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August 28 1 1967 V MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Iv n Allen. Jr. From: Dan Swe t Subject: Polic Sci nc D gr e Progr . m. Thi i just to let you know th t I am workin with the National Council of Chri tians and Jew through Don McA voy in tt mpt t.o obtain ome tuition fund for polic me?l to p rticipate in the Polic Sci ne Degre Program t G orgia State •. The National Council in eo in taru; provid a some l tanc for cours in polic · ..community r 1 ti one nd Don m t think the r is chanc that w might ob.tain om h Ip foi- th1 program. l am al o working with th Community R l tion Service h r and ln Washington d 1th Jim McGovern of th t.ropolitan Crime Commi eion ho i elating 11 in d t rminlng N othe~ fun.de might b av llable lo ly. A soon s L .. Bob Lan in th Polic - D par nt ts b ck from 1 av this w k , will ttempt to dr ft augg at d proc dure lo• · nting tuition a to memb r of th AU ta Polle Dep rt- me.nt. Clty might abl to put up fund th llr•t b to be matched by outei rant for tw nty ddltio 1 offlc ra. 1 1 that if w can ob in ut•ld el e r City ha• ould be uound 50% t c r due obj ctlo • hich ml t a,ia _ fl!om other mploy e l'O\lpl i City Government. I ill ke•p you infor ily

r. ai-1 L d. �