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August 7, 1967 Mr . G-,or ge Bl au L y Th ologie l Found tton 1757 Angeliqu Drive Dec tur , Georgia 30033 D r Mr . Bl u: Thank you very much for your letter of August 4th. with 1 r gret th unpl a1 ot xp ri nc you h d memb r of thi d partment and offer my polo i a. I hav lo-rw rded your 1 tter on to C pt. E . 0 . Mullen for a complete inv stig tton and I ilh to •••ur you that . are m.akln ev ry effort to eltmtn te uch cornpl int& an lll giv thh1 ca e our b •t efforts. Sine r ly yours , ' HTJ:gp c. c. Capt. E . 0 . Mullen N-T<J-~ (folic 1cb!ef of �