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Ap:cil 4. 1969 Mis Grar.:e Kelley 1015 Washita Avenue . N. E. Atl nt • G orsia 30307 f J;"ance ,: Southeast corQ.er of int r•ection of North Highland Avenue. N. B. and Washita Avenue , N. E. Dar Miss Kelley : This letter is in cefe~ence to your ~orreepondence to yor Ivan All n, Jt . ,:equ ~tin t hat the .above.. ent:toned proi,er.ty b. 'beautifi d so a to b nefit the tteighborhood . We 'WOuld c rtainly lik to do t h1 in th.ac have a continuing pro~a:ill remnants and am 11 parcels of 1 nd left ov r f7!o ere.et widening.• etc;. Bow ·ver. re re ~dvle~d in thh c as that this property wa · purch.i · d by the 01.ty L nd nt. a.cti a nt fo~ the Stat Hi ay Departm~nt. for th con truct1on of the con Mount in Fr way . W r-tt" further dvi ed th$t the con tructlon hould st rt in th r futur. W h b n ing up rath r clo ely with th con truc~ion t t ble in that th y dos go tl:\rou hap rt of Candl r Park. of develQpin 'lb nk you ain fo~ your uugg .stion, t Cordi ,lly_, JCJUjw cc: lv.n 4U.en• Aldana , ·elW'4 Fr Aldenl&ll Ce.ell Tui.- .Jr. / ' - n, �