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MINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN CO LlMISSION JUNE 8, 1967 Th e r egular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursda y, June 8, at 2 p. m., in Committ e e Roon #4, City Hall, with the follo wing

nem b e rs pr l


Josephs. Pe rrin, Chairma n Pa ul Muldawcr, Vic e -Ch a irman I~rs. Alvin n, F e rst, S e cretary Harry J. Baldwin TI . L. Callowa y Jam e s H. Dodd Franklin M. Garrett Julian Harris Mrs. Edith Hen derson H. King Mc Ca in Guests present: Lorrain e M, Bennett - The Atlanta Journal Alex Coffin - Atlanta Constitution f inut es of the May 25 mee ting were approved. ~ CH1~I RhA N I S REPORT: Mr. Pe rrin pr esente d a sampl e of the proposed d es ign for ACDC Mem b e rs off e r e d th e ir co mme nts and reactions to the d e sign. l e tte rhead, Mr, Perrin report e d th a t h e and Mr. Portma n had met with Mr. Rob e rt Biv ens of Central At l anta Progr ess , Inc., r e th e model proj e ct. Mr. Portman e stimates th e proposed mod el will cost bet wee n $ 100,000and $ 150,000 and h e pl e dg e d $ 10,000 to war d th e d e v e lop me nt of sam e , CAP, through Mr, Bive ns, e xpressed inter e st in this project, and feels that most of the money can be raised fro m private funds, a nd the remaind e r through the CAP group. The chairman r e ported on the follo wing correspondence: 1. Letter from Rev, Fred Stair of the Central Pre s byterian Church, , ex pressing his thanks for th e Com n ission 1 s report to Bradb erry & Ass oci ates on th e Georgia Plaza Deve lopmen t . 2. Letter from James L. Bentl ey re histo rica l site on property at 1649 Lady Marion Lane, N . E . VICE-CHAIR HA 1" 1 S RE PORT: Hr. Mul dawer presented an article from the "Birmingham News" c on cerning the new Birmingham Civic Center wh ich was developed through the use of an op en competition, and s ugg e sted that a letter of commendation be sent to the Birmingham authorities who sponsored this competition. After some discussion, it was decided that the letter cont ain the Commission's congratulations on the new civic cen t er, with no mention of the c ompeti ti on• Mr. Harris suggested that a meeting be set aside in the near future to di.s'<'uss the feasibility of ACDC recommending to the City that all uty work b e awarded by open eompetition involving local architects, �- 2 - SECRETARY'S REPORT: Mrs. Ferst requested that members forward to her the names of civic organizations or individuals who might be utilized on the ACDC mailing list. UNFI NISHED BUSINESS: AHA Review Mr. Perrin stated that Messrs. Baldwin and Dodd have submitted a report on behalf of the ACDC to the Atlanta Housing Authority concerning the , review of redevelopers proposals for the Rawson-V1a shington Stre-et Urban Redevelopment Area. After eiving an informal rundown on the report, Mr. Dodd suggested the feasibility of AHA considering the utilization of consultants on a retainer basis, not to diminish the role of other reviews, but to provide a more complete review. He feels this would be economically feasible because the amount of the cost involved in relation to the total cost would be modest. Mr. Perrin suggested that Mr. Dodd present at the next meeting of ACDC a report to AHA recommending how revie ws could be improved. Ordinance for % for Arts Mr. Perrin presented the proposed ordinance dealing with allocation of percentage of construction costs to allied arts, as submitted by Mr. Robert Lyle. He stated that a copy of the proposed ordinance will be sent to members of the Commission . Mr. Harris was requested to review the ordinance and present opinions and suggestions at the next ACDC meeting. Mr. Muldawer suggested that the proposed ordinance also be sent to art associations, civic clubs, and universities for their comment and support befor e it is submitted to the Board of Aldermen. Mr. Harris requested t,ha t before the n ext meeting of the ACDC members be thin king of other intere sted parties who may want to receive a copy of the ordinance. Urban Trail In answer to the ACDC letter of May 25 to the Aldermanic Parks Committee, requesting the reopen ing of th e Urban Trail issue, Mr s. Ferst announced that a letter has been received from Jack Delius, Par ks Manag er, invitin g the ACDC to appear at the next meeting of the Parks Committee on June 13 to make its presentation in this regard. Member s were urged to attend this meeting. Mrs. Ferst added t~t she had written and received information from Mr. James J. Hayes, Director of Information of the Bicycle Institution of A~crica. Portfolios will be available to members who appear at the mee ting of the Parks Committee. �- 3 Tree Ordinance Mr . Perrin stated he received a letter from Mayor Allen thanking ACDC for its letter of endorsement for the proposed Tree Ordinance. The ordinance will be up for a hearing shortly, at which time th e Commission will be notifi e d. Mr. Perrin suggested that at least 2 members of the Commission, and particularly one from the Landscape Architecture category, represent ACDC at the hearing. "For Sale " Signs Hr. Pe rrin stated that he and hle ssrs, Baldwin and Gould had met with Me ssrs. Schukraft and McClure of the West End Businessmen's Association, conc e rning the propos e d ordinanc e to ban "for sale sign on residential prop er ty. At Mr. Pe rrin's requ est, Mr. Baldwi n gave a brief report of the meet ing. Mr, Baldwin added that the committee ge nerally feel~ this question involve s social and e conomic problems, and go e s beyond th e Co mmis sion's area of responsibility. It was d e cided that at th e next AC DC meeting, a sub-committee be established to deve lope criteria for a proposed overall sign ordinanc e. "Terminus II Project Hr. Muldawer stated that Hrs, Montgomery of the At lanta Junior League has informed him that the Le agu e plans to involve its e lf in this projec t. As the city is looking for a plac e to relocate the Cyclora ma, Mr. Muldawer feels it would b e useful to have a study ma de of the fea~ibility of locating the Cyclorama as a focal point in the pr opos ed "underground" developme nt. NEW BUSINESS; Members agreed that in the near future a meeting should be se t asid e for the ACDC to take a position re rapid transit. At Mrs~ Ferst•s request for a new sub-committee listing, Mr. Pe rrin stated he feels people ar c more motivated if they are working on something in which they are interested, and · he will ask members on which sub-committ e e they prefer to serve, and move from there. ADJOURNMENT There being no further busines s , the meeting was adjourned at Ann Butler Recording Secreta ry 3:u5 