e adly v-1 e a pon and n1u st b e r ecogni z ed as such. I Th e City of Atlant a did not w ait u nt il th e r e was sheet d isturban c e s to .i i1nprove li ving co n ditio n s i n th e low inco rne co1n1-rmniti es 0 Th e Cit y of Atl ant a, i n coop e ration w ith th e Fed e ral Gove rmnent, h as sp e nt n1illions of doll ar s i n th e .l a st fiv e yea1· s to iinprove job o pport u nit i es , hous i n g con ditio ns a nd e duc a tion a l f a ciliti es fo r th e citi z e n s of t hese cornrnu niti es . All c ity d e p ar tm ents , e s p e ci a lly the P l a nnin g a n d I ns p ec ti o n D e p ar t ment th Con s tructi on D e p artme n t - - the S anit ar y D e p a r t m e nt - - ' th e P a r ks D c p a rhn c nt - - a nd a ll oth er d e p ar tine nts h a v e put forth th e ir b e s t e f for t s i n the l as t five y ears , u nd e r t h e p e rs onal d ir e ction of I\1ayo r I van A ll e n, J r 0 , to 1n a ke . life mo re l i ve ab l e fo r th e c i ti zens of hj g h crin1e an d p over ty c on1n1un iti es i n ou r city. \ �- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - 33 - O n Jun e 19th of t h i s y ear , a privat e u n i fo r n1 g u a rd fo r a 1ne rch a n t 1 in D i x i e Hill s, att en1.p te d to arr est a young boy for l a rc e ny . His siste r inte r fe r e d a nd r es i ste d . The polic e "vere c a lle d to a s sist t he gu aT d . A crow d g a th e r e d a11 d s t ar t e d throw i ng bri cks an d bottl e s, a s rnor e p olic e cars a r ri ve d, the y we r e rn e t w ith a shovve1· of brick s . S eve ral p olic e offi ce rs we r e i n ju re d . Ei g ht p olic e c ars were d arn.age d , and f i ve windshi e l ds we r e b :r. oke n i n p oli ce c ars. Th ree per sons we r e i n j ured and one di e d f ro rn gun shot wounds. After t w o n ight s of disturb ances, 3 3 p ers ons weTe arres t e d, i n cluding Sta l e l.y C annic h ae l. Mayo r I v an Alle n, Jr. i ssue d an En1ergency Pro cl arnation th a t p l a c e d a curfew on th e c o1nmunity. But, i t was neve r n ecessar y t o en force it . \ �- 34 - The Com1nuni ty Re l ations Con:uni ssion, Alderrnan Q. V. Willi amson, S enator L e roy J ohnson and other N egro l eade:i;s i I I I I started holding corrnnunity 1ne c tings, giving assurance that every co1nplain t would be i nvestigated and acted upon 0 Dixie Hills i s not s lun.1.so It is a con1.parative l y n e w hou s ing proj ect, w ith good streets, good equip1ne nt and goo~ cp a r tment hou ses occupied by Ii lI n1.iddle c l a s s Negroes. I ! Thr ee w eeks l ate r about 200 r e side nt s a pp e ared b e fo re th e Polic e Co1nm.ittee of th e Alde rmanic Bo~rd at Polic e H e a dqu a rt e rs and d e m a nde d an i1n rne di a t e public h e ar i ng of th e i r g rievanc es a nd com pl a i n t s . Afte r the committ ee h a d compl e t e d its r e gul a r a ge nd a , t h e y v ery p a tie n tly ( and under st and i.n g l y l iste n e d t o eve rythi ng t h e y h ad to s a y, f or about t hr ee h ou rs. �---- -- - -- - -

- - -·- ·- - ---- - -

- 35 - Their co1n pl a ints agai n s t N egr o polic e offic er s w ere just as strong , or stronge r, th an th e co1npl a i nts again s t th e w hite officers. One witn e ss st a t e d that th e r eal probl e 1n in Dix ie Hills was r es ide nts moving furth er out in the subu r bs and the ir apartn'- e nts b e ing occupie d by f a 1n ili e s fron'- th e slum co1n1nunities . The Corn1nittee as s ur e d th e m th e ir r e ports would b e given e ve ry I consid e ratio n . ! II i' I suggest e d th a t th e y h e lp m e fi n d t wo qu a lifi e d applicants in th e i r co1n1nu n ity