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I , FORM32•O•10I 9-7-67 Press Conference •,· OFFENSE---- SUPPLEMENTARY OFFENSE - - - - - - - - - SERIAL N O . - - - - - - - Baptist Church · _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COMPLAIN ANT _ Ebeneza ______ _____ ____ REPORT ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT 175 DECATUR ST., 5. E. ATLANTA, GA. Auburn Avenue at_Jackson ADDRESS _ _ ____ _____ _ _ _ _ _Street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDITIONAL DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, ETC. 1. or 2. Mr. Jessie Hill - 3. Rev. J. D. Ward - Spokesma n Operation Bread Ba_s_k_e_t_.________________ 4. Rev. Clyde i·Jilliams - l\!e tr :Y?oli tan Grass Root's Councilo Albert Davis - ?resident !Local Ch;:mter NAAO'. Coordinator Atlanta Summit Council. Dr. Dcwis o pened the ne,·Js conference at 2:35 P.M. with a sta ·~ ernent, 11 '.ve the v~riou s organi zation leaders since the Labor Day neekend have been in clos e conference a mong ourselves and with Dr. Martin Luther King, concerning the problems in Atlanta. We have urg e d Dr. King in view of these problems to corae to Atlanta and assist us in non-violent actio ns to alleviate them." Dr. Davis cited in series th e probless t hat he felt wa s facina .negro comn~nities: l. ~ie stated that the Atlanta Board of Education is naw holding double sessions in five negro schools and none in white schools. Furt he r that office e ~ ploy- ment in the c e ntr a l office for neg ro s in supe rvi so r y positions lag ged. 2. Une mployraent: pl o yed. Neg ros still r e main in the l ~rger p 2 rcentile among t he unem- According to Dr. 0a vis of the ten p2 rc~nt une moloyed in a given group only two percent were white. ? Je llou s ing: The Atlanta Housing Au ~horiti es ~ r e s till oracticing se g rega tion and also rnai11tainin~ se p arate o ff ice operation according to Dr. ~a vis. Ju stic e a nd the Police: Dr. ~~vis sta t e d he feels sure t ha t there was evi den c e of police brut al it y in the Dixie fli l ls area and a laxit y of cit y o ffici als in Tt-<i~ OFFENSE 15 DECLARED: U H ,. ,j U N O E O • D CL•~kEO OY ARREST • • • E /. ', t' PT l'i Pl ALLY CLE ARE D m1'. TIV!. fNOT CLEARED). -0 D·. D SIGN ED A. Bell - 74- 1 79 - E.

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DATE INV EST I GAT IN G O~F I CER - --------- SIG N E D - -C



.. ... '"7'7A""'N-=0"" 1N-,-G-c-c o-F=-F=-1-cc-=E= R - - - DAT E - TH I S FORM I S U SE D BY OFF I CER ASSI G N ED TO A CAS E TO R EPOR T PROGR ESS AFTER THR EE AND SEV E N DAYS AND WEEKLY TH EREAFTER ALSO TO R EPORT S I G N I F ICANT DE V ELOP M E NTS. - 1 - - - - -- - - - continued. �. __ -- ... _ -··- ·- ··· - - --.. . .:: · . . . ·· - . ~· . . .:.-- ., , FORM 32 • O• 101 OFFENSE __ P_r_e_s_s_C_o_n_f_·e_r_e_n_c_e___ SUPPLEMENTARY OFFENSE REPORT 9-7-67 SERIAL N O . - - - - - - - COM p LA IN ANT __ E_b_:_e_n_e_z_a_B..:.a~p_t_i..:.s_t_C_h_u_r_c_h_________ ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT 175 DECATUR ST., 5. E. ADDRESS ATLANTA, GA. _A_u_b_u_r_n_._•\_v_e_n_u_e_a_t_J_a_c_k_s_o_n_S_t_r_e_e_t_.______ ADDITIONAL DETAILS OF OFFE N SE , PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, giving s e rvice to that com:i,m nity. ETC. Two recent decisions rendered bv the _:_A~l_d.:__:e~r~m_,._a_n_i~c=-~p_o~l=-i~c~e=-~c~o_m_._m~i~t~t~e~e:_h_..:.a..:.s:_s::..:.:h..:.o..:.'~'n:.::.._t~h=a..:.t:_t.:...:.:h~e=-c=-=o..:.m=m=,1=·~t~t~e=o----'w~a=s_:n~o~t:_:r~e=o~r~e=s~e~n~t==e~d,......