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V THE READER'S DIGEST December 22, 1967 Dear Mayor Allen: They're called "New York's Finest," but patrollnen in New York are paid 50 percent less than carpenters. In Chicago, electricians earn $1.85 more than the officer on the beat. Seattle pays cable splicers $375 a month more than patrolmen. As Mayor, you are of course acutely aware of the deplorable financial status of most of the nation's policemen. You know, too, that low pay is just one of a number of problems -- public apathy and unrealistically restrictive court decisions are others -- facing the cop on the beat. The lowered morale that results has contributed to police shortages and soaring crime rates. Now millions of Americans will share your concern and your knowledge, with publication of a January Reader's Digest article calling for hi gher salaries and increased public support for policemen. We are enclosing an advance copy of "Our Alarming Police Shortage"; we'd be happy to send you additional copies on request. Sincerely yours, • Vice President CRD : jm Enc. The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of At l anta Atlanta, Georgia �