I. ' for th e poli ce d e p artment - - and we w o u l d a s s i gn th em t o p atrol th e i r n e i ghborh oo d . O n th e 3 rd of J ul y of t his y ear , a N e·gro m a n wal ke d i n t o a s};tir t s h o p o n B road Stree t , op e r a t ed b y a w hite woman . T h e y got inv olved i n an argu1nent about t he u se of a res t roon'-. T h e m an returned to th e str eet and thr ew a bottl e through th e fro n t p l ate . g l ass w indow. �. - 36 - Again SNCC leade r s wer e pr e s e nt and quite a fe w bottles were throw n, i n su ring s e v e r a l polic e officers • ... Nine persons \x.,e r e a rrest e d, including so1ne of SNCC 1 s l e aders and r organiz e rs. I am r e porting the s e inc ide nts bri e fly, but it is not my i n t e ntion to d e al w ith the 1n lightly , fo r this is a r eal s e rious cha lle n ge . At tim.e s it 1s alrno s t a c ase of life and d e ath. O n J u l y 6th~ Mayor I van A llen~ Jr. s t ate d in very clear and fi rin l anguage the goal s , th e p olicies and the r es ponsibilities o f t he C ity o f A tl a nta an d th e Atla nta P o lic e D e parbnent. I a m . i n com .p l e te agreement with t hat s tat eme n t I rep e at ~nd expand i t. The City of Atlanta w i ll not s low d o w n in providing e qu a l s e r v ic es for a ll c itiz e ns. There are opportunities for dissent and d en.1.on s tration by diss atisfi e d citizens. �I ' - 37 - T he city welcorn.es this, but it must b e within the confines of t he law, and · the re can be no exceptions. The city ,vill not b e i ntirn.ida t e d by th e threat of violenc e , and l a w l e ssness w i ll not b e tole rat e d. The burning and looting of property will not b e tol erated. Ther e will b e no h es itancy whatsoever , to use n e cessary efforts to enforce law and order in a l a w a b.iding cornn.1.unity., The Atlanta Police h ave b een drilled and tr a ine d to avoid w h at has b een t enne d polic e brutality, a n d to provide equal p rotection a nd service for a ll citizens and visitors. The polic e h ave the a uth o rity, unde :i: th e l aw, t o pr ot e ct the mse l v e s w hile I enforcing th e law . '·· �38 - Th e polic e will not b e subj e cte d to b e ing shot at, having bottles and bricks thro\vn a t th e rn, and b e ing s_pit upon, without t aking appro :ipr iate action. The Atlanta Polic e D e p a rtrn e nt h as furni s hed a very fine servic e anµ they h ave op erat e d u n der gr eat restr a int 0 The Atlanta polic e do not pu s h anyon e around, nor will th e y b e pu s h e d around, and will not h esitate to request th e assistanc e of the National Gu ar d if events i ndicate it n e c essar y to prov id e th e protection and services th a t l aw abiding citi zens of our city ha ve every ri g ht to exp e ct. �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia July 17, 19 6 7 HERBERT T. JENKINS Chief MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: Atlanta Police Department {Gertrude Pasley) July 10, 1967 to July 16, 1967, inclusive 4 patrolmen employed 2 guards promoted to patrolmen 1 patrol resigned - - going back home 1 patrolman asked to resign Total vacancies : 22 Total guards : 22 E . O. A. employees (paid by Federal Government) : 2 �July 19, 1967 Chief Herbert Jenkins Atlant a Police Department 175 De catur Street Atlanta, Georgia Dear Chief Jenkins : I have d i s cussed your letter of June 27 regarding the Crime P revention Bureau need for six additional station wagons w ith the Mayor and Mr . Landers as well as Vice P resident Humphrey ' s office and the C ommunity Relations Se rvice in the Justice Depart• ment . Hope