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3765 WIEUCA ROAD, N, E. • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30305 February 8th, 1967 HONORARY CHAIR M AN Mr. Eric Ilarkness City Plannin g Department City Ilall Atlanta, Ga. MRS. WILFRI ED PL ATZE R ll'ife of tbe Austrian Ambassador Dr. \V ilfried Platzer, V ienna OFF I CERS : MRS . ROBERT M. BUNZL Preside 11t MRS. ERNEST FELBER Vice -Pres ident i11 charge of Pu b licity MRS. MICHAE L HACK Secr_e ta ry MRS. ROBERT T. WO ODBURY Tr easu re r DR . CHAPPELL WHITE Liaison O//zce r MRS. N O RMAN SWANN Ass i s tant lo the Secre tary Dear Mr. Harkness, We of the Pro-Mozart Society of Atlanta endorse whole heartedly the desire of the Arts Festiv~l Council to upgrade the quality of the performances and programs of the Arts Festival. For that reason we ur ge you to take this matter under advisement in considering plans for a Park Redevelopment. If the City of Atlanta could locate a permanent facility for the per f ormin g a'rts in Piedmont Park a better quality of programs could be a ssured. Thanking you, I remain with kindest re gards, 9v,1\; . _,;A•.,\\," ~ vV\J\.'?\.-t ,,;\\,,,.J-. ADV I SORY BOARD: MRS. A. THOMAS BRA DBUR Y MRS . G. L. BR I DGER MR. WALTER BUNZL MRS. J . LEE EDWARDS MR. AND MRS. HERBERT E L SAS MR. AND MRS. R ICH ARD GLASS CO-CHAIRMEN FOR PUB LIC I TY MRS. PAUL GR I GSBY CO N SUL MICHAEL HACK MISS ROXIE HAGOPIAN PROGRAM CHAIRMAN MRS. LEO L ANMAN MR. MICHAEL MCDOWELL MRS. LAWRENCE MCEVOY MRS . INGE MANSKl·LUNDEEN MRS, LOIS H. MOSS MR, JONATHAN PHELPS DR. CHAPPELL WHITE MR. LESLIE WHIT E Mr s. Robert M. Bunzl President �