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SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM WASHINGTON, D. C . 20560 May ll, 1966 Mrs. Dorothy Greer 2069 Glenwood Avenue, S . E . Atlanta, Georgia Dear Dot: Things are shaping up here for Hadad . The curator, Dr. Gus Van Beek has given his approval and the Director , Dr. Richard Cowan has given his tentative approval for this piece of sculpture to be given to Atlanta -if Atlanta shows a definite interest . You know the people to s ee, but perhaps our illustrious Mayor Ivan would be a good start. We have completed the plastic cast which will soon be placed on exhibit and the "original" plaster cast is in excellent condition. Please l et me know the response you receive soon for I believe we should act rapidly. Give my love to David and tell him I appreciat e hi s Happy Sons Day. P. S. There may be the possibility of some additional art work. JCW �