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MI NUTES ATLAN TA CIVIC DESIGN CO MMI SS ION MAY 25, 1967 The r e gular meeting of the Atl a nta Civic Design Commission wa s held Thursd ay, May 25, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room


City Hall, with the follo wing mem bers present: Joseph S. Perrin, ch a irma n Mrs. Alvin M. F e rst, secretary Ha rry J. Bald win W. L. Ca llowa y Sam ue l I. Cooper James H. Dodd John C. Gould Mrs. Edith Hend e rson H. King McC ain J. Be n Moore Gu es ts present: Lorr a ine M. Bennett - The Atlanta Journal Ale x Coffin - The Atl a nta Constitution Minut e s of the May 11 mee tin g we r e appr ove d. CHAIR MAN I S REP ORT Mr . Perrin r ep ort ed on the followin g correspondence: 1. Letter dat e d May 18, to th e At l an t a Housin g Authority , concerning report of the rede v e lop e rs proposals for the "Univers it y Ce nt e r Urb a n Redevel o pment Area, " as re vi ewed b y Mes srs, Perrin, Baldwin, a nd Calloway . 2. Lette r of May 25 to Bradb u ry & Ass o ci a tes, re the presentation on May 11 of th e Georgia P l a za pla n s . Mrs. Hen der s on was thank ed for dr aft in g th e material for th e report. J. As a uthoriz ed by the Comm ission on May 11, a l etter dated Ma y 25 was forw a rd e d to the May or a nd Boar d of Alde rmen, e ndor sing the proposed tr ee o rd inance , and urging th eir supp o rt of same. Mr. Perrin added that members will rece iv e a copy o f the report of the Commission ( from F e bruary 1966 to Ma rch 1967) as submitted by former chairman Cooper . Mr . Perrin ex pressed his personal commendation to W.r. Cooper of th e report. SECRETARY' S REP ORT Mrs. Ferst stated that t he desi gn symbol for ACDC citation is well underway, and sho uld be ready for the next meeting. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Committee on% for Allied Arts (Perrin 1 ch.) Mr. Perrin stated that the City Attorney is preparing the ordinance for alloca tion of percentage of cons~ruction costs to allied arts, which we should have within th e next 2-4 weeks. �- 2 - Committee on Scale Model (Portman, ch.) Mr. Perrin stated that he and Mr. Portman have arranged a meeting with Mr. Robert Bivens of Central Atlanta Progress, Inc., to seek CAP's support of the proposed model. Committee on Proposed Dinner (Portman, ch.) Mr. Perrin reported that Mr. Portman has consented to support the proposed dinner, and that the committ ee could move ahead with plans for same. Co mm it tee ( e ) Dodd , ch • ) Mr. Dodd reported that he has begun writing letters to oth e r ci'ties for information on desirability and feasibility of side walk c afe s in the city. "Communication" Committee Mrs. Ferst, co-chairman, stated that the committee is preparing a list for contacts. "S an itation" Committee ( Moore, ch.) Mr. Moore stated he has no report, but that he has noticed that the City has put trash receptacl e s in Plaza Park, and h e qu e stions i mprov e ment due to con sp icuous colors of th e rec e ptacles. Committ ee on CIP Rep o rt (Gould, ch.) Mr. Gould reported th a t the committee has revie we d the CIP report, as submitted to th e city by th e p l anning consultants. The co mmittee fe e ls it is a fine r ep ort; however Mr. Gould noted that th e recommend at ions were p arti cularly weak . He read th e draft of th e committee ' s rep ort to be forwarded to the Planning De partme nt, a nd t he motion p as s e d to end orse th e r e port as read. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AHA Revi e w Mr. Perrin reported that th e Commission h as b ee n requested to review the redeveloper's proposals for the Rawson-Washington Street Urb an Redevelopment Area, per letter of May 17 from the Atlanta Housing Authority. Mr. Dodd, Mr. Baldwin, and Mrs. Henderson plan to represent th~ ACDC at the presentation on May 31. �- 3 ~ icyc l e ~ il Mrs. Ferst brought up the matter of the proposed bicycle trail in the Collier Hills area, which was voted do wn by the Parks Committee of the Board of Aldermen at a hearing held on May 9. Mrs. Ferst, who lives in the section of town concerned with the trail, presented a handbill that was circulated in the area, opposing the trail. She stated that she heard nothing about the May 9 hearing, at which time some 120 residents had opposed the trail, and she feels ~hat the hasty decision to abandon the idea was made without adequate publicity on the hearing, and without both sides of the argument being presented. The members discussed the issue, and the motion passed that the Commission forward a statement to the Parks Committee requesting the reopening of the subject and endorsing the development of the trail. Mrs. Henderson and Mrs, Ferst drafted the statement, which was approved by the members, and the letter was forwarded that same day. NE11if BUc INESS "For Sale Signs II Mr. Perrin stated that it has been brought to his attention that there is under consideration a possible ban of "For Sale" signs on single unit d wellin g s in Atlanta and brought this matter up to the Com mission for discussion. At least 2 members of the Commission feel that ACDC should express interest in governing sign control, and actively engage in bringing about a sensible approach to sign control, however they hesitate to specify particular signs. The chairman requested Mr. Gould to give thought to the matter, and within 1 or 2 meetings present recommendations to the Commission of how it might approach th e problem. ADJOU RNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:45. Ann Butler Recording Secretary �