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MINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN CO MVI SSION J ANUA RY 12, 1967 Th e r 0 gul a r moo ting of th e Atla nta Civic Design Commission was h~ld Thursday, January 12, at 2 p~m., in Committ ee Room

4, City Ha ll, with the following

members pr e s e nt: H. King McC a in Sa m'l Inma n Coop~r, Ch a irman Jos e phs. Pe rrin, Vic e -Chairma n Mrs. Alvin M. Fe rst, S e creta ry Harry J. Baldwin J. Ben Moore Paul ~fulda we r Gu e st pr e sent: Eric Ha rknes s, City Plan nin g De partme nt Minute s of th o Dec e mb e r 8 mo o ting we re approved. CHAIRMAN'S RE PORT Chairman Coo per reporte d that the follo win g l e tt e rs hav e b e en rec e ived or writte n b y the Commission: 1. Le tter of De c. 15 to May or Allon st a tin g ACDC support to the May or' s Housing Pro gram , a nd the May or' s reply th e r e to. 2. Le tter of Dec. 15 to Rob e rt W. Bive ns, Ex e cutive Dir Lctor, Central Atlanta Pr ogress, thanking him for me : ting with AC DC on De c. 8. A copy of the ACDC l e tt e r to the Board of Ald ermen r eq u e sting funds for initiating of mod e l of downtown At l a nta was forwardad to Mr . Biv e ns, so that CAP c an consider colla bor a tin g with ACDC on this und ertaking . ). Letter of Dec. 21 from ~ . L. Calloway, d e scribing improveme nts made on th0 Atlanta Transi t Company p arking lot. 4. Le tt er of De c. 22 to Robert Sommervill e , Presid e nt of Atlanta Transit, stating ACDC comme nd a tion for tr ea tm e nt of property describ e d in Calloway l e tt e r, and Mr. Sommerville 's r e ply the r e to. 5. Le tt e r of De c. 22 to Ald e rma n Rodn ey rCook re report of "Community Improveme nt Program,'.' and Alderm an Cook ' s r e ply th e r e to. 6. 1'. . Le tte r of Dec . 22 to r-,ia yor All e n r e pr ese rvation of "historic al s it e :=; a n d s tr u c tu r c s 11 • �- 2 - 7. Lutter of Jan. S to Archit e ctural Mod e ls, Inc., r e their propos3l for th e construction of a scale mod e l of Atlanta busin e ss district. 8. Lett e r of Jan. S to Wm. 'f . Eichbaum re propos a l for construction of scal e mod t: l of Atlanta busine ss district. 9. Le tter of Jan. 10 to v a rious city d epartme nts, architects, n ew s me dia, e tc., r e qu e sting th a t plans for architectural r e vi ew by th e Commi ss ion b e submitt e d in th e ir pr e limina ry stag e s, a s per a me ndme nt to ordinanc e a pprove d 12/7/66~ Th e Ch a irman also r e porte d tha t he a tt e nd e d th e mee ting of the Finance Comm i t tee of the Board of Ald e r me n on J a nu a r y reque st for ~51 0 0 0 wa s consid e red. 6, a t which ttme ACDC 1 s A d e cision was not r e nd ered at that ti me • . HI S TORIC SITES & STRUCTUREQ Mr. Ba ldwin r e porte d h e had cont a cte d Mr. Atto rney ' s Offic e , as r eq u este d a t "hist oric sit es and structur e s". ges t e d wher e b y Ci ty h as fir s t off e r ed for s a l e , th e l as t of th e City meeting, r e pr es e rva tion of Mr. P ilche r o pt ion to buy , P ilch e r f ee ls tha t proc ed ur es su g - in cas e th o pr o p e rt y is e ith er or is approved for d e molition, are go od po ss ibiliti es for p r e s e rving th ese si t es . He furth e r s u ggest e d th e follo win g s t e ps be taken: 1. ACDC agree wha t site s a nd/or structur e s are of "historic a l signific a nce", a nd make a d e clar a tion of same t o b e pr ese nte d to th e Board of Ald e rm e n; 2. Ch e ck with the Parks De partme nt r e mana g e me nt; J. S ee Land Department for inform a tion r e acquirin g prop e rty; 4. See Mr. J a k e Buchannon of the Hou s in g Cod e to s ee if th e minimu m ho using requireme nt s are met. It was suggested th~ t on J an u ary 26 to discuss Mr. Pi lch er be invit e d to meet wit h ACDC th is ma tt er . �- 3 - GENERAL DISCUSSIONS: Appointments to Commission Members present discuss e d the possibility of amending the