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!H NUTES ATLANT.A CIVIC DESIGN COFMISSION JUNE 22, 1967 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thu~sda y , June 22, at 2 p. m., in Co mmitte e Roo m 4, City Hall, with the following me mbers present: Jos e phs~ Pe rrin, Chairman Paul Mulda we r, Vic e -Cha ir man Mrs. Alvin M. Fe rst, Secr e tary Samue l I. Cooper Ja mes H. Dodd Fr a nklin ~ ~ Garrett Julian Harris Mrs. Edi th Renders on H. King McC a in J, Ben T>floore Gu e sts pre sent: Mr. Lynn Ha rriss, Exe c. Dire ctor, A-.S .L.A. Mr. Ale x Coffin - The Atlanta Constitution Minute s of the Jun e 8 mee ting were approved. CHA IRNAN1 S RSPORT : ~r. Pe rrin r e porte d on the following corresponde nc e : 1. Le tt er of 6/15 to the Ma y or of Birmingham e xpr e ssing ACDC congratula t i o ns on Birmin gham 's n ew civi c c e nt er 2. Le t t e r of 6/ 22 t o Sara Massell expressi ng ACD C stand on th e real esta te "f or s ale " s i gn ma tter J. Le t ters t o tho se wh o ma de p rese n ta t i o ns in fav or of t he urban trail at th e Parks & Recrea t i on Comm i ttee meet ing on June 13 4. Letter of 6/ 13 fr om th e ~unicipa l Art Commission of Kansas City, with a report of 11 Urban De sign Stu d ies ". Mr . Pe rrin state d that Kansas City has a sign ordinan c e , and t ha t the implemen t ation of the ordinance, with sketches and notations, ar e included in the r e port. He added that he had answered t his correspondenc e , and state d that ACDC was glad to share information and asked for a copy of the sign ordinance. Wi th the c oncurre nee of memb ers , Mr . Perrin state d he will forward to Kansas City available reports, including the CI P rep ort and ACDC 1 s 1966 report of former chairma n Coope r. 5. Letter to the Atlanta Housing Authority, as drafted by Mr. Dodd, re ACDC recommendations concerning redevelopment proposals review process, was presented to the members for th eir approval bef ore mailing. Mr. Per rin sta t ed he has restructured the list of committees, as requested at the last meeting, and presented the proposed committee listing to the members for their review and approval. It wa s decided that the new committee listing be forwarded to members; with a note asking them to list committees on which they prefer to serve and return same to the office within one we ek so that t~ chairman may compile and appoint committee chairmen. �- 2 - Mr . Perrin r e ported that the n ew stationary for the b ei ng prepared. Comm ission is The chairman expressed a note of thanks to Mrs. Ferst who worked e ffectively and hard to provide information and r e sources r e the urban trail mat ter. Upon Mr. Perrin 1 s r e quest, Mrs. Henderson r ep orte d on th e Jun e 13 mee ting of the Parks & Recreation Committe e , at which time the ACDC , among othe rs, had urged the reopening of the urban trail issue. rfr s. He nderson stated that the federal funds for this project had already b ee n withdrawn befor e th e presentation, and that th e matter was dead. VI.CE-CHJiIRMAN' S REPORT: Mr. Muldaw e r exte nd e d his p e rsona l congratul ati ons to Mrs. Ferst, Mrs. Henderson and Mr. Perrin for organizing the urban trail presentation for the Parks & Recreation Committe e , and state d that at so me futur e time ACDC should r e comme nd that Atlanta should design a bike system for th e w hole city from one 8n d to the oth e r and ask for funds for that. He further suggest e d that th e Commission start imme diate ly compiling a list of or ganizations with which i t wa nts to communicat e , and hold a symposium for the p urpos e of e stablishing maximum citiz e n participation and support of AC DC 1 s program. In this re, Mr. Perrin suggested that this matt e r b e postponed until th e n ext meeting , at which time the new co mm i t t ee will b e appointed to handl e details, a nd a l s o that