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~ - "' -- - - .- \ ~ --"· c-·TY ::-_ALL ATLAiS"TA. GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4, 63 Arca Cede 404 .- p , T~l ~- 'TO .- L:,'\':\ :\G COLLIER R. GLADf:--J . Di r ~etor January 26, i9 67 F3ct She e t Nash- Washing t on Ur han ~en w i Area I. De sc -;:- i t ion Bounda ri s : No rthside Drive, Ashby St r e e t , {unt e r Street, Bankhead Avenue . TotGl ac r eage : Clea ance : Total fa~.1i lies : Dis plac ed : 630 210 (33%) 5,710 2,324 (41%) Tota l nu~bc r of buildings : 2, 81 2 Tumbe r o f building s with structu ral or enviro nme ntal de fici e ncies: 1, 8 71 (6 6%) Number o f building s to be cle red : 1 , 650 Remai nde r t o be re habili ta t ed II. I II. Goals 1. Clea r slums 2. Is~rove environment - remove or separate with buffers industrial and co~mercial. from residential . 3. Redevelop and r e habili tate, especially housing . 4. Vj_n i mum displacement of residents fro:n area . 5. Pro v ide adeq uate communi ty services and facilities to support ,,:cca.. l'ro20s d Reuses and Improvements 0 A. Prcdomin~1tly multi - family residenti a l. B. L i:-:,roved street s ystem. �Fa ct Sh eet - No sh - Was hin g ton Urban Renewal Arca - Page 2 C. I V. V. Ic.1. roved c o!T'snunity fa ci lities . 1. C n tra l : i gi1 Corrmm i ty C:·:-:ter providin; mu ltiple s e rvic es . 2. Exp 2:1 s i on o f e xisting school g· ounds . 3. rew p r irn3 r y sc ho ol . 4. ~Jo l a r ge a nd six s mall pa~ks totaling 20 a cres . D. . dec:ua ·e comr:1e r ci a l fa c il i t i es . E. s~ pa r at i on of s ewe rs . i'lcthods and Pro ced ure s · Ao , 2proac he s wi l l b e s ought to nini rnize displac eme nt and re l o ca tio n p r oblems . B. Some Jubl ic housi ng will be Jrovided . C. Av. ~iety of hous ing will be provided. D. E:i-.-plore possibil i ·i e s o f conti:rno s p_occssin 6 t o a c qui r e , cl ea r a:1d ~rovic.e si t es fo _ residen ti a l re develo~m nt on a block by bl o cl· basis . This wi l l enable peopl e i s p l a ced fro m o ne block to make one relo c at i on move to near!Jy pe r man en t housing . E. Nc i gl.borhood faci l ity co ncept will provide improved and expanded social services t o al l ev i a t e some of these problems i n th e area i n conjunc ti o n wit1 r emo va l of phys i c a l problems. Financin 7 A. Ci t y's overal l Urban Renewal P~ojcct financing . 1. Committed a nd unf unded - existing projects . .::i . Scho ols ~- Cit y 1 $4,100,000 TOTAL 2. Committed and unfunded - pro~oscd projects, Bedford - Pi ne :is a coa'Tlittcd but unsubmitted project for ,-fh ich no funds are availab l e. Exact financing is unknown at th i s time. B. Nash-Washingt o n - Estimat & financing tr. P. C. Federal Share Local Share (Fu .. ded) (Unfunded) Surplus Credits $29,9 00,000 19,900,000 10,COO,OCO (4 ,900,0CO) (7,000, 000 1,900, 000 �~act Sheet - Nash - \·l.:i shing ton C. VII . rban Re 1cHa Bre.:ikclown of City's approxi1,,~ tc Arcn - P.-:ig c 3 nfuncled no1 - c a sh c r edits. j ,. Parks 3. Streets 850,000 C. Sidewal ·s 670,000 D. Sew r Separ ation E. Wa t e r $970,000 TOTAL VI. T L,, SCO, OUO - 8 , 0:)0 ---' S7,07 0 ,000 ():)tion on , e,,:c rs A. L- City separate s sewers d c~rric s out p lanned imp ro vements, a surp lus of c redits will result of nb~ t $2,000,000 . B. I f City doesn' t separate sewers, .:i defi cit of $1,000,000 will r es ult re quiring a ca sh payment o f t his amou nt . Possib l e so urces of money A. Prob nb le $2 . 4 millio n credit for a ud it orium under 66 Hous ing Act is not pr es ently allocated . B. Add itional money for citi es fror.1 State of Ge orgia - amo• n t unknown . C. If 1% pnyroll tax passes co nsid erable money could become ava ilable in near future . �