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I' ,.· C C ITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 DEPARTMENT OF PLAI\NI '.'/G COLLIER B. GLADIN, Director Se ptemb er 7, 19 67 M EMO RAN DU M FROM: Collier Gl adin SUBJECT: Tree Ordinance (i~~ '(}µ J Atta c hed is the late st draft of the Tree Ordina nc e for your rev i ew wh ich represents th e work o f the Planning a nd Law Departments to re draft the ordinance a ccording t o the instruc tions of t h e Planning a nd De velo pment Committee . 1-Je believe t his to be a reaso nab le and workab le ordi nanc e in whi c h mo st o f the stated obj ecti ons have been · worked out . Please a ttend the Planning and Development Committ ee Meet i ng o n September 13, 1967, at 10:00 A. M. in Committee Ro om #1 or address comments to Rodney Cook , Cha i rman, Planning and Devel opment Committee Planning Department; City Hall, not later than September 11 . CG/ml c �