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CITY ATLANTA, HALL GEORG IA 30303 SAMUEL INMAN COOPER , F.A.I.A., CH A IRMAN JOSEPH S . PERRIN, V I CE-CHAIRMAN I MRS. ALVIN M. FERST, SECRETAR Y I HARR Y J . B ALD W IN, A . S . L . A. ORBIE B OSTICK , P. E . W. L. CALLOWAY JAMES H. DODD JOHN C. GOULD JULIAN HARR I S, A .I. A . REPORT OF GEORGE HEERY, A.I.A. MRS. EDITH HENDERSON, A. S . L.A. H. K ING MCCAIN, P. E. J. BEN MOORE ATLAN TA CIVIC DESIG N CO MM ISSION PAUL MULDAWER, A . I . A . JOHN PORTMAN, A.I.A. 1. FEBRUARY, 1966 TO MARCH, 1967 Th e Ordin a nc e wa s p a ss e d cr ea ting th e Atlanta Civic Design Commission in Nov e mber, 1965. 2. The follo wing me mb e rs were appoint e d to th e Commission by Mayor All e n in Janu a ry, 1966: a. Ca t e gor y of Ar ch it e cture: Pa ul Muld awe r, A . I.A. John Port ma n, A .I . A . b. (for three y e ars). (for t wo yea rs) Ca t e gor y of La ndscc1p e Archit e ctur e : Ha rr y J. Ba ldwin, ASLA (for on e ye ~r) Mrs. Edi t h He nd e r s on, AS LA (for thr ee yea rs) c. d. Ca t e go ry of P a in t in g a nd Sculptur e : J u l ia n Harr is, A .I. A . (fo r t wo yea rs) Jos ep h S. Perri n (fo r on e y~ar ) c ~ t e gory of Engi n eering: H. King McC a i n, PE ( for t wo years) Orbi e Bostick, PE ( for · two years ) �- e. 2 - Category of Planning: James H. Dodd (for one year) Thoma s H. Roberts f. (for three y e ars) Ca tegory of Historic and Architectural Tr a dition: S 3muel Inm3 n Coope r, F.A.I.A. Ge org e Hee r y , A .I.A. g. (for thr e e years) (for on e ye ar) Ca tegory of La y Citiz e ns: Mrs. Alvin M. F e rst (for thr ee ye a rs) W. L . Ca lloway (for t wo yea rs) J. Be n Moore (for on e y ea r) J. Org a niz a tion Me eting - F e bru a ry 9, 1966. The mee ting wa s c a ll e d to ord e r b y Mr. Coop e r a s Acting Cha ir ma n. All me mbers we r e pr e s e nt e xc e pt Mr. Bostick a nd Mr. Moor e . Hr . Coop er state d: a. Th a t do wntown At la nt a is ugly a nd tot a lly uncoo r din a t e d . b. Tha t down t own Atla n ta is gra du al l y bu t s t ea dily i mpr oving i t s appearance an d its coo r d i nati on. c. Th at t he p ublic is i n t eres t e d i n f u r th e r i mpr o vement, bo th in fu n cti o n and in aesthe tic s . d. Th at the purpose and ob j e c tive of the At l anta Civic Design Commission is to further, s o far as it is able, such improvements. e. That the Commission has no powers, other thBn recommendation and/or persuasion. f. That the Commission will work with, and will enjoy the cooperation of, the various departmente of the City government. �- 3 - Mr. Sam Massell, President of the Board of Aldermen, was pres e nted. Mr. Ma ssell stated: a. That there exists a real public interest in the objectives of the new Commission. b. That if amendments to its charte r were considered advisable, the Commission should petition th e Bo8rd of Aldermen accordingly. c. That the Commission c a nnot regulate aesthetics, but only advise and/or recommend. d. That all meetings of the Commission are to be open to the public and to the news media. The follo wing offic e rs of the Commission we r e elected for the en suing year: Chairman----------------S a mu e l Inman Cooper Vic e -Ch airman- ----------Jos eph s. Perrin Secret a ry--------------- Mrs. Alv in M. Ferst It wa s d e cid e d that me e tings of th e Commission would be held t wice monthly at the City Hall. 4. Functionings of th e Commission: a. Th e Atlanta Civic Design Commission has met regul a rly, twice monthly, throughout its first yoar of ex ist e nc e . It has me t at 2:00 P.r.1 . on th e s ec ond a nd fourth Thursd ay of each month in Committee Roo m


