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VI NUTES ATLAN TA CI VIC DESI GN CO~M I S SIO N AU GUST 25, 1966 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Desi g n Commission was held


Thursday, Au g ust 25, at 2 p , m., in Committee Room follo win g me mbers pres e nt: Ba ld win, Messrs. Sa m' l I. Coo p er, Chairman; J. Ben Moore, Jame s The minu te s Cit y Hall, with the Harr y J. H. Dodd and Paul Mulda wer. of the Au g ust 11 mee ting we re a pprove d . Chairman Cooper rea d th e follo win g : (a ) Letter to Mr. Eric Harkn e ss in repl y to his letters of Aueust 3 and 16, re th e Urb a n Bea u tific a ti on P ro g r a m. (b) Letter from Mr. John Gould, e xplaini ng his a b s ence at the Au g ust 25 and Septemb er 8 me etin gs . as t he Co mmi s s io n ' s W.r . Goul d a lso a ccept e d his appointment off ici a l cont a ct with Mr. Ha rkness on the Bea u tifi c at ion Pr o gram . Chairman Coop er an nounc ed tha t on Sep t e mb e r 8 the Co mmission will mee t w ith Metr o p o litan P l ann in g Co mm i s sio n in th e Glenn Bu i l d in g at 2 p . m. The West En d Urban Rene wa l ma y be a s ked we l l Proje ct was dis cu ssed . As t h e Commission to re v ie w this project, Mr . Moore su gg ested th a t it mi ght be to ask Hr . Ed gar E . S chukr a ft t o meet with the Co mmiss i on. Coo p e r r equ e sted Mr. Moore to cont ac t Chairman Yr. S chukraft an d invite hi m to the S ep tem b er 22 mee tin g. Cha i rma n Co o per related h i s t e l ep hon e convers ati on wi t h Mr. Por t man regarding the scale model of the down t own area. s howing a 5-block area done at a scal e of may possibly be shipped East for 50 A mode l of San Francisco, feet-1", and whi c h cost ,,.i l8,000 the . Commissi o n to see. �• - 2 - Chairman Coo.per stated that he has been contac-t.ed by a.n -unme,n,t -ioned party who proposed a future dinner, possibly at the ttarriott, to be spon- sored by A.C.D.C., at which there would be brought in for talks certain nationally renowned architects, city designers, etc. certain department heads, At said dinner, Mayor Allen and the Board of Aldermen, and other interested parties would be invited, and t he sug g ester w ould pick up the tab. The chairman requested the Commission to form an opinion as wh ether this would be beneficial to motion was made and the Ci ty and A .C.D.C. to Whereupon the carried app rovin g the ge neral idea, and the follo wing committee was appointed to discuss details for definite outline of the proposal and brin g before the Commission: Portman, Pe rrin Coop er chairman The follo win g com mittee was appoi nte d to collaborate with the Planning Department in activatin g the program for historic sites and structures in the City: Baldwin, Ferst McCain The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m. Ann Butler Recordin g Se cretary chairman �