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V September 196 1967 V Mr. B . M . Doster 1414 Boulevard Lorraine, S . W. Atlanta, Georgia Pear Don: Thank you very much for sending me a copy of your letter to Chief Jenkin • It would be needles for me to say that we regret th incident to which you refer, and t hat every effort ill be made by the Police D pa.dment to determine ho the per ons ere nd prevent any other incident of thi type in the future. A to ·whether you may wi h to obtain permit to carry a protective e pon; thi i a deci ion you ill have to ma e. Perso Uy, I thi k the Police Deparbn nt is dequate for the protection of all c i tizens . Sincerely, l IA.Jr:am Alie , Jr. �