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r 3215 CA INS HILL PLACE, NW / ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30305 ·l l I r I I I 38t h Season January 24,. l967 ,., ? j I t I ,\ ' · ·' , J f \ ·---. .. • I ::__,. J Nr. Eric Harkness Department of P lan ni ng Ci ty Ha 11 At la nta, Georgia 3030 3 INC. FOU NDER & AD VI SO R DOR OTHY ALEXANDER AR T ISTIC DIRECTOR ROBERT BARNETT CO -DIR EC TO R MERR ILEE SM ITH ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS VIRGIN IA RICH BARNETT CARL RATCLIFF PRESIDENT JULIAN BOEHM MOHR EXECUT IVE SECRETARY BLANCHE A. BEVINS D~ar hw, Harknss s We have fsarned wi th gr eat i nterest that s ome thought i s boing given to the construct ion of a permanent stage in P iedmont Park to be use d by the annual Ar ts Festi vaJ, and vari ous pe rforming gr oups i n Atl anta. TI1e Atlanta Ci vi c Ballet ardently supports s~ch an endeavor, for we are we ll aware of the l imited facilit i es available to all of the performing arts in our communitya A more expanded scheduls of dance programs would be possiblG with s uch a faci lityi particularly in the aroa of special performances for young people. For over 25 years the At lante Ci vic Ba l let has presented a special series of Saturday afternoon matinees for elementary schoolchildren, usi ng high school auditori ums; at an admission charge of on ly 60¢• We feel ·that, in t his area alone, much could be accompl ishe_d wi t h a facil ity which would ba avai la bl ~ to us at no cost, or for a vary nominal fe e. Arrangements for the use of high school auditor iums are not a lwa ys easy to mako, and the time availabl e in them is very lim ited. Eve n with the construction of a new city auditori um, and the theater a nd au ditori um in the Cultural Center, facilities wi II be extremoly limited, and r ental charges would be out of the Guestion for performances of the type mentioned a bove. ~The Atlanta Civic Bal Jet feels that it would be able to use to good advantage an add it ional perfor• ming faci fltyo We shall bo glad to consult with you further in this regard, should you desire to do so. Sincerely n· · vS: ~ \{Jber\ Barnett', · " Artistic Director CC: Mr. Jack Dellus, Mr. Charles Leftwich �