ordinance creating the ACDC, whereby r e -appointme nts to the Commission could be made. The Chairm a n was requested to contact Sam Massell to sec if this request could be presented to the Board of Aldermen on January 16. Chairman Cooper furth~ r urg e d a good attendance at th e n ext mee ting, so that requ es ts and/or r ecomme ndations for a ppointments to th e Commission can be discussed. RE Trash Commission discuss e d the trash probl e m in the downtown area . Mr. Perr in f e els that an aesthetic committee is needed to come up with id ea s on tr a sh r e ceptacle s, or perhaps to suggest some alternative, the reby making it easy for action to b e tak en. Mr. Perrin moved that th e ch a irman appoint a 3-man committe e to come up with concrete sug be sti ons for this probl e m for AC DC approval, and if feasible, to b e f orward e d to th e Sanitary Department, with a copy of same to th e Planning Department. ~ ith th e concurr e nc e of th e Commis sion, this action will b e postponed until the n ew Commission memb ers and officers are e lected. RE City Showing at Ar t s Festival The following motion, mad e by Mr. Perrin, was passed: "That the Commission authorize , Mr. Perrin and Mrs. Ferst t o approach the 0 ~~rd of the Atlanta Arts Festival with the idea of a city showing, to be �- 4 pr e pa red by the Commission, to tell the story of the design problems that ACDC recognizes." It was suggested that if the Arts Board approve • the id e a, th e Mayor should b e contacted for his ideas a nd then see the Planning Department to set goals for the show. Harkne ss Pres e ntation Hr. Eric Harkn uss revie wed the r e commendations made in th e Improv e ment Program" boo kl e t. 11 Commurii ty A copy of tho bookl e t was distribut e d to members pr e sent, with the Chairman's request that they read it and give th e ir reactions to same at the ne xt meeting. Mr. Harkne s s and me mb ers concurre d that for the s e CIP r e comme ndations and ACDC 1 s program to b e more e ff e ctive , the public should b e b e tter informe d of the proble ms and a chi e v ements. COMi' I TTE E ON P ERCE NTA GE FO R ARTS Mr. Perrin rea d the r e po r t of the co mmi tt ee re co mme ndi n g a pr o p os e d o rdinan c e b e prepare d f or prese nt at ion t o th e Boa rd of Al derme n pr ovid i ng f o r a certain pe rc e ntage of t he tot al p ro j e ct c os t f o r the alli e d arts. This report was appr o ve d b y t h e mem b ers present. a nd Chairman Cooper requested Mr~ Perrints c ommittee t o draft s u ch an or di nanc e to be pr e s e nted t o the Board of Ald e rmen~ ARCHI TECTURA L REVIE '1l" The foll owin g preli min a r y pla n s wer e revi e we d : 1. °࿨� j . u. 5. Benteen Park Cleveland Avenue Pa rk Empire Blvd. Park Harper Park Shady Valley Park �- 5 Mr, Mtildawe r reported t -hat he; as chairman of th e architectural r Pvi ew committee* had previously revic w~d these plans, and read to the mem• bers his letter to Mr. Jack De lius, General Manager of the Parks Department, e xpressing his opinion of the plans. Mr. Muldawer suggested that Mr. De lius or his representative be invited to a meeting to establish a design criteria for parks. A l e tter,as dictated by Mr. Perrin, inviting Mr. Delius or his repr e sentative to the J a nuary 26 mee tin g , was a pprove d by the me mb e rs, a nd will be forwarded to Mr. Delius. Mr . Muldawer further requested that as a monthly action, a l e tter be s e nt to the pr e ss, stating th e numb e r of a rchite ctur a l r e v iew s made a nd naming those projects and architects commended by ACDC. ~fOTIO N: Mrs. Fers t 1 s motion to s eek one- hundr e d doll a rs ( ~ 100) to d eve lop e s ome form of s eal or citati on to be given by ACDC to proj e cts of outstandin g meri t in t he judgement of the Commi ssi on, was pa s se d. The meeting was adj ou rn e d at Ann Butle r Re c or din g Se cr e t a ry 4 : 40 p . m. �