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!-' INUTES ATLA NTA CIVIC DESIGN co ~i· r s sroN DEC EJ\"BER 8, 1966 The r eg ular meeting of the Atl a nta Civic De sign Commission was held Thursday, Dc c 8 mber 8, at 2 p.m., in Committe e Room #4, City Hall, with the following me mbers present: Samil Inman Cooper, Chairman Joseph S. Perrin, Vice-Chairman Harry J. Baldwin W. L. Calloway J. Ben Moore Paul Uuldawer Guests present: William Olive r, A.I.A. Robert W. Bivens, Executiv e Director, Central Atlanta Progress, Inc. Minutes of th e Nov e mb e r 10 me e ting were approved. CHAI RM AN'S REPORT: Chairm a n Cooper reported that the follo wing l e tters have been received or written by the Commission: (1) Le tter dat e d De c e mb e r 1 to th e Atla®ta Board of Ald e rmen r e questing sum of ~ l,000 to defr a y cost of crating, insuring and shipping existing models from San Francisco a n d Wilmington, Del aw ar e , and r e turning sam e to pres e nt owne rs; (2) L~ tt e r dat e d November 11 from Wm. M. Eichbaum, ~ ilmington, quoting bid pric e on propos e d mod e l; (3) Le tt e r d a t e d Nov e mb e r 23 from Archite ctural Mod e ls, Inc., San Fr a ncisco, quotin g bid price on propos e d mod e l ; (4) Le tt e r d a t e d Nov e mb e r 12 from Wilbur G. Kurtz, naming and d e fining fou r (4) a nte - b e llum hous e s in Atlant a which r e pr e s e n t "historic si t e s a nd s t r uctur e s"; (5) Le t t e r of Nov emb er 17, to Ma yo r All e n, ( with co py of Kurt z l e tte r en clos e d) re ques ting informa tion on ho w site s c a n b e of fi c i a ll y de c lared o f "h is tor ic signific a nc e " b y th e City of Atl anta ; (6) Letter d a t e d Nov e mb er · 1 0 f r om Er i c Hark n e s s , Planning De partment, r e historical s urv e y. Al so a c opy of i nf or ma t ion in th e De p t. of Housing and Urban De v e 1 opme nt r e port - 11 Pr e s e rving Historic America 11 • �- 2 - 11 HI S TO RIC SITES & S TRUC TURES 11 Chairman Coope r report e d he spoke to Mr. Pilcher in the City Attorney's Officie inquiring ho w sites may l e gally be decl ared of "historic si g nificance". Mr. Pilcher stated that he v1as, at th e request of the City Attorn e y, looking into th e matt e r, and would report later to the Commission. Mr. Muldawer brought out th a t in Savannah whe n some on e a pp lies for a de molitioh p e rmit, th e City will d e lay issuanc e of th e p e rmit for 2 wee ks , and th e Historic Commission is notified so the prope rty can be bought by th e m. He urged that this b e inve stigated to see if this policy a lso appli e s to Atl a nta . The Ch a irm a n su gge ste d that Mr. Ba ldwin contact Mr. Pilch e r and pass a lon g to him Mr. Mulda we r's informa tion. REPORT ON P jRCENTAGE F OR ARTS : Mr ~ Perr in s ubmitt e d in writing th e re co mme nd a tion o f on Percentage for Al l ie d Ar t s . · the Committee Ve.ti n g on this rep o r t was n e c essari l y postponed due to the lack of a qu o rum a t the meeting. ARCHITECTURAL REVIE W: Mr. Muldawer, chairman of Committ ee ( a ) , reviewed the following plans: (1) Grant Park School - Martin & Bainbridge, Arch. (2) Re cr e ation Building, Daniel-Stanton Park - Nilliam Olive r, AIA �- 3 .. BIVENS PRESE NTAtION: Chairman Cooper introduced Mr. Bivens, who discussed the Ce ntral Atlanta Association a nd th e Uptown Association me rger. Mr. Bivens stated that the ne w organization, named "Central Atlanta Progress", is an ind e pendent body, which plans to involve itself activ e iy in anything that relate s to he a lth and functioning of the heart of the city. He further state d that CAP is cohterned about ACDcls program, d e sign of the city, and that it will tty to w ork with ACDC in improving the City. He f e els e ff e ctive than were the t wo separate associations that CAP will b e more (Upto wn and Central Atlant a ) Asked by th e Commission if "Central Atlanta Progress" plans to have a · master plan of Atlanta, Mr. Bivens replied th a t while CAP has not formall y d raw n up a master plan, at th e same time it has definit e goals to work ~n, s uch a s downto wn traffic n ee ds and making the do wnto wn mor e function a l, am on g other spe c i fic proje cts. Th e Cha irma n a s k e d Mr. Be vins if h is organiz a tion would b e inte r e steq in s u p po r t in g a nd po s sibl y cont r ibu ti n g to a mod e l of Atlanta . Bivens stated he c o uld n ot a nswer f o r CAP , h e do es f ee l While Mr . that a mod el wou l d generate interest and serve a usef ul p u rp o se . Mr. Bivens extended his thanks f o r b eing invited t o the meeting, and stated he is looking forward t o working with the Commission, and urged the mE: mbers to pass comments . on to him. �- 4 NEW BU.SI NESS: Upon description of the improvements made to the property at two locations in the Cityj which members feel should be commended, Messrs. Moore and Callow~y were requested to write letters to the Commission describing these property treatments, so that ACDC may in turn officially commend the property owners. hlembers of the Commission concur that if ACDC can commend where commendation is due, and in consequence generate favorable publicity, it will benefit both the City and ACDC. Thereupon Mr. Muldawer stated he feels that as architectural reviews are made by the Commission, ACDC should issue a statement to the press listing the projects reviewed and the projects ACDC commends. Hr. Muldawer further sug gested that the chairman write, at the request of the members pr e sent, a letter to the Mayor stating our support to the Mayor's Housing Program, volunteering ACDC assistance, and also stating ACDC 1 s concern about the quality of the houses. Chairman Cooper brought up that the end of the present Commission term is coming up, and members concurred that nomination for ne w members should be fro m the floor or by secret ballot, rather than b y a nominating c omm itte e. Membe r s also concu r that the new Commission should s e lect its own chairman. The Chairman as ked if members feel t hat t he Commission should recommend to the Mayor s ubstitution or re- a ppointments, and it wa s brought out that the ordinance states that members shall not be appointed for �-ssuccessive terms. Chairman Cooper stated lhat he feels Mayor Allen will cooperate with the Commission's recommendations. Members present agreed to omit the December 22 meeting. ACDC meeting will be January 12, 1967. The me e ting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Ann Butler Recording Secretary The next �