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?.' INUTES ATLANTA CI VIC DESIGN CO MHI .S S I ON OCTOBER 13, 1966 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic De sign Commission was held Thursda y , October 13, at 2 p.m., in Committe e Room #4, City Hall, with the follo wing members present: Sam 1 1 Inman Cooper, Chairman Josephs. Perrin, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secretary Harry J. Bald win W. L. Calloway James H. Dodd Mrs, Edith He nderson H. King McCain J. Ben Moore Paul Mulda we r Minutes of the Septe mber 22 me e ting were ap proved. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Chairman: (1) Read letter dated Octobe r 6 to May or Allen re Dean Rusk Me morial (2) Read letter dated October 6 to City department heads re submission of proj e cts for revi ew in early sta ges (3) Re ad dr a f t of l e tt e r to b e s e nt to th e Boar d of Ald e r me n, pe nd i n g ap pr oval of t he Co mmiss ion , re a men d men t to orig in a l ordi na nc e. Mr . Perri n' s motion to adopt the l et t e r a s writt e n was c arried. (4) An no unc e d t hat Mr . Ell sw or th Do resky , Communi ty Pl a nn er f or Ho using and Urba n Dev e l opme nt, wi ll meet with the Commission on Oc to ber 27 ( 5) Reprin t of 11 w·est End Story " fr om t he Atlanta l!agazine was passed around to members present for th eir review (6) Distributed new listing of ACDC 1 s sub-committees REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Committee ( a) Mr. Muldawer, chairman, stated that three (3) submissions have been received. He will review and report at the next Commission meeting. �- 2 - Mr. Perrin, chairman, stated he gave a report to the Commission r e cently on the Capitol Square Plaza, and has no continued reference. Committee handling "allocation of percentage of construction costs to allied art" I,'. r. Perrin, chairman, reported that the eommittee is in agreement that an allocation of percentage for art is a good idea. They have done research and have found many cities which have a percentage for art, and thes e cities, w ith one exception, are in favor of Atlanta having such a program. He further stated that the committee has not deter- mined what the percentage will be, but will try to bring a proposal for percentage in writing to the next meeting. 11 Terminus Committee" Mr. Mulda wer, chairman, reported that walked through the "old city" area. he and Mr. Perrin had met and More letters have been received supporting this deve lo pmen t, including a letter from the Atlanta Convention Bureau. Mrs . Ferst has arrang ed for the committee to meet with Mayor Allen, and also the Art Director and Editor of the Atlanta Magazine. At Mr. Mul dawer 's request, Chairman Coo per appointed Mrs. Ferst to serve on the committ ee. UNF I NI S HED BUSINESS: In pursuance with the Mayor's req u est for the Commission to render an o pinion as to an appropriate locatio n for a commemorative for the Honorable Dean Rusk, S ecretar y of State, were offered: the following suggestions and/or opinions �- J - (1) Renaming the Lee Street Elementary School, which Mr. Rusk attended, and which is being moved to a new location in Nes t End, the 11

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Rusk School. 11 (2) Mr. Perrin su gge sted that the Capitol Park committee be approached with the proposal that a memorial in Capito l Park be dedicated to Mr . Rusk. (J) Mr. McCain sug gested that a pe rmanent sculpture be placed in ·Piedmont Park, which i s across from Boys High, which Mr. Rusk also attended. (l.i) Mr. Bald win stated he is in sympathy with the sug gestion of Mr. Edgar S chukraft who met with th e Commission on September 22 and ur ged it to consider a Rusk memorial in the sh oppi n g center mall which will be erected on th e old Le e Street School site. Mr. Bald win fe els such a commemorative wo uld help lift up part of th e West End area. He a lso fe e ls that r e