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MINUTES OF SUB-COM~ITTEE MEETING, CO MMITTEE B ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN CO MM ISSION I. Subjects Treated A. B. II. Capitol Park Percentage for the Allied Arts Recommendations: A. B. A contract should be made with an Atlanta architect 1. He should choose a design team from his staff or from a list of consultants representing: landscape, architects, the allied arts, and engineers 2. Architect that is interviewed shall submit a verbal - concept which shall be a consideration in the selection of the architect. J. An early preliminary should be presented in sufficient detail to indicate both the landscape architecture and the use of the allied arts It is recommended that non-architect members of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission sit with Mr . Davis, Mr. Landers, and Mr. Kiepper to develop a list of architects and to assist with the interviewing of architects under consideration. The criteria for selection of these architects would be as follo ws: 1. 2. J. 4. III. l The project should be _a team venture with the architect coordinating the project. A team of Georgia designers recommended. The architect is responsible for the total project. The preliminary designer is not restricted to the discipline of architecture. Recommendations: A. B. Capitol Park Percentage Letters have gone out to eighteen cities requesting information and views relating to percentages for the Allied Arts. It is the feeling of the committee that a reasonable approach to the percentage problem be as follo ws: 1. J/4 of one percent of the first million dollars for a building pr oje ct to be allocated for the Allied Arts. 2. 1/2 of one percent of all additional ftinds for the building project be allocated for the Allied Arts. From the discussions a nd incorporations of the views of othe r members of the Commission and upon receipt of information from cities contacted, it is r ecommenced that a formal proposal for (1) an ordinance detailed with percentages be sent to the aldermanic board, and (2) formal recommendation from the Commission dealing with Capitol Park be sent to Mr. Ernest Davis, Mr. Alan Kiepper and Mr. Earl Landers �