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August 13, 1964 I Hr o Ferrin .Mat,h0ws Associate City Attorne y 131 7 William Olivar 13uilding Atlant a , Ge orgia 30303 Dear F'err•in: Confirming our tele phone co nversation t his date .si there is at t he interse ction of Delmar Lane and Brovmlee Ro ad, S oW. D a small piece o f p rope1"ty on which F'ul ton County c onstructed ·a Health Ce nte r and Recreati on Building some years ago. The two building s are conne cted by a covered ,-r n.l~ The Recr>eation Center is referred to as Adamsville Re crea tion Ce nter. Unde r the 19.52 11 Plan of Impr ovement " t he City o.ssumed operation o f the recreation building and the County r11anaged the Health Centero In about 1949, according to the County, the entire parcel of land was de dic ate d to public health purpo ses until 1969, in order to qu a li f y for State and Federal Funds. The County desires to expand the He alth Cent er , (using a ddit ional State and Federal Funds, whi ch involves rededica tion for 20 years ). Hy staff' and I, along with the City Land Agent, met with Mr . John W., Lemon, Administrator, Health Department. The expansion of the Heal th Center apparentl y td 11 not interfere with our recreation programo Mr., Lemon has reduce d to writing a gentlemen ' s agreement concerning the use of t he property. This agreement meets with my appr•oval and I, accordingly, subrrdt ted it to the Parks Comrni ttee on Aue;ust 11, 1961.j... The Comrni ttoe has no objections �August 13 ~ 1961+ Mrc Ferrin Mathews but did instruct me to determine if you had any le gal ob~ jectionsc Ve ry truly your s~ • Jack Co Delius Gene ral Mru.1.ager of Parks and Rec r eation JCD: sr cc: Mr~ Joh.Yl Wo Lemon Mro Paul Ivey Hiss Virginia Carmichael 0.,, () I) • I!" , 01--v,-'.-d,,tu.l ,, �