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M y 26, 1966 Mi Dorothy Greer McLe n Trucking Company 736 MemoTial Driv , S . E . Atlanta , Georgia D -r Dorothy: Thi will acknowledg r ceipt of your lett r and th attachments from your broih r r g r-ding his program t th Smithaoni n lnstltut • I g th r from :r din hi letter to you that th proj ct entails makina re ;roductio of th originals. and th r pr uctions t doesn't plac d appropriately. Am l wrong in ssumin m they will giv the ol"i~l 1 to Atlanta? B t th original or re roduction, we would it. l do know, how v r, t th Atlant Art anything but ort urau ill not Commission lo 1 2nd. 1" for •• ln t •incer, ly, Ann oae J �