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CITY OF A LANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 October 20, 1967 J AC K C . DELIUS G E N ERAL MANA G ER MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Ivan Allen 1 Jr., Mayor, City of Atlanta FROM: Jack SUBJECT: Transfer of summer recreation program to School System. c. Delius, General Manager of Parks & Recreation The Recreation and Park Survey which started October 2, 1967 will be concluded we hope by December 29, 1967. The group is giving special consideration to your suggestion and request that the feasibility of turning over to the School Department special recreation programs in the disadvantaged areas of 1 9 68. On several occasions you have e x pressed concern that the Parks Department is constructing a facility some 2½ blocks from the e x isting Daniel Stanton Elementary School. The Daniel Stanton Park Site, lik e all the other p urchased under the 1963 Bond Issue ,. was initially selected after careful consideration by the Planning Dep artment based on pop ulation, availability o f s p ace , etc. The philosophy of the 1963 Park Acquisition Plan was that p ark land would be p urchased immediately adjacent or near e x i s ting or p rogramed elementary schools so as not t o dup licate f acilities . In the case of Daniel Stanton School , t h ere presently is an enrollment of 91 4 p u p ils . Initial l y , fu.e S chool f a cility had only t wo acres o f p roperty and have r ecently add ed f our f or a total o f six acres . The State mini mum req ui r ement s fo r t he curr ent school populati on at this l ocation woul d be 14. 1 a c res1 t hus , the Daniel Stanton S choo l lack s 8.1 acr es a c c ording t o Stat e standards. S ince there is h a r dly enough a creage for minimum s chool f unct ions ., we f eel tha t we are corre ct i n pro c eeding with the d evelo pment of t he Danie l Stanton P a rk Site. The f act t h at we a r e co n str ucting a b ui lding on the park s i te t h i s c lo s e t o a scho o l ( i n vi e w of the f a ct that possi bly some of t he scho o l could b e used for inside r e creation) is unique in that we we r e abl e to remodel an existing Ge orgia Powe r Company sub-station building into a (Cont 1 d) �Mayor Allen Page Two October 20, 1967 useable and adequate gymnasium. We are quite deficient in gyms all over the City of Atlanta. I have again checked to see if we are correct in attempting to buy property in the Northwest area of the City of Atlanta and specifically adjacent to the Bowen Homes Housing Project on James Jackson Boulevard. This location has been declared the most urgent in need of additional park acreage in a recent study by the Planning Department. The Williams Elementary School serving Bowen Homes has a present enrollment of 1129 pupils. It sets on a 5-acre site and again according to State standards should have a minimum of 16.3 acres. Thus, the school itself is deficient 11.3 acres. We are in the process of condemning nearby property amounting to 11.019 acres of land. ~ CC: All members of Park Committee Mr. Dan Sweat �,. . I ' .· •.\': ,'· r , .'. ,1 ~· , t . " . C TY OF TLA ... . . TA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 October 20, 1967 JACK C. DELIUS GENERAL MANAGER MEMORANDUM