for f i nancing these s tation wagons this year eems very Um alt hough the Community Relations Se rvice is making an attempt to locate available funds for this purpose . Mayor Allen, M r. Land rs and I feel th t since the summer is almost two .. third over nd ince th City is unable to provide funding for such project th t we should c one ntrate on n xt ummer' progr m nd try to utilize ex;isting vehicle or faciliti s wher v 1" possibl • It was sugg _sted that m yb th pickup truck which you hav could be us d in pinch. It wa l so point d out th t many priv t group r looking for project and the supply of s~tion w gon for the Crime Pr v ntion Bureau during th summer period wh n chool i out might b good project £or certain group round town. I would Uk to uggest th t w work on this ngle foi: d v lopment of our next sum.m. r progr m which we hop to g t into imrn dia.tely. �Chief J enk.ins Page Two July 19, 1967 I would c ertainly like to work with Captain Re dding or any other designated official from your department in attempting to develop such a program for next summer. I will 1 t you know if I get any hopeful information from the C ommunity Rela tions Service or any other group so far as the immediate need is concerned. S incer ly yours, Dan Sw · at DS :fy c c : Mr . Earl Lande r s ' / �,- 1. CITY OF A TLANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia July 10, 1967 HERBERT T . JENKINS Chief MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: Atlanta Police Department {Gertrude Pasley) July 3, 1967 to July 9, 1967 inclusive 5 patrolmen employed 2 patrolmen pensioned Total vacancies: 26 Total guards: 28 E. O. A. employees (paid by Federal Government): 2 �July 3, 1967 Dr. Willi m R . Flaher 26S- C Doctor• Building 490 P chtre Street N. E . tlant , G orgi 30308 Dear Doctor Fi her: Th k you v ry much for your letter of June 28th. Th Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council det rmin d that during •P c ial ev nta at the atadium, the curb ne hould b r • rv d for bu•e• and taxl becaue of the \ar e numb r of p ople that thee vehicle• tr naport. The fiectiven • of the ayat m depends on the nforc m nt of th reaul tio a, th polf.c department baa the r • onalbility. Th i. die lo • are that th over- 11 retulta la very oo , for th impl r aaon t at a larger numb r of eopl mo into d t of th tl ta atadlum area •• ulck, or quick r , than any oth r et dlum in th nation. l am in aypi thy with your pro l m , but l am r that y r allz that for a 1yat m to ork • cceaefully. prl v hicl • cannot b p rmttt d to uae th c r lan • inc rely y HTJ: ra, �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia July 2, 1967 HERBERT T. JENKINS Ch ief MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: Atlanta Police Department (Gertrude Pasley) June 26, 1967 to July 2, 1967 inclusive 6 patrolmen employed 2 patrolmen re signed - (one requested and other returned home to Tenn.) Total vacancies: 29 Total guards: E. O . A. employees (paid by Federal Government): 2 29 �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia June 27, 1967 HERBERT T . JENKINS Chief Mayor 'Ivan Allen, Jro City Hall Atlanta, Georgia My dear Mr. Mayor: Attached hereto is a report of the meeting that was held last Sunday night. Linda Tucker is a Negro Typist Clerk in this d epartment, whom I appointed to make notes and report on the meetingo She is also the wife of a Negro patrolman. Respectfully, HTJ: gp attach �6- 25- 67 Jn June 25 , 1967 t 7 : 30 m, this d ta , m etio· os held in the conf r non room or th Obi ' office . ! n tt nd no was Cbi f H. ·r . J nkin s, Lieutenoot Dixon , f ha t. les nd .r1 t t ; var nd J . , • Boone, J .c. · ~d , ·1obart obinson , • L. i ng S:r . , otb r w r ~ · colm J . en , of tb9 tl ot Univ sity , rd C. $urn tte of th • CLC ., ' .z. ller , Rob rt L e yn s , ierco rt lin folt r ., ~ . H rri Jr ., T . L . mitb , ~berry ~eld nd Attorney Hollow 11 . The m etin look d into : b g o wi tb t ev . Boc1ne r qu tin - that the followin 1. b t d d art t into b 1 g 2. d J. 4. 