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7 HI NUTES ATLA NTA CIVIC DE S I11 N CO i'Jt,TISS ION OCTOBER 12, 1967 Th0 r 0 gular _ me eting of _th e Atlanta Civic De sign Co mmission was h e ld Thursday, Octob c r.12, at 2 p. rn ., in Co mm itt ee Room 4, City Hall, w ith th e follo wing me mb c rs pre s c n t : Joseph S. Perrin, Chair.nan Paul Mulda wc: r, Vic c -Chairnan Mrs. Alvin M~ F c rst, S o ct c tary Harry J. Baldwin S a ;,lU l! 1 I • C o op e r Ja me s H ~ Dodd Franklin M. Garrett John c. Gould H• King McCain J • Be n Moore Gu e sts present: Mr. Hans e ll P. Enlo e , A.I~A. • Enlo e 1 ~e st & Granad ~ , In ri ~ _ Dr. Darwin Womack - Asst. Supt~ School Plant Planning & Const. Miss Jane Tuggl e - Graphic Artist, WETV Joanne Ke nnedy - Wom e n's Cha mber of Co mme rce Harri e tt Sp ee r 11 11 11 Al e x Coffin - Atlanta Constitution Minute s TSR ~ I NUS of th e S e pt em b e r 28 me .ting wor e approv e d. PRESENTATIO N Miss Jan e Tug g l e , Graphic Arti s t with WETV, pr e sented h e r vi ew s on th e propos e d d e v c lop m~ nt of the T~r minus are a. A general diseussion e nsue d wi t h qu e stions dire c te d to ward me thods of d e v e lop ~e nt in finan c in g b e ing pos e d . Hiss Tuggl e infor me d th e Co mm is si on that sh e hop ed t o do so m0 kind of pre li minary study wh i ch would e l ar if y s o me of th e issu es i n v olv e d in thi s d eve 1 o p mc n t ~ Jo a n ne Ken nedy an d Harr i e t t S p eer app ea r e d b efore t h e Co mmis si o n to d i se~ s s t he p os s ible u s e of the Termin u s a r e~ i n c o n jun ction wi th the Women's Chamber's annual Dogwo od Fes ti val. Th ey asked h ~ l p in t he f o rm of suggestions from the Commission; Mr. Perrin p o inted out some of the problems whieh might be encountered in th e preparation of this spaec for t he Dogwood Festival. He suggest e d contaeting appropriate city departrn~nts for assistanee, Mr . Muldawur eomplirnentcd the Wome n's Chamber of Commerce on its reputation of good performance; and in the discussion that followed, it ~as suggested that a doeumention of the history of the area might be useful. Mr, Muld aw1::r suggested that Alderman Cook was inter e sted in the Civie Design Commissi~n d e veloping a resolution for historieal zoning for th e Terminus area. Mr. Garrett supported designation of the underground ar ea as an historical one. �.. 2 - The repre sentatives from the Chamber ~gre e d to move for ward with the ir plans including some of th~ various suggestions that came from the Civic Design Commission and to report back to the Commission in the e vent it was f e lt to be desirable. DESIGN REVIEW Hr. Enloe stated that at an earlie r review, the Commission had request e d that certain parts of the 11 Rawson- rlashington Community Ccnterif project be considered. He presented the revis(;d plans of th e project. Mr. Muld a we r, chair man of the De sign Review Committee, voiced the ' cons e nsus of the Co mmi ssion of th e superiority of the revised scheme. Enloe was thanke d for making the revie w possible. Mr , CHA IRVAN 1 S REPORT Mr. Pe rrin stated that a l e tte r was r e ceive d from Mr. Donald G. Ingram, Associate Dir e ctor of Central Atlanta Progress, Inc., inviting me mbers of the Commi~sion to attend a discussion of CAP's work program on October 17. Mr. Perrin announced that Mr. John Hoffman of the Stat e Hi ghway Department will me et with the Commission on October 26. Budget Mr. Pe rrin pre s ent e d for a pproval th e l e tt e r to the Finance Co mm itt ee r e th e ACDC budge t requ e st for 1 968. The l et t e r was approved as read. Reappo i n t mt:n t :s


Mr. Perri n a nnounc ed t h at , a s r e qu e st ed by t h e memb er s a t the l ast meet i n g , he had con tac t ed Dr . Ar th ur Hans e n who sta t e d th a t he is willing for t he Co mmissi on t o r ec omme nd that May or All en a p poin t hi m to se rve o n th e Co mmissi on i n the En g i n ee rin g Ca teg or y. Mr. Perrin presented for ap proval a draft of a letter to Mayor Allen re ACDC recommendations for impending v acancies on the Commission. Mr. Muldawer initiated a discussion duri n g wh i ch members discussed their concepts of provisions deal i ng with appointments/reappointments to the Commission, as set forth in the Ordinance creating the ACDC. · It was the consensus of members that the American Institute of Architects, North Georgia Chapter, should be asked for three recommendations for nominees to serve on the Commission in the Architecture Category. Mr. Muldawer will contact AIA and report on · its recommendations at th~ next ACDC meeting. Mr. Perrin stated he will hold the letter to Mayor Allen until that time. �- 3 .. ~_!-.? r i ~a]2.?_fl2:E_g_ During a diseussioh of the Terminus area earliE!i" in the meeting, i t was brought out that historital zoning is needed in that arba. Mr. Garrett was requested to draft a tentative historical 7,oning ordinamc to be considered by the Commission. ADJOURN MEN T There 'being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4r1$ Ann Butler P.eco.2'-d ing S ~ c.re tar y �