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MI HUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN CO VPISSION MAY 11; 1967 Th e r e gul a r meeting of the Atla nta Civic De sign Commission wa s h e ld Thur s d ay Va y 11, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room


City Hall, with the follo wing mem b e rs pre s ent: Joseph S. Pe rrin, ch ~i r ma n Pa ul Muld awe r, Vic e -Ch a ir ma n Mrs. Alvin M. Forst, S e creta ry Joseph B. Browd e r W. L. Ca lloway Fr a nklin M. Ga rr e tt Mrs. Edith Hend e rson J. Be n ~ oore G~ e sts pr e sent: Mr s Mr s Mr. Mr. Dr. . Ivan All e n, III - Atl an t a Junio r Lea gu e . Aberna thy - At la nta Junior Le a gu e John E. Dugge r - Br a dbury & Associate s Ron E. Mitc he ll, Jr. - Br a dbury & Associate s Paul Brown - Ce ntr a l P r e, ·b y t e ri a n Church Mi nutes of t h e Apr i l 27 mee t i n g we r e a p p rove d. CH~IRMAN ' S REP ORT: Mr. Pe rrin sta t e d th a t h0 h a d visite d with Eric Ha rkn e s s in the City P l a n ni n g Dep a rt me nt, and wa s s h own a pla n th ey a r e wo r ki ng on whi ch includes the Te c hw o od Proj ec t, Ri ch' s a rea, Gove rn me n t Co nter , Peac h tre e Center a nd Park P l a c e Devel op me nt, an d that Plan nin g wi l l n o w b e work i ng on a con cept design f or tho se area s. Mr . Ha rkness ho pes t o ca l l a meet in g of th e int ere s t ed parti e s to e xplor e s o me problems a nd pr o spe c ts o f continuing developme nt of those areas around t he Ci t y . A letter dat e d May 3 was rec e ive d from t he Atlanta Housing Authority seeking review o f Redeve loper ' s Proposals for Urban Redevelopment Area . th e Univers ity Center Messrs . Bal dwin and Calloway had reviewed 6 of the 7 projects, and Mr. Perri n r eviewe d the remaining proposal th a t same da y , and he related to the Commission his report of same. sta t e d tha t Mr. Perrin h e hop e s to ha ve lles srs. Baldwin~ Ca llowa y •s writte n r e port within a few days, so that the y may b e forwarded to AHA. �- 2 A letter dated Hay 4 was received from Mr. Ernest Davis, State Auditor, conc e rning an overall development plan for the government cent e r. Also in this r e gard, Mr. Perrin commented on the April 28 e ditorial in th e Atlanta Journal written by Mr. Re~se Cleghorn. Mr. Perrin stated that he had received a call from Alderman Hugh Pierce, who stated he will support the Tree Ordinance, and also voiced his concern about old elm trees near the Atlanta Stadium overgrowing the sidewalk. This matter will be brought up for action at the n e xt Commission meeting. A letter has also been receive d from Mrs. Raymond M. Finney, s e cretary of the Collier Hills Civic Association, Ordin a nce, a s submitted to the urging passage of the Tree Planning and Deve lopme nt Committee by the City Planning Departme nt. Mr. Pe rrin made the motion that a resolution stating ACDC support of th e Tr ee Ordinance be written a nd forwarded to the Planning and Dev e lop- me nt Co mmittee and to the Pl a nnin g De p a rtment. Also in this r e gard, Mr. Bro wd e r, Vice-President of Georgia Pow e r Co mpa n y , requested th at it g o on r e cord th a t Tr ee Ordinanc e, but th a t or Mr. t he Po we r Company is for th e on occasion it is forc e d to "butcher" tr ee s. aske d if th e Commission ha s Power in this regard. The motion carried. got th e feelin g s of Southe rn Bell and Mr. Per rin s ug ,:~ e sted tha t He Ge orgia he sp ea k with Mr. Gla din Harkness. VICE-CHAIR¥AN 1 S RtP ORT Mr. Muldawer rep or ted that thi s l a st w~ek he rece ived an inv i tat i on from the Metropolitan Plannin g Co mm ission to join a area for the Junior League tour of t he underground to see t he potenti al of th e "Terminus" area and �- 3 to perhaps consider this as a sort of project for them. After the toor, Mr. Muldawer had contacted Sam Massell and was advised to seek the support of th e Chamber of Cdmmerce: Mr. Perrin sug gested th a t he also contact Mr. Don Ingram of Central Atlanta Progress, Mr. Rich or Mr. Neeley of Rich's, and the Convention Bureau, and to ask oth e r appropriate organizations in the city to write letters in support of this project to th e Chamber. Mr. Perrin stated that he has contacted Mr. Ray Moore, who is intere s ted in givin g ne ws coverag e to n ew s worth y Civic Design Commission project and activities. Th e chairman furth e r suggested that as concret e plans are made relating to the promotion of the "Te rminus" area or other developments, to l e t him know of same so that h e can set up ne ws coverage with 'f,rqB. GE OR GI A PLAZA DEVELOP MEN T Messrs. Dugger and Mitchell of Bradbur y & As socia tes, made a ~ omp r e hensi v e r e vie w of th e plans for the Georgia P l a z a Develop me nt. Slides of the project were s h own, follo wed by qu es tions and comme nts from t h e Co mmi ssion. Dr. Paul Bro wn, ch a irm a n of th e Building Committee fo r the Ce ntral Pres b y t e r ian Church, als o made a pr e s en t a tion of co n cern of th e Chu r ch re la ting to c e rt a i n aspe c ts of th e De ve lo p men t a s it re l ate s to th e parki n g , ingres s an d egre s s . The chairman requ e s t ed Mrs . review, Hend ers on to d raft a r e port of this to be f o r wa rded t o Br a dbury and Ass o ci a tes~ �r - 4 GE NERAL DISCUSSION Mr. Mulda wer stated his concern about the Parks Committee of the Bo a rd of Aldermen voting down the proposed bicycle trail in the Colli e r Hills a r e a, and said he would like this matter to be studied and reop e ned. Mr. Perrin stated he fe e ls we should get the reaction of the entire Commission and a1scuss the matter with Eric Harkness befor e we make a move to reopen th e issue. It was decided that this matter will be taken up at the next meeting. ADJOURN MENT There being no further busine s s, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 Ann Butler Re cording Secretary �