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SIDNEY T. SCHELL ATTORNEY 1726 FULTON AT LAW NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 523-6001 July 14, 1967 Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Mayor: I enclose herewith a copy of a letter that I have written on behalf of the Executive Board of the Joel Chandler Harris Memorial Association to Eliza K. Paschall. One of the salient reasons for the enclosed reply to the letter of Mrs. Paschall has been the receipt of threats by several members of the staff at the Wren's Nest that it would be stoned or burned unless its visitation policies were changed. I think it rather disgraceful that these dedicated ladies, who are attempting to maintain a memorial to one of the South's outstanding literary figures, should be subjected to such threats and abuse. Acts and conduct of this kind and character do more to promote friction between the races in Southwest Atlanta than can be counteracted by various organizations that are attempting to peacefully integrate the area. On behalf of these good ladies, I call on you, as Mayor of the City of Atlanta, for such police protection as may be necessary to maintain the dignity of their person and property. I am taking the liberty of sending a copy of this letter to Honorable Herbert Jenkins, Chief of Police. Kindest personal regards. Very truly yo? STS : ebV cc: Hon. Herbert Jenkins ~~ . Sidney T. Schell ,J~ �