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334 Auburn Ave., N.E. So1L1tl1ern Christian Leadership Confere nee Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Telephone 522-1420 Ralph Aberna thy, Treasurer Martin Luthe r King J r., Pre.,ide111 Andrew J. Young, Ezecurive Directo, September 19, 1967 Chief He rb e rt T. Jenkins Chi ef of Police City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Chief Jenkins: Last week I requested a parade or "march" permit from your offic e , a nd was informed that the request must be made 5 days prior to day of parade. I am here by requ esti ng parade permits as follows: l. Mond a y, Sep t e mber 25t h ( PM ) 2. Tuesday, S e pt ember 26t h .( PM ) 3. Wednesday, Septemb er 27th ( PM ) 4. Thursday, Sept embe r 28th (PM) 5. Friday, Se pt e mber 29th ( PM ) > Plea se send permit and ·any oth e r corr esponden c e to the following addr e ss: Re v. Howard W. Cr ee cy, Sr., Pr e sid e nt Atlant a Ch a pt er Sout he r n Chri s ti a n Le ade rship Conf e r e nc e Mount Mori a h Bap ti s t Church 200 As hby Str e et, S. W. Atlanta, ~ e orgia ~incl.r e ly you r s, j. J Re v.1~~ ¼) W LU/4q, , WV Howard W. Cr ee c y, S~ Pr e sid e nt, Atl a nt a Ch ap t e r South e rn Christ i an Lead e rs hip Conf er e nc e CC: Ma yo r I v a n All e n, .Jr Dr . A. M. Da vi s , Pres i d e nt Ni-rACP J es se Hill, J r ~, Co- Cha i r ma n , Atl a nta S ummi t Le ad e rs hi p Conf e r e nc e �