TO: Dr. Edith Varon and Mr. Jack Schmitt, Community Councilt Mr. Bud Stone, E.O.A.; Mr. Pierce Mahoney and Mr. Eric Harkness, Planning Departmenti Miss Virginia Carmichael and Mr. Jim Allen, Park and Recreation Department FROM: Jack SUBJECT: Transfer of summer recreation programs to School System. c. Delius, General Manager of Parks & Recreation~ I Httach hereto a Xerox copy of Mayor Allen's news:: release of September 26, 1967, which deals in part with shifting the recreation responsibilities to the School Department during the summer months as well as a Xerox of his memorandum to Dr .. Letson, Miss Carmichael, and myself of October 18, 1967. Al:m attached are two news articles dealing with these items of October 19, 1967. By copy of this memorandum, I am advising Mayor Allen and members of the Park Committee that our Parks and Recreation Survey and Plan is giving special consideration to the potentialities of the proposal of transferring special summer recreation programs - particularly in low income areas - to the School Department. Our Recreation Plan should be finished no later than December 29, 1967 and should include a program for the summer of 1968, suggestions on bond items to be included in our spring referendum, as well as the proper and most effective ecpenditure of the recent State windfal l of $350,000 and, last but : not least , the programi ng of our 1968 Park Impr ovement Ca pital F u nd . · c c: ·' / JWnQI ( •n , ..; """' f ~ Honorable Ivan Al l e n, Jr., Mayor, City of Atlanta All me mbe rs of the Alde rmanic Parks Committee Dr . John Let s on Dr . John Martin Dr . Darwin Womac k Mr. Da n Sweat - ~ ~(xrno ' ( \f 'Y \ --- """' ,,..,.. �CITY OF A LANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 October 19, 1967 JACK C. DELIUS GENERAL MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: Mrs. Ann Moses, Mayor's Office FROM: Jack SUBJECT: Cyclorama Tape c. Delius, General Manager of Parks Some months ago I received a telephone call from Mr. Junius A. Park of Anaheim, California who stated he worked on the original tape now being used at the Gyclorama and he felt it should be updated and modernized. He offered to do this at no expense to the City of Atlanta since apparently he has access to electronic gear, etc. I encouraged him along these lines but having heard nothing for some months assumed that the matter had been dropped. I am enclosing a Xerox of a letter just received from Mr. Park which is self-explanatory. I would not want to discourage him but it may be that he is offering the same type of service that we hoped to received from Mr. Victor Jory. Just thought I'd keep you posted on this matter and as soon as I have a reply from Mr. Jory I'll know whi ch way to go ~ ark. �' ): ·., .\ .·..' • JUNIUS ANDREW PARli I I 3428 West Faircrest Drive • Anaheim, California 92804 October 10, 1967 Mr. Jack Delius Department of Parks and Recreation City Hall City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia ·',tt I have today forwarded to Mr. Sam Wilhoit of AzTec Films a copy of my master tape of the current Cyclocama narration. I passed on to him your suggestions that the long introduction be removed from the front of the tape with a view toward placing them at the end, if at all. I am sure he wi ll be in touch. Dear Mr. Delius: I have a perfect master so t here is no problem about reproducing copies as long as you continue to utilize thisparticular narration. Of course, as wi th the original script, production and music, there is no charge on my par t. if I would hope that eventually an entirely new presentation could be produc ed. That old painting should be given the benefi t of the advanced, state of the art of audioanimat ronics with stereo music and automatic lighting to draw more of those Yankee doll ars through the turnstiles. I might even do the job myself for a lifetime pass to come back and see it every now and then. '; i,,,;:,1:~'t-· .~ ' "1 , , , . Best to you all in that great adopted city of mine.1 If I can be of any service, drop me a line. ·' '• ': .. ~ . lxi?Rol


