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pril 20 , 1967 Mr. S muel I. Coop r, F , A. I . A. 501 Henry Grady Bui ldin g Atlan ta, 0 orgia 30303 De r S m: Each ember of the Atlanta Civic Desien Commissi on joins with me in expr ssing to you our eincer and genuine appreciation for the outstanding 1 der~hip and dir ction that you gave to our gr oup during it fir t y ar of exist nee . Your outstanding s rvic and devotion, together with your perception of purpos , c rtainly h s tablish d a preeed nt tow rd ehi v m nt that will continue to b f l t in th y ar head. Thi lead r hip I m sur ill continue to b felt not only by th1 prec dsnt , but by your continuing pa rticipation nd influeno in the aff irs of the Commission . oh ber of the Commission ould not only I know th t want me to th e sentim nt on an offic1:.l basis, but t hat thy sh y f eling that having th opportunity to work with you nd rewarding exp ri nc on th per on.l 1 v 1 a Your r port recently ub itt d to th Co 1 ion covering th !unction of the Com is ion F bruary, 1966, to March, 1967, i a ple t ti ony of th qual1t7 of leader hip which yo u gav to our city in the capacity of Co 1 ion c ha ir an. �! r. S muel I. Coop r Page 2 pr il 20, 196 7 On the more personal side, please ccept my th nks for all th~t you have done s o f r this y ar to giv g uidance and assistance to me in my new role on the Commission. I extend to yo u the hope that th ye rahed will b filltl d with the richest of blessings. Cordially yours, ATLA NTA CIVIC DESIGN COM ISSIO N Jos ph s . Perrin Chairman JSP: .ab cc May or Iv n Al n, Jr. / oc Vic - yor Sam Mas ell, Jr. �