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Cast o:f' the Semitic Storm God, Hadad Thia c:ast vas orde red from the f ormer P.oyal Museum of' r lin, February 20, 1895, vhere the o riginal is housed, by the U. S . National Museum for exhibition at the Atlanta Exposition, 1895. Thie:: statue of Ha.dad , the Semitic stcmn god , was found at. a site known as JerJ1n, which is located near Zinjirli, in northern Syr i Q. (For a description of the find spot, see KONIGLICHE MUSEEm 2U BERLIN MITI'HEIWNGEN AUS DEN ORIENTALISCHEN SAMMWNGEN. Heft XI : AUSGRABUNGEN • IN SENDSCHIRLI I: EINLEITUNG UND INSCHRIFTEN. (Berlin, 1893) , pp. 46ff. ) The statue w s found exposed on the surface ,o f the mound in 3 large p rts ; 1. the Ghoulcler ·and 1.ower face, 2. the u.-pper head and cap , nd 3. the cylindrical... haped, in eribed body. grain dole rt te . It pr s nt h ight is ll ' vi th base , but 1t be1 ht must hnve been -bout 13' . The f'ore :rms v hands prob bly h! 14 obj .cts which ve st the f Thi• 1 e divin origin l not ~ound, but the ttributes of Th e.d. 9th-8th century B C. ot the . rg at ptece11 of North Syrian acull)tur· fl ots the !nf1uenoe of tw cultural It 1Ji a blendi The st t ue is o:f :fine d a, AaiJ Mi11cJr and MeeopotUli of the H.1tt1t• art to:r.m Vlth the rt o of Me opotami . �