·- -..---Jco,uy~- - - - , - - - - - - - ~ RO l ' (),.,y �CITY OF -ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 0 c..t o b e.'1. 1 8 , 30303 19 6 7 J ACK C . D E LIUS GENERA L MA N AGER Ivan Allen , Jn. , Mayon Ci.ty 0 6 A.tlan.ta Ci.ty Hall A.tlan.ta , Geo11.gia Re: Gol n Membe11.-0 hi p M11.. S.tewa11..t G11.ange11. Vea11. Ma yo11. Allen: Thi6 i6 .to adv i 6e tha.t .the Vep a11..tmen.t 0 6 Pa'1.k6 ha6 no 11.ec.011.d 0 6 eve'1. having 11.e c.elv ed a c.he c. k 111.om .the abov e c.a pt ion ed individual 6011. pu'1. c. ha6e on a golt membe'1.6 hip in Jul y . A6 i t -0 eem6 11.a.the.11. odd .tha.t .thi6 gentleman would wai.t .thnough .the mon.th6 06 July , Augu6.t and e ptern ben be.lone he advi6 ed u6 .that he had no.t 11.ec.eived hi6 mernbe'1.6hi p c.a11.d, we he6 i.ta.ted .to fio 11.wa11.d him ano.t he.11. one. Mn . G11.ange11. ha6 p'1.omi6ed .to no 11.wa11.d U6 .the c.anc.elled c.hec.k , at whi c.h .time we will be ha ppy .to give him a membe11.6hip c.and and make up .the .time he lo6.t due .to 6ome e11.no11. 011. ml-0unde11.-0.tanding. Thi6 .type thing ha6 happened be6 011.e in .thi6 depa11..tment and we have 6ound .that the individual c.ould not p11.oduc.e a 6ou11.c.e 0 6 pno o 6 o 0 hi6 even having punc. ha-0ed a memben-0hip. Thenefone, we mu6.t have evidenc. e be no11.e we c.an i66ue memben6hip6. We 11.eg11.e.t .the inc.onvenienc.e c.au-0ed yo u by .thi6 ove'1.6iefh~, but will be happy to c.011.11.ec..t it ju6.t a6 6oon a6 po66ible. si nc. enely, 7 mjh 7J(c.,,,, / J~ /J.-a--7 Many Jo Holle y Vepan.tmen.t of Pa'1.k6 �Octo.Jer 19, 1967 Mr . J . A o Snitzer , Jr o 389 ~ioodward . ay , N . w. Atl nta , Georgia 30305 Dear Mr . Snitzer: Thank you for your letter o f October 16, 1967 regarding the restoration of the Bobby Jones Golf Clubhouse . The architect employed .y the City of Atlanta for this project determine , and is opinion "as endorsed by the City ' s o·m architect, that the Bobby Jones Golf Clubhouse , due to the nature of its construction, etc . uould not warrant restoration . Rather , the architect felt th t i t would be cheaper and more pr ctical if the building "ere completely repl ced. The City of Atlanta does not have funds for this project and the architect at that point was released from eny further rork . In our 1968 General Budget request , we have requested funds for the repl cement of the Bobby Jones Golf Clubhouse . Very truly yours, Jack c. Delius General Manger of Parks and Recreation JCD:lg cc: Honorable Ivan All n , J". v' �. . . l'f\fl<lJOIZ,.,:: ,: ··· ALLEll October 16, 1967 A Called Meeting of the Alderrnanic Parks Committee was held at 3:30 p.m., Monday, October 16 . 1967 ; in Committee Room No. 1 of the City Hall. In attendance were Aldermen Leftwich, Fowlkes, Williamson, and Millican. Also present were Mr. Paul B. Ivey, Land Agent, Mr. Stanley T. Martin, Senior Administrative Assistant, Parks Department, and Jack Delius, General Manager of Parks and Recreation. Mr. Ivey presented the most recently obtained appraisal on 11.019 acres of land commonly referred to as the Field Road Park Site adjacent to Bowen Homes on James Jackson Parkway. A Federal application for Open-Space assistance and participation had been filed in 1964 which included two park sites in addition to the Field Road location. Mr. Martin has determined from HUD that the letter of consent received some months ago on the original application is still valid for the purchase of the Field Road Site. Jack Delius advised the Park Committee that the Federal grant on Field Road would only be 30¾ of the purchase price instead of the new 50¾ since the application was approved prior to the new 50¾ assistance law. Mr. Delius advised the Committee that there still rema:Lns in the 1963 Bond Fund approximately $117,000 which is beinq held for the purchase of the Field Road Park Site as well as the West End Park Site. Additional land purchase funds are available from the recent windfall received from the State as well as a modest amount of money in the General Fund of the Park:3 Department for the purchase of land. The Alderma nic P arks Committee unanimousl y agre ed and dire cte d that the Land Agent proceed with condemnation procedures on the purchase of the Field Road Park Site. Condemnation will be n e cessary in that in the opinion of the City Attorney the ti tlE~ is clouded. Th ern b e i ng no f u rth er b us ine ss, t he meeting adjour ned. - )( I I nol fJI ,y' ' 1X C R o' 1;..n, •y .,-no "' { .... �October 17, 1967 _.,.. .. TOI J' 0

