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atlanta civic design commission joseph s. perr in 1 chairman paul muldawer, a.i. a. 1 vice~chairman mrs. alvin m. ferst, secretary harry j. baldwin , a.s. l.a. w. I. calloway samue l inman cooper, f.a.i.a . james h. dodd franklin m. g a rrett john c . gou ld julian harris , a.i.a. mrs. edith hende rson , a.s. l.a. h. king me cain, p.e. j. ben moore john portman , a.i.a . joseph b. browder, p.e. November 16, 1967 MEMO TO: Ann M0ses, Exe cutive Secre tar y to th e Mayor FROM: C ha r 1 o t t e Fe rs t An n, can you help to set u p better co mm unicat i ons for us with other r e lated gro u p s ? Can somethin g be done to set up the me chanics for advising us whe n important r e lated matters wi l l b e coming up for discussion? Pe rha ps a lette r fro m Mayor All en to each chairman of the Ald erm anic Commit tees to requ est this courtesy for us wou l d hel p. S o f- r e qu ently we hear about i mportant issu e s involvin g urb a n desi g n at the v e ry last minute. Also, we are discussing requesting a liason commi t t ee member from each related civic organiza ti on to be ava ilab l e for meetings on requ e st. Wh en we g e t our list compiled, wo ul d Ma yor Allen be wi l l in g to send t he le tter of invitation? CF/ab city hall, atlanta, georgia 30303 