na min g th e school woul d accomp lish th e same thin g ~ (5) Mr . Moore was r eques t ed to appr o ach Mr. Schukraft to s ee wh a t his reacti on would be if the Commiss ion should recommend renamin g t he Lee S treet S chool for Mr. Rusk, rath e r than a memorial in t he sho p ping c e nter ma ll. NEW BUS INESS: Mr. Perri n stated tha t th e Ci ty Pla nnin g Department is doin g a st udy of r ehabi l i t ation at Pie dmont Park, and h e prop osed the follo wing recommenda tion to the Plannin g Department for study : 11 That plans for rehab ilitating Piedmont Park includ e appropriate bandshell or basic stage facilities; as many political rallies, high school bands, y outh concerts, Band of Atlanta concerts, Atlanta Arts �- 4 Festival, and other ma jor ev e nts are h e ld ther e which ad d to the cultur a l development of the City. 11 Chairman Cooper was requested to dr a ft such a letter to Mr. Eric Harkness of th e P lannin g De p a r t me n t. Mr. Bald win st a ted th a t Mr. Da n Kay wa s employed by the City to make studies of a performin g art cent e r in Pied mont Park. Th is study is owned by the City and includes be a utiful sketches, which should contribute to future studies. Mrs. Ferst sug g est e d that the Commission se e k from Mr. Har k ness further information on thi s subject, and wheth e r i t is pro p osed to im p l e ment i t t h rou g h the Urban Rene wal Pro g ram. Mr. Ca llo way brou g ht u p th e matt e r of th e small parcels of lan d left t h r ou gh out the Ci ty b y th e Hi g h way and Urban Ren ew al Pro grams. The Co mm is- si on d iscuss e d th e fe a sibility of the City ac q uiring t h es e sit es for th e , _ _ " , "p ment of sm a ll p a r ks . An en su in g di s c u ssion was h e ld durin g which me mb e r s a g r ee d th a t ACD C shou l d h e lp in s ti ga t e pro p os e d de ve lo p me nt s with w hic h it i s conc e r ned , ra t her t han b e in f o rme d a t i nvo l ve more pe o p l e of ou r p ro gr am , a l a t er conc er n e d a b o u t Mr . Mu l d a we r sta ge of d e v e lo pme nt. e nviro nme nt, and In ord e r get the i r to su pp o rt made th e f o l l owin g r e comm e nd a tio n, whi ch was approved: (1) To li st the i mpor t ant c ivi c g rou ps, garden c lu bs, and any appropriate gr o up c oncerned; (2) Invite these people to a meeting and t e ll what our Comm i ssion does; ask them to a pp oint a committee in their organization to receive, discuss and sup p ort our program, and get their o wn proposals; �- 5 - (3) Continu e this type communication with all these g rou ps to es tablish a basis f or communic a tion. The follo win g committee wa s ap p oint ed to e stablish the impl e mentation p ro g ram for communication: Mrs. Fers t Mrs. Henderson, Co-chairman Mr. Mulda wer, Co-c hairman The motion was made and approved to om i t the November 24 mee ting of ACD C. Mr. Bald win stated that h e has noticed maybe 30-50 ne w buildin gs b e in g construct ed in th e c e ntral bu s iness district, and is amaz ed how th e Commis s ion i s bypassed and He f ee l s t ake n so li gh tly wh a t that l eg ally AC1 C s houl d stop the is s u a nc e of b uildin g p e rm i ts prio r · to the p roj e ct bein g rev i ewed by th e Attorney shoul d be co ntacted to t ake Mr. is supposed t o b e l ega l. Comm ission, and th at th e City s uch action. Cooper stated that h e r e co mmended postp on ement of g oin g to the City Attorn ey, but h e woul d se e Mr. ~ afford, Bui l ding Insp e cto r, n ext Thur sday morning a nd ask him why and what is ha ppe nin g . Mr. th a t Mulda we r was r eques t e d to announce a t th e n ext A .I . A . meeting th e ne w amendment to the ordinan c e a s r eq u ested, wi l l requir e prel i minaries be submitted for revie w by th e Commiss ion , the letter mai l ed in June to all local architectura l The meeting wa s adjourned at 3:50 p.m. An n But ler Recording Se cretary that i n accordanc e with off i c es. �