Jeck • Brindley, Parks c. n ·in r of P rk ootbridge, Gun Club P rk len, -.,.,.'LiJn mornber ..,.. lius, General 1 en g SUBJECT, Pedestri n CCI _____ ___ _ O NDUM ite (E> r. ~ of the AlQ.eJ~nie rk Co tti . er tion �October 11 , 1967 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr • • P . Brindley ; Parks Engineer1 Assistant Parks Engineer FROM: Jack SUBJECT: Footbridge for Gun Club Park Site c. r e Charlie Devon , Delius, General Manag r of Parks & Recreation In response to my letter to Mr o Boggs of the Housing Divisionof the Atlanta Housing Authority concerning the now fmoous footbridg across Proctor Creek to s rve the residents of li1 rry Homes attempting to use Gun Club P rk , lr . Bathke cont cted on Octa r 5 end explained in detail the revision in his thinking of the typ of bridge that should be put in . He is suggesting th t ither holes b drilled for foundation footings and filled under pres ure with ome type high strength concreter inforced with teel rods or, that steel sh ting b driv n vertically in the ground nd back filled with concrete . The pre- tress d U-shaped concrete b am would then be et ecro s th er k nd nchored to the abut: nt . Mr . B thke ha r ject d th ingl bid receiv dons pt r 19 in th amount of som $10 , 000 and no timet s th this new ach will run som hr in then ighborhood of $6400 to $6700~ I gave him th n me of t lea t reput bl drilling co ny that could mov th ir rig o to the t rr in - h was quite cone ned th t th n tur of th location w s such that a drilling rig could not b brought in. Mr . B thk a sur me th th is in cont ct with the Housing A s i t nc Authority to rd asking for n ndment to their budg t for P rry H hich would includ th e nditur of b ilding this bridg. He pl dg d to me hi eompl te eoopertion in exp diting thi whol tt r nd pper nt1y Atl nta Hou inq Authority so far t l a t has tak nth position th t they will bar this exp n • A co-py of this mo go to Mayor All ninth th gr ciou ly gr .to follow up my l tt r to Mr. Boggs nd dd hi u port to 0 er 1 reque tse �' '•,~: ' , ' ' I/ ... . October 9, 1967 Mr . N . F. Novak, ACSW ', Director -~ Agency Rel ations Division Community Chest MGtropoli'i:an 1.tlanta Commun'it.y Serv:..ces , Inc. P. o. Box 1038 Atlanta , Georgia 30301 Dear Mr. Novak: Thank you very much for your letter of October 4, 1967 advising that $2500 has been a l located toward the support. and participa t_on in the Fc:Lk and _ e crention Plan being developed by t _e Community Council, Planni ng Department, E.O.A., and this Department. As I understand it for .boo}~keeping purposes, the funds allocated are be~ng made 0vailable to the Corranunity Council o f Atlanta,a Chest rnernber gency o 0 Needless to say , we part·· cularly appreciate this financial support and a s suri ng you -of o ur desire to come up with the best possible plan t o benefit our community , I am Cordially, Jack Co Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation JCD:lg / ·cc: ' Honorable Ivan Allen6 Jr.V Aldermanic Parks Commi~~ee Mr . Dan Sweat ~.r . Eric Harkness Miss Virginia Carmichael ·' )(;~ I_Jf ;y L... '• f ' .J--- -~ x r: no

- ...., , ·n , •v

~ y ~- ( ' f)t I (.;; no'


�October 12. 1967 MEMORANDUM TO FROM Virginia Carmichael