_He .further c ha raed t hat t he alte rcation he+we 0 n Officer Ma rsha]] a n~ Mr. Ho sea Williams added to the attention that Atlanta wi ll oe t, but it is not a prime factor in their grevance against the police d epartmen t. Oftentimes Dr. Davis would elude que st ion~ propounded by reoorte rs concerning the Williams ca~e. did howe ver relate t hat Williams had conferred with He Dr. King and wa~ still conferri ng with him a bout the matter . Rev. Clyde Williams stated that a mas~ meeting would be slated at the W st 0 Hunter Baptist O,urch a t t he cor ne r of Ch estnut and i::iu oter c:;1reet~ ton ight , . Septembe r 7 , 1967, a nd t he oroblems of in adequa te hous ing, po lice inj· 1stice a nd . othe r subjects would be discus sed . Mr. J ess ie Hill when a sk b y reporters about the Ma rs hall and Wi lliams altercation state d t ~at he had had a confe rence with Dr, King Sep t embPr 7, J QA7 , and h e a s k Dr . King to conside r Atlanta th e ta r oet for SC! A ( Soll tb e rn ,~bri stj clP Le adership Conference) action. Fur th er t hat Dr. Ki ng revealed that he had been unde r pressure by sever al members of this con g reQation t o come to Atlant a. II I do not f ee l that the Ma r s ha ll in c id e nt hurt Atlanta as far as pres~11re is conce rne d and i s not an out s taudi ng f;;ict.-,r b · 1 t ;t helps to· show th-a n@ed for as sista,1ce ." THIS.OFFENSE I S DECLARED: UNFOUNDED. CLEARED BY ARREST . . EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED INACTIVE (NO T CLEARED ) . o. -D o· 0 SIGNED E. A. Bell - 74-179 DATE 9-7-67 INV ES TI GATING OFFICER SIGNED CHI E F ::lR COMMANDIN G OFF I C E R DATE TH I S FORM IS USED BY OFFICER ASS I GNED TO A CASE TO REPORT PROGR ESS AFTER THRE E ANO SEVEN D AYS ANO WEEKLY THEREAFTE R ALSO TO REPORT SIGN I F IC ANT DEV E LOP MENT S. continue d. t,, ' ". �.• • FORM3 2 •D•IOI OFFENSE _ _P_ r _e_s_s_C_o_n_f_e_r_e_n_c_e___ 9_-_7_-_6_7_ _ SER I AL NO. __ SUPPLEMENTARY OFFENSE REPORT .. _ Ebeneza Church COMPLAIN ANT _ _ _ ___._Baptist _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ATLANTA POLIC E DEPART M E N T 17S DECATUR ST., S. E. Auburn Avenue Street. ADDRESS _ _ ____ _ _ _ _at _ _Jackson _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ATLANTA, GA . ADDITIONAL DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, ETC. As far as what course would be taken by Dr King it would be' his own d12cision according to Dr. :)?.vis. Dr. Davis further stated that Atlant a is a city that will listen but fail to act. 11 l•,Te have detected an end to progressive action." Dr. Davis stated that if it was necessary to move the head of the Board of Education, Chief of Police or an y other office it must be dong so that progressive action might exist. I talk2d with Dr. Davis after the conference and he stated that he exnected some word fro m Dr. King within a few ·hours. Furth e r that Dr. Kinq c o uld be reach e d in Cleveland, Ohio, a t 851- 4 300, that he felt sure that s o me action ~ould be taken by Dr. King det e r mined from th e ir conversation. No reason was aive n as to why Mr. Hos e a Willia ms f a il e d to a tt end th e c o n fe r e nc e The conferenc e end e d at 3:05 PM. TH IS O F FE NS E IS DE C L AR ED : D UN FOU N DED . CLEAR ED B Y A RRE ST • • • EXC EPT I O N ALL Y CLE AR ED INACTIV E ( N O T CLEAR E D ) . 0 0. D SIGNE E . -A. Bell - 7 4 -179 0-- ----------,-------IN V ESTIG A TI NG SI GN ED 9 -7 -6 7· D A TE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ O FF IC E R C H IEF O R C OMMAND I NG OFF I CE R DAT E -- THIS F O RM IS U S E D B Y OF FICE R ASSIGN E D TO A -CAS E T O R EP O R T PROGRESS AFTER T HRE E AN D S EVEN D AYS AND WEE K L Y T HER E · AFTER AL SO TO REPORT SIGN IFI CAN T DE V E LOPM E NT S. - -- - -- - - �