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CITY OF .ATLANT.A CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 DE PARTMENT OF PLANNING CO LLIER B . G L A DI N, Dir e ctor September 26, 1967 Kr . Charles Davis, City of Atl nt Atlanta, Georgia Co troller Dear Charles: Re: Visit of Toronto nd Montre 1 Transit Systems. • In my efforts to seek involvement on the part of many of the ldermen as it relates to rapid transit planning, 1 m continu lly confronted with the feelin that rapid transit is even to ten y ara • ay and th re is no need for 1mD diate cone rn . While this ayst ha• been in various stags of pl nning since 1962 th planning ph a will soon b ov r nd th citizen of Atlanta will be fac d with a d cision to pprov or disapprove bond issue for construction. By Sp~ing of 1968, lllOSt of th planning will be complete, at lea t the detail alt nt and st tion loc tlons. By that t uny of our policy k re 1hould bav seriously evaluated the yat and the 1 ct on th corridor throu h which it passes . Atl nt has the et to gain or loa through the prop r pl nning of a total tr neportation ayste • The policy kers of this city will shoulder large p rt of th re ponaibUity to insure the pa11ag of a bond is ue to pay the city'• sbar for tranait which ta to be held th1rtee nths from now, in Jfov r 1968. 1.be · lanning and D v lop nt Co itte haa be n rev1 th pro re•• of 4Ull~'-A nd their con ultanta. Thy have ridd n the ntir ali nt and discussed the poaaible act on adjac nt prop rtiee, 1tatto locations and their acceaalbility. lde n Cook baa attended tranait · etin I in 1bington and Visit d the eat c eat ayatem, hlch brio• to the point of thia re ueat. Alderman Cook, aft r dlacus,tn the Toronto and ntr al transit ayat a with conaultant1 a other• bav vtait d the1e ay1t , haa ask d t t 1 request f nds for h ad I to vialt both of these citie in order to have • first ncl kno ledge of eir la nt progr cd transit 17et deal t of the cltiea tra ait pro r ar unique ln deal n and r res nta • oft e st �Mr . Charles vie Sept'1!11lber 26, 1967 -2- ex 1 sin the world of the tremendous develppment ttr cted to transit corridor and the controls that have been used to uid this development . For these re son, 1 would like to reque t that funds be made avail ble in the amount of 665 . 00 to visit th se two <lain citieo betwe n the 10th of October and 15th of October. (See ttached Schedule F). Siner ly ~ ~B. Gl din Pl nning Director CBG/jp cc •• Rodney Cook Barl nder Attac ent �