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CITY ATLANTA, HALL GEORGIA 30303 SA MUEL IN MAN C O O PER, F. A .I. A . , CHA I RM A N J OS E P H S. PE R RI N , VIC E - C HA I RM A N MR S. ALV IN M. F ER ST , S E CRE T ARY October 6, 1966 HARR Y J. B A LD W I N , A. S . L . A. ORB I E B O STI CK, P . E . W . L , CALLOWA Y J AM ES H. DODD JOH N C. GOULD J UL I A N HARR I S , A . I. A . GEORGE HEERY , A. I .A . MRS . ED I T H H EN DE RSON, A . S .L .A . H. K I NG MCC A IN , P . E . J. BEN MOORE PA UL MU LD AWER , A. I .A. JOHN POR T MA N, A. I. A . Hon. I van All en, Jr. Mayor Ci t y of Atlanta Re Dean Rusk Memoria l My dear Mayor Allen: Re cently you r e f erred the le tter written you on September 8 by Mr. Frank G. Ethridge , and your rep l y t here to , to t he Atlant a Civi c Des i gn Commi ssion for recommendat i ons c oncerning the proposa l , suggested by Mr . Ethr i dge, of a commemorat i ve memorial to the Honorable Dean Rusk , u. S. Secret-ary of State. At i ts meet i ng of September 22, the Commission r eviewed the correspondence s ent it, and concurred in the following statements: (1) That it looks with fav or on t he s uggestion offered by Mr. Ethridge, and fe e ls that a local memorial . to such a worthy and prominent Ge orgian wou l d be of defi n i te c i vi c interes t and benefi t; (2) Tha t as yet the Commi ssion i s not prepa r ed to r e commend either a specific type of memoria l, nor an exa c t loca t ion f or same. (In this connection, the naming of ei t her "Capitol Plaza" Park, or the socalled "Ugly Triangle" at Spring Street and Carnegie Way, for Mr. Rusk was proposed. Also some prominent and focal site adjacent to the present location of the Lee Street School, which Mr. Rusk formerly attended, and which is to be moved to another l ocation within the area of the West End Renewal Project, was disc ussed. Such a site for a Rusk memorial might well be on the mall itself of the proposed shopping center in this project, and consequently closely adjacent to the site of the school at the time that Mr. Rusk attended it.) �Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Page 2 October 6, 1966 (3) That when and if the Commission can later establish a site and/or a form of memorial which it considers appropriate, it will there L after inform the Mayor of its opinions and its recommendations. ATPL Sincerely yours, COMMISSION Sam'l Inman Cooper, F •• Chairman SIC :ab cc: Mr . Frank G. Ethr i dge �