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HINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION SEPTE~BER 28, 1967 The r e gular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was he ld Thursday, September 28, at 2 p.m~, in Committee Room 4, City Hall, with the following memb e rs present: Joseph S. Perrin; Chairman Mrs. Alvin M. Fcrsti Secretary Samuel I. Cooper Jam e s H. Dodd Franklin M. Garrett Julian Harris Mrs. Edith Henderson H. King Mc Ca in Gue sts present: Alex Coffin - Atlanta Constitution Eric Ha~kncss - Planning Du partmcnt David A. Lunde - Ae ck Assoc., Inc. Minutes of the Septe mber 14 meeting were approved. Lunde Presentation Mr. Lunde pr e sented for review of the members tht:.) preliminary plans of th e Georgia State Colle et libe ral Arts Building - Aeck Associates, Inc., Ar chitE: cts. Brid gc Ordinanc e Mr. Perrin state d that the Board of Ald~rme n will tr eat the proposed bridge ordinance, wh ich has b e en revised, at its mee ting on October 2. He express e d conc e rn th a t the Co mmis sion did not receive a copy of the revised ordinance, nor ~ as it give n an oppor tunity to review the document. After learning "thro ugh the grape vin e " of the revis ed ordinanc e , Mr, Perrin s t ated th at he secured a copy~~ then sent tel (:grams on b e half of the Commission to ~,•essrs. Earl Land e rs, Sam Hasse ll, Rodney Cook, and Everett Millican, r ef l e ctin g th e ge neral r e vie w of the Co mmission's r e port on the ordinance. Mr. Perrin added that he has talke d to many people in the design profession and public areas of resp onsibility who express concern a bout the ordinance, and he is optimistic about th .e outcome. "Terminus 11 Mr. Pe rrin presented the draft of the lett e r to be sent to t he prop8 rty own e rs of th r, Terminus area, i nviting them to meet with the Commission to discuss the ir intere st in leasing their property to a bona fide de velope r, as requ e ste d by Muldawer at th e last me ~ting, The membe rs approv e d the le tter for distribu tion. �- 2 Budget The floor was opened for discussion of tho 1968 budget request for the Co~mission. An increase in the btidget is proposed to cover the expense of the secretary's salary for extra days' work, and for th e "Information and Communication Program". Mr. Coop8r made the following motion, which passed: "That the Commission request from th8 City an adequate amount of funds needed for th c Commission to fulfi 11 its res pons ibil i ty, and state in the request why the increase in the budget is ne cessary." r.fr. Perrin stated he will prepare and forward the budget request to the Finance Committee, as requested by the members. Reappointmen~ Mr. Perrin stated that he rE:ceived a l e tt n r from 1~:ayor Allen requesting r e commendations for vacancies on the Commission which will occur on De cember 31, 1967. The 2-year terms of the follo ·;ing members will expirb a t t ha t t im e : Joseph B. Brow c er w • L • Ca 11 ow a y Julian Harr is H. King McCain John Portman Th e floor was open e d for discussion, during which the members offered th e ir no min a tions for appointme nts or reappointments on the Commission. -~_,_,,...--- Committee Reports Th e r e being no committe e reports, the chairman urged eommittees to bring som e favorable report on committe e .:: ction at tha next mc,.- ting , as much of th& Commission's work can best be don e by com n ittee aetion. "Congra tula ti ons" Nr . Ha r ris e x p ress e d cong r atulations on b e half of th e mem ber s to Mr. Perrin, f o r h is r o le i n the Art s Co n gr e ss whic h was he l d S ep t e mb er 16 . ~d j o~r nmen t The re being no further business, the me e ting was adjourned at Ann Butler Recording Se ere ta ry J:55 