5. taft th 6. l ct d to d 7. a. be n b in plao don rlo .. b 1 toe 8 ot 8 be1r l o bout 0 r 1 d qu tion ot ottio r h et ted tha it h fro t. be r roe or wbat wo ,ld lly b aod th ut of 1,-. ollow 11 o1n e out t t only qu liti d t . .. on th olio dep r n • od tbe qual1t1c tiona or n ffioer, in apo in th of QU d oono 1c Atb n one wh t offio r od ne oolor d t r . The Cbi r eta ed wan ap enin veryday . •b or 1 r atn•i �The Rev . M. L . King Sr . spoke at this time stating that ha bad very seldom saw any -egro policdmon ridinJ a J-wheel motorcycla . He stated that the Legro people wanted to see tis and wou d not stop until they did . At this ooint, a oiacu sion w a load by Rev . nard . Tbe whole conversation w s c t ared around integration of the police depart men t . The Chief stated be old look ioto th matter, and for the to send him a copy of the 8 points . The meetin1 ns drawn to a clos at 10PM . R speotfully Mrs . Lind ucker �r I CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia June 26, 1967 HERBERT T. JENKINS Chief MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: The Police Department (Gertrude Pasley) June 19, 1967 to June 25, 1967 inclusive Total patrolman employed: Total vacancies: 33 5 Total guards: E. O. A. emp l oyees (paid by Federal Government: 2 34 �June 20, 1967 Pastor Jarnes L . Welden Park Street Methodist Churc h 793 Park Stre et, S . W. Atlanta, Georgia 30310 Dear Pastor Weldon: May I acknowledge receipt of your letter concetning the beer and wine license of Whitley ' Market. Chief Jenkins informs m that he is having a :eomplere investigation made of Whitley ' s Market opeitation. If anyone in your congre&ation ha any e idence of such Sunday sale , 1 would ppzeciate it if you would tur-n it over to the Pol"ce Department. Sincerely yours, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor lAJr/bz j �793 PARK STREET, S. W. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30310 MINISTE RS JAMES L . WELDEN D . C . STA RNES CARROLL TINSLEY June 16, 1967 T01 The Pol~ce Committee& MrQ Richard c. Freeman Mr. Charles Leftwich Mr. Q. V. Williamson Mr. Jack Summers Mr. l!erbert T. Jenkins, Chief' of Police • Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor, City of Atlanta Mr. Milton Farris, Alderman, 7th Ward Mr. Jack Summers., Alderman., 7th Ward FROMs Park Street Methodist Church's Official Board SUBJECTS Transfer of Beer and ,,Iine license of Whitley's Market, 398 Lee St., s.w. We, the Official Board of' Park Street Methodist Church, urge and insist that Whitley's Market, )98 Lee St., s.w., not be allowed to transfer his license for beer and wine across the street from his present location. We have positive proof that he sells both beer and wine on Sunday. We are also informed tmt he sells not only beer and wine, but also "bootleg" whiskey in the house next door to the store. If necessary, we can furnish witnesses of those who have bought it from him on Sunday. He accepts personal property as security for the alcoholic beverages. PASSED BY THE OFFICIAL BOARD OF PARK SmEET METHODIST CHURCH IN OFFICIAL SESSION JUNE 14, 1967 • ('I . l/ · w ~ .{ , w~~ ~ J ! I I Jamee L. Welden, Pastor �