J ack De lius, Gen eral Manager of the Parks De partm e nt, b e invite d to the ne xt mee ting for his point of view r e bik e trail b ef ore furth e r action is t a k e n. Mrs. Ferst furth e r su gges t ed invitin g T1fessrs. Stan Hartin and Stan Ay e r of th e Parks Depart me nt. Ur. Mulda we r concurr e d. Mr. Muldawer pr e sente d a new spap er article statin g that Pr es id e nt Johnson' s Na t ional Co mm ittee on Urb a n Pr ob lems will hold a mee ting and public h ea rin g in Atla nta Jul y 2 0 -21. Mr. Muldaw e r noted th a t th e group is cha rg e d with ma king r e comme ndations to i mprove citi e s, and he su gg0 s te d that ACDC or gan iz e a group to make a presentation at this h e aring . Mr. Muldawer added tha t Savanna h has a historical z onin g ordina nc e , an d he su ggeste d th at a l e tt e r b e forwarded to Savannah City Manager r e qu e sting a copy of the ordina nc e, a n d th a t ACDC, wi th the he lp of AIA, urge our local l eg islatur a at th e ir nex t hearing to tr y to impl e me nt historical zoning. SECRETARY 'S REPORT: Mrs. Ferst stated she concurs with Mr, Muldaw e r's f ee ling re the urg enc y of r e lating groups who ar c inter e sted in ACDC 1 s program. It was decided that a questionnaire will be mailed to members asking them to list the names of individuals and or g anizations with whom we need to communicate, and return same to Mrs a F e rst. �- 3 COMMITTEE REPORTS: Sanitary Committee Mrs. Henderson offered the following thoughts conc e rning trash in the downtown area: (1) a propos e d change in the general time of coll e ction; and (2) a proposed ordinance that each new building would provide enclosed area to take care of storage of its own cans, boxes, etc., from which trucks would gather the material, and that each e stablished building provide a si milar area. Mrs. Henderson stated she will gath e r in ·th e near futur e . more information and report "Te rminus" Committee Mr. Garrett stat e d that he has starte d contacting parties who are intere s ted in the underground dev e lop me nt. He also has look e d over available maps and records which Central Atlanta Progress has. UNFINISH~D BUSINESS: Ordinanc e for % f o r ~ In compliance with the chairman's request, Mr. Harris stat e d he has reviewed the proposed ordinance dealing with percentage for arts, and pr e s e nt e d his opinion of the ordinance. Upon Mr . Harris's obj e ction to the ordinance as is, Mr. Perrin pointed out that this pa rticular o r dinanc e is an exam ple l ega l structure, and he ask e d for a vot e to decide whether or not to proc ee d with th e percentage program. iJ!r, Muldawer moved that the ACDC continu e wi th this study, and th e motion carried. Mr. Perrin suggested th a t the n ew co mmittee com e up with recommendations and/or obj e ctions to the ordinance. Rap id Transit: Mr. Perrin stated that members had previously agreed to open for pr e liminary discussion what attitude ACDC may have relative to rapid transit. He raised the following questions for thought: ( 1) Do we have facts about influencing th e aesthetic role of rapid transit? (2) What can we do? (3) Are we informed enough about the plans to know what we are talking about? (4) How can we as a Commission fail to look at this import a n t is s u e s o far a s de s i g n of th e ci t y i s co n c e r n e d ? It was the general opinion of members present that the Commission has a right and obligation to make a statement concerning the implementation of rapid transit as i t refers to the City. �- 4 - Mr. Muldawer ad ded that Eric Hill Associates is doing an impact study ~nd hopes to bring their repo r t before the Commission. r rs. Ferst suggested rapid transit as a point in the proposed s y mposium. ADJOUR N f.P~N T There being no further business, the me e ting was adjourred at 4:00 Ann Butler Recording Secretary �