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MINUTES ATLA NTA CIVIC DES I GN CO MMISSION JULY 14, 1966 The regular me eting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday, July 14, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room the follo wing members present:


Cit y Hall, with Chairman Sam'l I. Cooper, Vice-Chairman Joseph H. Perrin, Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secretary; Messrs. Paul Muldawer , Harry J. Baldwin, Julian Harris, W. L. Calloway, H. King McCain, and Mr s. Edith Henderson. Guests were: Mr. Eric Harkness, City Planning Depart- ment; Mr. James P. Hudson, Planners & Engineers Collaborative; and Mr. S. Jarvin Levison, Atty. Minutes of the June 16 meetin g were approved. Chair man Cooper presented a copy of the form letter to be sent to a rchitects ackno wled g ing receipt of their submissions to be revie wed b y A.C .D .C., a co py of which wi l l also be sent to the City Building Inspector. A roster has been s et up to record submissions, arc h itects s ub mitting, date s r evie wed, etc. Cha i rman Coop e r in Denver . reported on the AIA Convention he attended in· J ul y He expresse d hi s vi e ws of De n v e r i n g e ne ral , comme n ting o n the u s e o f b r i dges c on necting buildin gs; rounded cu r bs at street co r n ers; and part i cu l ar l y, the clean li ness of the City. Mr . Muldawer presen t ed and r eviewe d the d esign c r ite ri a and r e p o rt of the Architectural Committee of A.C.D.C. (C op i e s at t ached ) �- 2 - The possibility of an ordinance re g ardin g over-hanging street s ig ns was discussed. Mr. Harris was requested to bring any data h e may have on the subject to the Au gust 11 meetin g , at which time the c h airman wi l l appoint a committee to work with the City Planning Department in drafting a proposed sign or d inance. The follo wing motions were ap p ro v ed: (1) A .C .D .C. members will g o to t h e City P lan n in g De partment a ·t the July 28 meetin g for acquisition of kno wledge and background of the department, what the y a re worki ng on, etc. (2) A. C .D.C. me mbers wi l l g o to the Metropolitan Pl a nn i ng Depa r t ment in the Gl en n Bui ldin g at th e Au g u s t 25 me e tin g , if ag r e e a bl e wi th ARMP C. Work i ng dr awi n gs for the f ol l owi n g s ubm i s si ons we r e re vie wed ,)y A . C .D.C.: (a ) Ad di tio n to Lakew ood Hei g h t s El e me nta ry S c h ool - Cunni ngha m & Forehand, Ar c hite cts (b) Addition to Gideons Elemen t ary School - Cu nningham & Forehand, Arch. (c) Mo zley Park Recreati o n Center - Dale & Smith, Arch. Letters will be sent t o the a r chitects t hanking them for their submissions. Letters to b e sent to Atlanta S cho o l Board and Parks Dept. with A.C.D.C. comments and/or recommendations regarding submitted plans wi ll be drafted by the chairma~ and presented at the next meeting. �- 3 Mr. James P. Hudson appeared before the Commission in regard to preservation of trees on the 40 1 setback on commercial property. Th e Commission concurs with Mr. Hudson that some restrictions are needed whereby a certain percentage of trees be left on the 40 1 setback. Mr t:. Edith Henderson, in collaboration with A.S.L.A. and the City Plannin g Department, will draft a proposed tree ordinance and present at a fu tu : · · meeting. Mr. Eric Harkness of the Planning Department, and Mr. S . Jarvin Levison, attorney for Dr. Milton Smithloff, promoter of the Treemont Apt. Bldg., requested the Commission's recommendation regarding the r e zonin g of land on 14th Street for this hi gh-rise apartment. The follo wing motion wa s approved by the Commision: "T HAT TH ROUGH THI S COMMI SS IO N vrn RE COMMEND THE CO NDITIONAL REZO NI NG OF THAT S EC'l'IO N OF LAND BETWEEN 13TH AND 14TH S TREE TS , I N ORT·ER TO PER MI T THE CONS Tnu C TIO N OF THE PROPO SED TREE MONT AP T . ' AS INDI CATE}") ON PRELI MI NARY DRA WI NGS . THI S HECO MY. EN DATION DOES NOT ATTE MP T TO A PRE C"CDENT FOR FUTURE COMPA RABLE DE VELO PME NT. Mr . Perrin prese nte d t he r ep ort o f r e gar din g Ca p ito l mi nu tes of 11 the mee tin g of Comm it t ee Park a nd " pe rc e ntage fo r a llied art." Copy of t he mee t i n g are a tta ch e d. Motion was a ppr o ved ch a ng in g A. C . D .C . q u or um from 9 to 8. The mee ting was adjourned by Chairma n Cooper a t An n Butler Re cord i n g S e cr etary 5 : 3 5 p.m. (b ) th e s:, �