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Beptcmber . 2~ 19 ·17 S pt 0 C 0 Chafin Capto Oo Jordan Lt J 0 R Shattles Sirs : Th i s date ~t 4z30 pm I took a photog:c .pher to the Bo~.:rd o :f Edu.ca;t i m1 0 2 24, Central Ave,., He made p i ctu~es of individmi.J.s o c cupy i n £; Supt a i:1:-:.n T-et~ ons of£icc:JJ I retun,eu to 22.(~ Central Ave 9 and remained u n til ll : 45 pmll at vrhich time t he:;~ persons were told t o l e~ve the buil 'ing 'y De t 0 ~r ,.D Hudso n 0 11. orc'k·r s f :rom Lt 0 N.-t,c·:!:1 0 They refused 9 and v·ere a:>:rested f or violat i ng ci i:y o-c1ina.,ce 20=27@ (Loit e ring ) 0 Ca-e et 2~30 pm 0 Se:ptQ 13-th o A r:r.ested sub j e cts we:t:e as :follm-'7Se- J <::?ss i cm Holl nd 0 ,,;rf20 , 3 34 A burn Ave o J a:mes Gibso:..,~ \' m.21 11 334 Auburn Ave., I rma J ean J acksc:-:nr; cf2 '1. 0 334 Aubu:rn o Marge Mnndcrson 0 f'39 9 7 ~1 Wilson Rd o No 1·lo Rev o J oseph Eo Boonep c m44 9 4 520 CJ.axmont Dr o S0W0 Rcv 0 Howard W., Creecy 11 c ra39 9 192 Ashby Sto S oW Rev 0 J cC 1vard 9 cm3 :i 14 7J. Eason Sta NoWo Wi1 scn Bro m i, cm3--1ll 360 Nelson Sto S.,W 0 Albert Henry 9 \'JT.141$ 3 42 Gth o NoEo W' lli.am Lo ckett, c m35 9 2-116 Ua t h i e 1rs on P l a S oWo Supt 0 Letson h ad r -,fu e el "co meet t h :i.s g r.ore. ea:rliezs 1:n.:i. t did ' ' O ':\t 6 1~30 p ·o i n b:i.s offic e o He want ed t o mee t this group in ·' he la:.:go r1K:~ting i:oomp but thi s group refused to d o soe They b o ugh t up t v;0lv e point s :foz: di.·cussion hu t fi n~ J.ly de cidGd on o ne:;i that b e ing Dr., Let.son c al J. a,.n emei:gency meeting o f. the boa:ed , f ol.' no l a t er than tomorrowo not rea ch himo D:c ., Letson made an a t t empt to c a l l D:::: ., Cook~ but could Dr o L etson left th2 b'uiJ.ding at l Q:"2-.5 p m 9 and :ce tuxncd a ·i.. 1 1~ 30 ::\t t his time he told the g J:oup they woul d h ave t o leave .. over to L t., He t hen t u.rnr~d ·the matter Nash and l eft G The a r re st was o:cder ly and wa,s c ar. ied out by the echooI d e tect:i.vc:s:i Lt o Copeland , Lto Sheppard ., 1"he:.re was sev e ra l o ther o ffi c ers on t h t~ scr--,ne ,., Wnen asked to 1 ;:\w~ a .o l o:red f emv. J.12 and col 2eci ma le P ohn Boorie ) l e fto Charles A., Webster X'ema i ned on the scenG 11 b ut was a l lov·ed t o go~ when h e stated he · ould b e glad to g oo He c ame on to the sta tion .and wi t nessed the booking of the p:dscnerso He l ate:r. c ame to the De t., Offj c-.e and q uest ioned Capt 0 Duncan on the xd:.--b,~ i <l~nti ty of the o;fficers p a rticip~~-· g i n the rrest o St2.ting ~dlli'.:'~ "i:hr., t h eh ad to make a r eport to Mr o Richa:cd Fr e em: ,. RecpectfullyS) Q)~t, ;\~. /· {' . ___ _1_<;'..,. "· . '- j ( ,,. ,,, . . ..,____ - ...... --:---..... ~ma Sec ux :i. ty Squ2.J :;i Cr i l11e Pl:eventio;.l �