of the Atl an t a City Hall. Mee tings have usually lasted from three to f our hours. b. Attendance at meetings has n o t been all that could have been desired. The Commission first established the presence of nine �- 4 me mbers to constitute a quorum -- later this wa s reduced to e i ght members (out of a tot a l me mbership of fifte e n) but s evera l meetings did not provide this quorum, and hence could tak e no official a ction. c. A number of committe e s were a ppointed throughout the year. Here aga in th e record is spotty -- in certain committee s activ e participation was provided, in oth e rs (usually due to th e absence of their Chairm an from Commission meetings) little activity resulted . d. Speakers and g u ests we r e invited to many of the Commission's meetings, and addressed the me mbers. Usually such presentations we r e follo we d by questions and general discussion. Such persons included the following, who explaine d to the Commission the functionings a nd obj e ctives of the ir respe ctive gr ou p s and/or de par tme nts, and off ered the cooperation of their organizations to th e Atlanta Civi c Des i g n Commission. Mr. Sam Ma ssell (F e bruary 9, 1966) Chairman , Atl a nt a Boa rd of Alde rmen Mr. Thomas T. Tuck er ( Mar ch 17, 1966 ) Navy League of th e Unit e d States Mr. Char les Mi tchell ( Ma rch 17, 1966) Sculptor - Re : Fou ntain design Mr . Jerry Coffell ( Ma rch 17, 1966) Planning Department - City of At l a nta Mr . Collier Gladi n (April 7, 1966) Planning Departmen t - City of Atlanta Mr. Robert D. Speer ( April 21, 1966) Sa nitary Departm e nt - City of At l a nta Mr. Eric Har kness ( Ap ril 21, 1966) Planning Department - City of Atlanta �- 5 Mr. Robert S. Sturgis, A.I. A . ( April 21, 1966) Mr. John A . Bro wn (A p ril 21, 1966) Candcub, Fleissig & Associ a tes, Consultants M~. Morton Rolleston ( Ma y 5, 1966) Mrs. Harmon Barnard ( ~ay 5, 1966) North/ North we st Civic As sociation Mr. Charl e s Hoop e r ( Ma y 5, 1966) Petroleum Council of Ge orgia Mr. Thomas H. Rob e rts (Jun e 2, 1966) Mr. Gay l e L. Ha rder (June 2, 1966) Atlanta Re gion Me tropolit a n Pl a nning Commission Mr. Eric Harkne ss (Jun e 2, 1966) Planning Dep a rtme nt - City of Atlanta !·fr. Glenn E. Be nnett (Jun e 2, 1966) Atlanta Re gion Metropolitan Pl a nning Commission Mr. Andre w E. S t e in e r (Jun e 2, Robert & Co mp a n y Associ a t e s 1966) Mrs. Caroline J. Embry (Jun e 2, 1966) Atla nt a Women's Ch a mb e r of Comme rc e Mr. Ch a rles J. Robisch (Jun e 16, 1966) Ge orgi a Cha pt e r, Ame ric a n Institut e of Archit e cts Ald e r ma n Rodn ey Cook (Jun e 16, Atl a nta Boa rd of Ald e r me n 1966) Mr. Eric Har kn e s s (July 14, 1966) P l a nnin g Depa rt me nt, City of Atlant a Mr . J ame s P. Hud s o n (Jul y 14, 1 966) P l a n n e rs & En g in e e r s Colla bo r a ti ve Mr. S. J a r v i s Le vi son (Jul y 14, Att o rne y - Ci ty of Atl3 nt a 1966 ) Mr . Gl en n E . Be nn e t t ( S e ptember 8, 1966) Ex e c u ti ve Di r e c tor - Atl ant a Regi o n Metropolitan Pl a nning Commis s ion Mr . J. D. \V ingf i e ld ( Se pt ri mber 8, 1966 ) Atla nta Re gion ~e tropolit an Pl an ning Co mm issio n Mr . Edg a r E. S chukr a ft ( S ep t em be r 22 , 1966) Chairma n Ur b a n Re n ewa l Co mm i t t ee - ~ e st End Pro j ect �- 6 