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August 4, 1967 . Hon . Herbert T. Jenkins Chief of Police , Atlanta , Georgia . Dear Chief:~e &re receiving from merchants in the downtown shopping area co~plaints about the everincre sing activities of criminals, both inside and outside the stores . 'ome of these merchants have told us they feel that the presence of uniformed police patrolling these areas would act as a deterrent in the a~ivities of shoplifters, flimflam artists, till tappers, etc . At a mooting of our Executive Committee on yesterday we ··ere requested to write you to ask if it would be possible to put some uniformed men on p trol in the downtown shopping areas . Our Committee feels this would be most helpful against the continued advance of law violator, and any assistenoe your Dep rtment can render long this line will be o t appreci ted by our m mbers. Cor ially yours , ATLANTA HE~AIL 1 {CHA~TS J-OCI,TION H. Eaton Reag n, r.xecut1v Copy to: Hon . Ivan Allen, Jr., Ma7or, City of Atlant , Atlanta , G orgta~ Vic - President . �