Ann Mo e Please look over the attached material nd give me your thoughts on it. The Youth Council meeting , cheduled foi- November 14-15, have been called off a you know. I will plan to set up n appointment for her to come ee the Mayor, but I hope we can take more advantage of her pre ence from the Recreation tandpoint. Advtee. Attachment �October 9 , 1967 Mrs . Dan Plaster, Sr . 341 Allison Drive , N. E . Atlanta , Georgi 30305 Dear Mrs o Plaster: Thank you for your recent letter to Mayor Allen which h s been forwarded to this office reg rding the N tional ciet y of Southern Dames of Americ meeting which 111 convene in Atl nta n xt June . Permission is gr nted for your org ni zation to pl c _morial wre th on th Henry Gr dy Monument at Five Points n Sunday fternoon , June 23 , 1968 . Although this dep rtment controls all mon nts in th City loc t don public pro rty , of course do not hav jlrisdiction ov r public stre ts and I th refore sugg st that you cont ct superint ndent Fred w. ~--Arm~n , Atl nta folic Department , nd dvis hi of your pl n nd th f ct that this d p rtment has giv nits nction o th t if it is nee ss ry th Polic Depart nt my rr ng t h ve traffic officer on loc tion to as 1 tin tr f fi c control , etc . possibl succ ss with your can b of s rvic nd to Cordially , J ck c . D liu G ner 1 n gr of P rks nd R er tion JCD1lg cc I Honorabl upt . r Jr./ �October 10, 1967 Mr. Ted Ahl 227 New Wing, S . M . C . Collegedale, Te .essee 37315 Dear Mr. Ahl: This will ac~ ledge receipt of your letter re you.r r cent visit to Grant Par • rding I am fo rding youl' ,c omplaints long to the Committ e and I m ure they will ap rec te rin from you. On the other . d , we are quite proud of tbe c pltal improveme t made t Gr Park, rticularly replacing the nmurky gree lake 0 th th Childre ' Zoo which ttr ct ov r 70, 000 people e ch eek-end. ' Sincerely yom- , Alle, IAJz/ r CC: Mr. Jack Delius J•. �tob .D

J' 1967 �October l 0, 1967 MEMORANDUM To : Mrs . Ann Moses From : R . Earl Landers I have di cussed the attached with Jack Delius, and we would like to m ke two suggestions a follows : 1. W have two tract of land for recreational purpo s at Lake Allatoona . One tract i fairly well developed with cottage and a playing fi ld. Further d velopment could be made there, including lighting of the playing field. The other tract ha not been d veloped, and th r could be great po sibilitie th r for compl te development. 2. Tb Land A ent ha submitted a list of ome twenty odd remnants of parcels acquil" d in connection with expre way , tc. that could be developed a b uty poK all ov r the City. Thi could be a good project for Kiw ni to participate in, and we could even erect small plaque at the variou loc tione indicating that tbes beatity spot were made po sible by Kiwanis . If they de ire to follow up on should contact J ck Delius . REL:lp Attachm nt ither of theae ugg tiona, th y �CITY OF AT NTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 October 5, 1967 JACK C. DELIUS GENERAL MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: Capt. George Royal, Mayor's Office, Mr. Henry Lovett (For routing through Parks Office), and Mr~ B. c. Ayers, Sexton, Oakland Cemetery FROM: Jack C. Delius, General Manager of Parks and Recreation I am enclosing a Xerox copy of a letter as well as a statement of policy and procedure recently approved by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners concerning the burial of indigent persons in Fulton County. I know from time to time all of you r eceive inquiries as to who is responsible for the handling of burial of paupers, etc. and I believe the attached Xerox material will be of interest to y ou. ~ �' I ' ' .. .