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I. i'. I I i nri Cl cne C[)av1ce Compav1y February 16, 1967 r.:-r . Erj_c Iia rlmess Ci ty Planninc Department 7 oo c j _t y na 11 At l an t a , Georaia Deo. r j:',~r . Harkness : We u nd erstand that The Arts Council has presented ~he i dea of a permanent perf ormin5 arts fac ility in Pied~ont Park . As d irector of The Ruth Mitche ll Company , I a m very p l eased to hea r of th is p o ssibility . Our g roup would c er tain l y suppo rt this project wholehearted l y , as At l anta is too larg e a city to b e limited to j ust one perf orming. a rts center . All of our Dance Company membe rs, as we ll as our Associati on ,· wish to urge you to fo ll ow this p roposed plan. Sincere l y , / '} • _.-' [5'\.', .,...(/.__, i uN1wVlf / c./:_· / . . J, ., ,7/?


R ~ itchell Kimbrell ' Direc t or BJ1K : eh T H E 3509 A T L A N T A CONCERT DANCE N O R T H S I D E PARKWAY, NW 111 GROUP111PHO NE ATLANTA, 237-8829 GEORGIA 30327 