Nr. Eric Harkness (October 27, 1966) Planning De partm en t, City of Atl a nta Mr. Frank G. Etheridge (October 27, 1966) Mr. Peter R. Norris (October 27, 1966) Mr. Morris A. Hall (October 27, 1966) Hall & Norris, Archite cts Mr. Ellsworth Dor es ky (November 10, 1966) Community Pl a nner - Housing a nd Urban Dev e lopment Mr. 1,.' illi am Oliver ( De cember 8, 1966) Georgia Chapt e r, Ame ric a n Institute of Ar chitects Mr. Robert W. Bivens (D e c e mber 8 , 1966) Executive Dir e ctor - Ce ntr a l Atl a nta Pro g ress, Inc. Mr. Eric Harkness (Janua ry 26, 1967) Planning Dep a rtment - City of Atl a nta Mr. Ray A . Nixon (F ebr u a ry 9, 1966) Chi e f Construction De partme nt, City of Atlan t a Mr. A. P. Brindley (F e bru ary 9, 1966) Parks De partment, City of Atlan ta Mr . Henry Toombs (F e bru a ry 23, 1967) Toombs, Aillis a no & q e lls, Architects Mr . Clifford H . Clarke ( F e bruary 23, 1967) As soci a t e d Industri es of Georgia Hr. Collie r Gladin ( Fe bru.a ry 23, 1967) Director , Pl3 nning De pa rtme nt, Cit y of Atlanta I1Hr. ~fcKe ndrie Tucker ( Ma rch 9, 1967) Tuck e r ~ Howe ll, Ar chit e cts Dr. Darwin w. Womack ( Ma rch 23, 1967) Departm e nt of Educ a tion, City of Atl anta Mr . Clifford A. Na hs e r ( Ma rch 23 , 1967) De p a rtme nt of Education, City of Atlanta Mr . Marv in Kilgore (Marc h 23, 1967) Bull & Kenney, Archi t ects Mr • R • B • Ti pp e t t ( lit a r c h 2 3 , 1 96 7) Robert & Comp a ny, Archi t ec ts & Engine e rs �- 7 Mr. Vernon E. Johnson ( March 23, 1967) Stevens & Wilkinson, Architects Mr. Fred Bainbridge ( Warch 23, 1967) Architect Mr. Lew Deadmore (Il arch 23, 1967) Architect e. The Commission enjoyed th e assistance of J,R ayor All e n and his staff, particularly Mr. Landers, Mrs. Mos es , Mrs. Price, and Mr. Nonroe. f. The Conmission was assisted by the Board of Aldermen. At the Commission's requ e st, its charter wa s t wice amended by this Board. Also, o l,200.00 wa s a llocate d to personne l ( ~~rs. Ann Butler, Recording Secretary) and later $ 1,000.00 was allocated to bring one or mor e scale models to Atlanta for promotional purposes. This latter fund has not yet be e n dra wn against. g. Th e Co mm ission ha s, during its past yea r of ex istence, sought to organiz e its e lf, to a cqu ai nt its elf with a s broad a background as possible, in t e rms of Atl a nta's physic a l aspe cts and kno wn d e v elo pment plans for th e future, and to establish b a sic policies und er whi ch it would hop e to function. 5. Personnel of the Commission: a. In July, 1966, Mr . Thomas H. Roberts was transf erred out of Atl a nt a, and therefore resigned from the Co mm ission. fr. r • John C • Gou 1 d wa s re c o mm e n de d to t he in the category of Planni n g . r,ray or a s h is re p 1 a c e me n t May o r Allen cons e cuently appointed Mr . Gould a s a member, a nd this appo i ntment was accepted Gould. by Mr. �- 8 b. On March 23, 1967, the follo wing officers of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission were elected for the e nsuing year: As Chairma n----------------- Joseph S. Perrin As Vice-Chairman------------ Paul Huldawer As Secretary---------------- Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst c. In March, 1967, the follo wing members, some of whose earlier terms has expired, we r e appointed or r e -appointed to membership on the Commission by Mayor Allen. All have accepted these appo~ntments. Harry J. Ba ldwi n Joseph .S. Perrin James A. Dodd