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!·!-I NUTE~ ATLANTA CIVIC DESIG N COMMISSION JULY 13; 1967 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday, July 13, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room 4, City Hall, with the following members present: Joseph S. Perrin, chairnE n Paul Muldawer, Vice-chairman Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Sec. Sa m 1 1 I. Cooper Franklin M. Garrett Julian Harris John Portman Guests present: Robert Smith - rep. Harry J. Baldwin, member Don Ingram - Assoc. Dir., Central Atlanta Progress, Inc. Jack Delius - General Manager, Parks Dept. Stan Ayer - Parks Dept. Stan Martin - Parks Dept. Alex Coffin - Atlanta Constitution Lorraine M. Bennett - Atlanta Journal Minutes of the June 22 meeting were approved. CHAIR MAN'S REPORT Mr. Perrin presented the new listing of committees for the Commission, and stated that a copy of same will be distributed to members 15efore the next me e ting. Mr. Perrin reported on the Public Works Committee meetin g which he attended that same day concerning th e bridge issue. During his absence early in the meeting, Mr. Muldawer assumed the duties of the chair. Mr. Perrin stated he had told Mr. Millican, chairman of the Public Works Com mittee, that ACDC would welcome the opportunity to talk to the commit tee about the bridge issue, and to revie w any proposed ordinanc e . Mr. Perrin stated he feels the Commission should take a stand on the bridge issue as i t relates to the city, and that a statement be developed an d sent to th e committee, and that ACDC keep in touch with members of th e boa rd and us e its powers of p e rsuasion in this rega r d. The "Info rma tion Pr ogra ms and Co mm unicat i on" Co mmitte e was requested to pr e pare such a s t a t e me nt for th e Co mmission. SE CRETA RY RE PO RT Mr s . Ferst pre s e nted f or the Co mmi s s i on ' s r e vi e w a n d c o mment fir s t materia l for a pr o p ose d d e s ign symbo l fo r ACD C c ita t i on. "TERMINUS COMMITTEE" REP ORT Mr. Garrett stated he had a c on ference with Messrs. Ingram and Bevins of Central Atlanta Progress re the undergr ound development. Mr. Garrett stated he hesitates to get the landowners of this area involved before �- 2 rapid transit plans are more fully developed so we will kno w what part of the area will be available. Mr . Ingram stated that CAP hopes to move ahead with the first elem ent of the project in August. Mr. Muldawer feels that ACDC should wait to see what CAP will do in this re. DELIUS PRESENTATION Messrs. Delius, Martin and Ayer were welcomed to the meeting to explain the Parks Department's involvement in the urban trail issue, and discuss future prospects for a trail. After the presentation, Mr. Perrin expressed ACDC 1 s full support of and interest in future plans for a trail~ OLD BUSINESS Communication Program Mr. Mulda we r initiated a discussion re the proposed symposium for the purpose of relating groups who are interested in ACDC 1 s program. A lengthy discussed ensued, during which Mr. Portman and other members offered suggestions for achieving an effective communication program. Mor e complete details of the discussion are on file in the office. Mr . Perrin stated he will send note s of Mr. Portman 1 s thoughts to the committee handling the Communication Program, and suggested Mr. Portman be called on for resources and advice. Mr. Portman further su gg ested that the Commission request the Mayor to wri te to the Aldermanic Committees and have them to refer all matters pertaining to urban design problems to th e Co mmission, so that we may get advance information. Mrs . Ferst su gg ested that at a later time further discussion be held re urban design committee. Rapid Transit It wa s decided at the last meeting that the Commission should make a statement concerning the implementation of rapid transit as i t relates to the City. Mr. Perrin requested the "Planning, Visual Survey & Rapid Transit Committee", (B aldwin, chairman) to prepare such a statement for the Commission's approval. Also in regard to rapid transit, Mr. Muldawer stated that Eric Hill Associates is doing an impact study, and he feels the results of this report should be reviewed by the Commission. Tree Ordinance Mr. Perrin stated that the hea ring on the proposed tree ordinance will be held on July 21, and he requested Mrs. Henderson, chairman of the Tree Ordiname Committee, to prepare a state me nt for the Commission re the tree ordinance to be presented at the hearing. ADJOURN MENT Ther e b eing no furth e r business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10 