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MINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday cr;ptember 14, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room 4, City Hall, with the following' members present: Paul Muldawer, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secty. w. L. Calloway Samuel I. Cooper Franklin M. Garrett Julian Harris Mrs. Edith Henderson Guest present: Mr. Lyman Roberts - Housing As sis tan ts Administration Minutes of the August 24 meeting were approved. CHAIRMAN I S REPORT Mr. Muldawer, assuming the duties of the chair in the absence of Mr. Perrin, reported on the following correspondence: 1. Letter of September l from Mr. Howard Openshaw, Atlanta Housing Authority, re the proposed redevelopment of the business district in the west End Urban Redevelopment Project Area, as reviewed by the Commission at its last meeting. The 11 Housing & Urban Renewal Review Committee" of the ACDC has forwarded its report to the AHA. 2. Letter of September 7 to Mr. Erman Williams, Director of Housing Development Division, Housing Assistants Administration, inviting a representative of the HAA to meet with the Commission on September 14 re proposed 11 turnkey II housing projects. Mr. Lyman Roberts wi 11 appear later in the meeting in th is regard. 3. Letter referred to the ACDC from Mr. Jake H. Wilensky, with attached correspondence from Dayton, Ohio, concerning the appearance of vacant lots . Mr . Muldawer suggested that this matter be handled by the appropriate committee. 4. Letter of September 7 to Mr . Ray A . Nixon, Director of Public Works, re amendment to the ACDC•s rep ort on the proposed bridge ordinance. The vice-chairman initiated a discussion of the proposed underground development, and stated his concern tla t the area be tastefully and properly restored and developed. He suggested that the property owners of this area be invited to meet with the Commission to discuss the potential of the area, and to see if th e y are interested in leasing the property. �- 2 - Mr. Harris made the follo'.v ing motion, which pass e d: "That the owners of th e prope rty involve d in the "Underground Atlanta" area be invited to a meeting of the Civic De sign Commission and sound it out as to their inter e st in and willingness to leas e th e ir property to a bona fid e developer," It was requested by the members that the l et ters be for warded to the property owne rs one month in advance. Mr. Mulda wcr stated the names of the property owners are availabl e . ROBERTS PRESENTATION Mr. Lyman Roberts of th e Housing Development Division of the Housing Assistants Administration, was we lcomed to the meeting. Mr. Mulda wer explained that at its last mee ting, the Civic Design Commission had reviewed a proposed 11 turnke y ·1 proje ct, a t which tim e there we r e seve ral co mme nts mad e about some aspe cts of the project which could be improve d. He add e d that the Commission is concerned with quality, especially in one of the first turnkey projects, as it can set a pr e c e dent for oth e rs, and that a r e presentative of the HAA was invited her e to begin a dialogu e to see how the Commission can be of help. Mr. Roberts e xpla i ne d th e r e view proc e dur e of the local HA A off ic e , and passed around for r e view of the me mbers th e Outlin e of the Turnke y Method. M~. Muldawe r stated that at the request of the ACDC, Mayor Alle n had writte n a me mo to the Atlanta Housin g Authority r e que stin g that all turnke y projects come befo re the Co mmission fo r re v iew . Mr. Roberts wa s as ked if he felt it woul d b e be nefi ci al i f th e ACDC r e vie we d the project a nd f orwar de d its co mme nt s to the HAA p r ior to t he re vi ew by t ha t of f ice . Mr . Ro be rts s t a t ed he feels this i s a n excelle nt suggesti on , whi ch would he l p a nd give re-enf orcement to t h e HAA re vi ew . ~~r. Mu l dawer ad d ed t ha t s e vera l months ag o he and Er i c HarknGss of the City Planning Departme nt s t arted working on Design Criteria for the Mayo r's Housing Program , andif thi s criteria ca n be oevel oped, wo ul d the local HAA support the criteria and work with t he Commission in eneouraging better design . Mr . Rob e rts replied that he feels his organization would support this , and welcomes what the Com.mission is d oing . He added that he will forward to the members of the ACDC the HAA Design Criteria, which is being published. COM~UNICATION COMMI~TEE RE PORT Mrs . Ferst stated that she hop~s a joint committee meeting with Committee

6 (Co mm unication) and Coml!littee #10 ( Planning) can be held before the

nex t Commission meeti~. ADJOURNMET1TT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at Ann Butler Re cordin g Secretary J:JO �