Franklin M. Garrett J. Ben l\f oore d. In March, 1967, Mr. Orbi e Bostick resigned fro m the Co mmiss ion, due to pressure of oth e r matt e rs. No recommendation has as yet b e en made as to his r e placement. e. In consequence of the ab ove, th e personnel of the Atlanta Civic De sign Co mm ission is pr e sentl y as follo ws: (l) Category of Ar chit e cture: Paul Muldawer (two years ) Joh n Portman, AIA (on e year ) (2 ) Category of Landscape Arch itecture: Harry J. Baldwin, ASLA (t hree y e ars) Mrs. Edith Henderson, ASL A (t wo years) (3) Category of Painting and Sculpture: Julian Ha r r is (one year) Jose ph s . Perrin (th re e ye ars) �- (4) 9 - Category of Engineering: H. King McCain, PE (one year) Yet to be appointed (for three years) (S) Category of Planning: James A. Dodd (two years) John C. Gould (two years) (6) Category of Architecture~E143.215.248.55storic Tradition: Samuel Inma n Cooper, FAIA (two years) Franklin M• . Garrett (three years) (7) Categor y of Lay Citizens: Mrs • . Alvin M• . Ferst (two years) W• L • Ca 11 ow a y ( one ye a r ) J. Be n moore (two years) (8) Executive Secretary: lrrs . Ann Butler 6. Projects Sponsored by Atlanta Civic Design Commission: During its initial year, the Commission sponsored, a cti vely or oth erwise, a number of projects whi ch it felt wo uld be of value to the City. These included: The Atlanta "Capitol Square" development. Better downtown garbage disposal. Acquisition of a scale mod e l · of down to wn Atl a nta. Improvement, as a park, of the "u gly triangle" at Spring and Cain Streets. Id e ntific a tion of historic buildings. Re s t or a ti on o f t h e II t e r mi nus II ar ea • Improved appearance of fillin g stations. Acquisi t i on of sta tue of Ha d a d ( fr o m the S mi ths on i an Institu te). The :11est End Urban Renewal project. Memorial to Dean Ru sk . �- 10 Inclusion of Atlanta in Federal "Demonstration Cities" program. Mayor's program to ward additional housing in Atlanta~ And others. 7. Projects reviewed by the Commission: The Commission, during its first year, and in accordance with the mandate stated in its charter, reviewed the following projects submitted to it: a. Certain City of Atlanta schools. b. Certain City of Atlanta parks. c. One bridge for the City of Atlanta d. Certain private developments, including: Proposed office building adjacent to State Ca pitol. Proposed high-rise apartment building on Fourte e nth Street Proposed future campus pl a n for Ge orgia State College. Numerous small ~ r com me rcial and/or industrial buildings. Several multi-f loor garage structures. Oth er proposed developments e. ( misc e llan e ous) Th e Co mm ission has a lso requested, an d has be e n pro mi sed, a review, in its early stages, of the ma jor dev e lop me nt proposed by Raymond D. Nasher on the four bloc ks fron ting on Hunter Street, across from the State Capit ol Building. 8. Recommendations of the Retiring Ch airman: a. That the Atlanta Civic Design Commission be continued as a functioning body. b. That its budget be supplemented to cover the cost of the services, for one additional day per week, of its Executive Secretary. �- 11 - c. That any member of the Commission absent from more than three (3) consecutive meetings be dropped from membership, and that a new member be appointed in the same category to fill the vacancy so created. Respe~lly 1 sf~itted,


SAMUEL INMAN COOPER, Chairman February, 1966 to March, 1967. April 10, 1967 