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TUITION GRANTS ATU.NTA POLICE OFFICERS COST OF COURSE PER QUARTER $35.00 Per Subject P er Qua:tter $10.,00 Per Subject Per Quarter for Books $ 6.,00 Per Quarter for Students Ac tivity Fee 1. All Officers will be allowed to take up two subjects Per Quarter. 2. Tuition will be paid to all participating Officers up to, but not to e x ceed $100.00 Per Quarter. 3. The tuition will be paid to the Of f icer af~er he has successfully completed each quarter. 4. Reimbursement will be paid only to those Officers participating in Police Admi nistration Course. METHOD OF SELECTI ON FOR REI MB URSEMENT 1~ En trace Examinat i o n Scores. 2. Length o f service with the Dep artment. 3. The Police Officers performance rating and up on app roval of Chief o f Pol i ce . �