-· Mf~---llli ra FULTON COUNTY ATLANTA, GEORGIA 572-2727 GEORGIA 30303 • TELEPHONE S---6-9 w,,- ~l+'!",- ~e,s October 3, 1967 Mr. Jack Delius Superintendent of Parks City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Delius: In our conversation the other day about the burial of indigent persons in Fulton County you expressed interest in the procedure whereby such burial is authorized. I attach copy of the statement of policy and procedure which was approved by the County Cormni s s ion in June, 1966. Approval on t ha t da t e merely s ummarize d t he cus t om wh i ch has b een found to be satisfactory for a number of y ears. v7tly Haro ld S heats, County Attor ney HS:HW Enc. •I xrRo ·, \f'Y .... �f.JIJ • A, HI .) 1/ l on:.1x Pro cedu re s .Manual Subject Burial of Indigent Persons At Fulton County Expense Statement of Policy: Fulton County shall pay for the burial of persons who are paupers and destitute and who are residents of Fulton County at the time of death, provided that they have an indigent status and that the next of kin, or others, will not assume responsibility. Section 23-2304 of the Georgia Code of 1933, as amended, shall apply as to the legal authority and obligation on the part of the County in bearing expense for interment of the indigent. The Clerk of the County Commission shall be responsible for preparing and maintaining a record of information on all indigent burials and shall be responsible for approving invoices submitted for payment by the various cemeteries. The Comptroller is hereby authorized to pay approved invoices as submitted by the Clerk of the Commiss . ion. Procedure: 1. The Clerk of the County Commission shall complete Request for Indigent Burial at Fulton County Expense form in original and one copy when the County is called upon to bury a body. When the Clerk of the County Commission has documented facts that the body is indigent and no other person will assume responsibility the Clerk will prepare a requisition and attach thereto copy of Request for Indigent Burial at Fulton County Expense and forward to the Purchasing Agent in order that a Purchase Order may be written in favor of the cemetery where the body is to be interred. The Clerk will maintain as .a permanent record the original of Request for Indigent Burial at Fulton County Ex pense. 2. The Purchase Order shall be the authority for the cemetery of interment to bury the indigent body. 3. Upon receipt of invoice from the cemetery for services rendered, the Clerk of the County Commiss ion will approve same, if inorder , and forward to the Co mptroller for payment . 4. The Comptroller s hall pa y t he ce metery of int erment upon re c eipt of a pprov e d invo ice from t he Cl erk. Refere nces : Letter, County Attorney , dated May 13, 1966 Se ction 23- 23 04 of the Georg ia Cod e of 19 33, as amende d. Date of Approval: Agencie s Dire ctly Affected: Clerk of County Commission, Comptroller , External Audi tor ·' X I, ~ " June 15 , 19 66 , j 11:~ , xr r,o pw,·n, , v t_ __ f?wr,o · - .....- ~1 · t 11• v ,.F_ - - - - - - .. , ,: l )( I IJ (l , ,, ,,_ �October 6, 1967 Mrs. Dan Plaste-r·, Sr. 341 Allison Drive, N. E. Atlanta, Geor i 3-0305 Dear Mrs. Plaater: Thank yo11 for your nic e 1 tt.er, and I am delighted to learn that the Natio l Society of South rn Dames of America will convene in Atlan next June . I am for rding your 1 tter to Mr. Jack Deliue, General Manager of the Parka Department. in order that the n ce ary action in y be ken to i a ue the Society permit to place the re th at the Henry Gr dy Monument. I a 11 look for plana de olop. rd to hearing from you aa your Sincerely your•, Ivan All n, JI'. yor IAJ:r:lp CC: • J ck Deli �. , l 7 �, �CITY OF ATLANTA JVAN ALLEN.JR. MAYOR August 7, 1967 Mr. James H. Hall, Sr. c/o Mrs. Lynn Hall Mitchell Oakland City Apartments Apartment 4C Oakland Drive East Point, Georgia Dear Mr. Hall: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 31 regarding the circumstances surrounding your daughter's resignation from the Parks Department. I am requesting a report of this matter and I will be in touch with you when it is received. Sincerely, IAJr:eo ~ CC : Mr . Jack Delius, General Manager Parks and Recreation Department �August 14. 