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' December 26 , 1967 Mr . Alex W . Smith , Pre!; dent c~ntral Atlanta Pro gress , nc . 2 Peachtree 5treet, N . W., Suite 27 40 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Alex: V/e have rev i£wed the report "Stvdy 0csi~n for tho Central Atlanta Planning Process" whic was prepared by Alon M . Voorhe es & As:;ociotes, Inc . for Central Atlanta Progress, Inc . and the City Planning Department . Our foeling is t1ot the approach sugges d by ' is report is much too exi'c nsive for th is sf'og~ of the gc:-ne a d has one g laring weak , ess in tha t it proposes o form out a rea t por ion of the re:;eorch to private c on:u ltiny firms . Our exper ience has been that it is

..uch more so isfactory to op2roach th is type of proje ct slowly, uti lizing the

rc~urccs of those who ore the most v itally c oncerned . We propose tha~ the tech nical work b<J do .c by the planning staffs of tho City Pionning Deportment and Central Atlanta Pro . ress, Inc . ond that the ir wor 1 l:e done under the direction of and in cl o:ie coo)eration wi h a c omm ittee to be maJe up of .,yself as chairman , three members of the Bocrd of Alderme n and three me.. b rs of t:1e CAP Execu ive Boord . Th is committee would insure thot the interests of boti1 the C ity at Iorgo and the in~erests of th.::i property owners and me rchants of the Ccntrol Business Distr ict were well r\,;presented . \Ve further propose that this corr.miUee m~ot several times with staff members of the City Planning Department and CAP to aiscuis the objectives that should be pur~uec..l in o study of ti,e Control Busines!> D htrict . We think thot the mambers of this committee, as well as tile staff members , should hove a dGfinite and clear-cut k!Ga of just what is to be accomplished by such p s~uc!y . We think it is at this point that we con decide how much outside technical support will be necessary to enable us - �2. Dc cc ,nbcr 26 , 19l7 to occo.-np i::;: r' e o b jcc ·ives w '1 ic h ' .ave bee n set-, ho ,ever, I 1c..ve oreo t confi de ce in sta) o·f th e City Pla nni •D De? 'l"ii e nt, a :; wc il as C AP, e nd fee l that a n: ·ori ·y of i'h\; . tac hnicc l work con a nd wo uld best be don~ by these t-. 10 sro ps . I hope thcr this oltern tivc p oooso l vvill meet wi ·h your a pproval o nd owoit you r ·c ci sion in f is r;;igcrcl . $ ·nee e ly , yours , Jr . lAJr/· cc •• Mr . Joe Tarve r Mr . obert M . Wo od �