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July 3, 1967 Dr. Willi m R . Flaher 26S- C Doctor• Building 490 P chtre Street N. E . tlant , G orgi 30308 Dear Doctor Fi her: Th k you v ry much for your letter of June 28th. Th Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council det rmin d that during •P c ial ev nta at the atadium, the curb ne hould b r • rv d for bu•e• and taxl becaue of the \ar e numb r of p ople that thee vehicle• tr naport. The fiectiven • of the ayat m depends on the nforc m nt of th reaul tio a, th polf.c department baa the r • onalbility. Th i. die lo • are that th over- 11 retulta la very oo , for th impl r aaon t at a larger numb r of eopl mo into d t of th tl ta atadlum area •• ulck, or quick r , than any oth r et dlum in th nation. l am in aypi thy with your pro l m , but l am r that y r allz that for a 1yat m to ork • cceaefully. prl v hicl • cannot b p rmttt d to uae th c r lan • inc rely y HTJ: ra, �