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CITY AT LANT A, HAL L GEORG IA 30303 SAMUEL INMAN COOPER, F.A.I.A., CHAIRMAN JOSEPHS. PERRIN, VICE·CHAIRMAN MRS. ALVIN M, FERST, SECRETARY June 23, 1 966 . H ARR Y J, BA LD W IN, A,S,L,A , O R BIE !3 0STICK, P ., E, W, L, CALLOW AY JA MES H, DODD ' /. JOHN C, GOULD JULIAN HARRIS, A.I.A, G E O RGE HEERY , A ,l,A, MRS, EDITH HE N D ERS ON, A,S,L,A, H . KING MCCAIN , P, E, J, SEN M OOR E PAUL MULDA WER, A, l ,A , JO HN PORTMAN, A,l,A, .'·· Dear Andre: w At its meeting on June 16 last , the · Atlanta Civic Desi gn .Commission requested tra t you be thanke d f or y ou r appearance before this Commission at its pre vi ous me e tin g o n June 2, and the writer would add his personal appreciation t o that of t he. other membe~s 0 As y ou fu l ly realize, the best hope foi a real contribution by our Co mmission to the i mp rove ment of the physi c al environment of Atlant a lies in its becomin g informed o n what has been do ne, and what is contemplated or b e in g studied whi ch wo uld affect that environment. Yours presenta~ion, to our Commission, o f y ou r proposed concepts of the improvement o f certain specific areas, as developed for t he Atlanta Beautiful Comm i ttee of the At l anta Women's Cha mber o f Comme rce, was received b y all memb ers of the Commission with both interest and enthusiasm, As stated to you during the meeting, many of the solutions repr esent both imagina tion and feasibility - one of the outstanding features of y ou r entire approach to many of the se _problems emphasizes the realistic concepts which govern their develop. men t. �·- - -------·---- ... - · -- - Mr. Andrew E. Steiner Page 2 June 23, 1966 The Atlanta Civic Design Commission wi shes b o th to thank y ou for your presentation of the Atlanta Beautiful Pro gram, and co mme nd the desirability of the solutions - proposed. It w ould like wise include in its thanks and in its commendation Mrs o Embry, of the . Women's Chamber of Commerce, whom we were ha ppy to . also have with uso Sj_ncere-ly yours, ATLA~=SIG N COMMI SS IO N Sam 1 l Inman Coop er, F .AoI·. A. Chair man SIC:ab • " �