1967 Mr . Ralph D . Wilson 725 E . Morning ide Dri ve , N . E . Atl nta, Geotgia 30324 Dear Mr . Wil on: Thank you very much for your kind letter reg rding Dr . Buchanan. 1 am forwarding your letter to Mr . J c Deliua , General £¥6.~ger of the Parks Department, a am sure he ill ppreciate your kind remar • well u the notation about the v lue of the tre Sincerely yours , Ivan Allen, Jr . M ayor IAJr/br CC: Mr. Jack Delius �August 14, 1967 Mr. T . Roe ell Wade 132 Wood ard Avenue, S . E . Apartment 593 Atlanta, Georgia 30312 Dear Mr. Wade: Thia ill acJmo ledge receipt of your letter regarding the City r I am for rding thi information to Mr . Jack Delius• General Mana er of the Par Departm.ent, in order t t these matt ra might be bro ht to the ttention of the rka Committee. Sincerely yo r , Iv n Allen, Jr. yor lASr/br CC: Mr. Jack Delius �C ITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 August 9, 1967 JACK C . DELIUS GENERAL MA N A GER Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Allen: Thank you for your memorandum and attached correspondence concerning the suggestion of Mr. Francis M. Young to replace bricks around the trees on Peachtree Street with small gravel so as to eliminate the possibility of the bricks being used as ammunition in the event of a riot. There are approximately 71 trees in the downtown area which now have bricks around the base. In most instances, this is common red brick and can be easily replaced with white chipped marble gravel. We are arranging to replace the majority of the bricks; however, on Peachtree Street near Harris in front of the First National Bank branch, there are four trees which have a very attractive,and apparently specially made, four inch by four inch brick whi c h were gbviously selected to blend in with the new Peachtree Center decor. Although it is true these particular brick s could certainly be used as arrimunition, we would hesitate to y ank them up since someone has appar ently gone to considerable e x pense h a ving them plac ed there. Therefore, I think at least fo r the time b e ing t hat we won't bother these located on Peach t r ee nea r Harr is but if you have any feelings to the contrary please advise and we will p r o c e e d t o do something about it. Th ank y ou fo r y our c ontinue d inter est, I am ck c . Delius e neral Mana ger o f Park s a nd Recreation J CD : l g �MICHAEL HACK ASSOCIATES. INC. ARCHITECTS A.I . A. 7 0 I HENRY GRADY BU IL DING • ATLANTA 3, GEORG I A PHONE : JA 3-1714 CABLE ADDRESS : SWISSCO August 11, The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jre City Hall At lanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Mayor : Several weeks ago, I had occasion to call on the services of Dr. Buchanan, Entymologist for the City of At lanta Department of Parks. Dr. Buchanan was most helpful an d cooperative in pointing out various trees on a residential construction site that were in danger of developing disease; and also, he was most explicit in explaining the treatment of those trees already diseased. On behalf of my client and myself , I wish to thank you for availing us of this particular service.



ROGER W. VAUGHN Project Manager RWV:avd Carbon Copies to: Mr. Jack Delius, Depte of Parks Dr. Buchanan, Entymologist �.A ugust 8 , 1967 • Charles L . D vis Com troller City o ~.: -1 - n l City H 11 tlant , gi 30303 r . harl s : D h nk yo ency Lett r v · ry io . ·2 credit of 25i~ co t of or civic #urpo e . gt in f ct. rit t yclor . by n structure 25" er dit . e d C O.t 1 or nt g th cu to to cot of l i ncer ly, Jack C. D n r l Q rk J CCa rlg r. t th! rl L n All ·,m,emc~r ld nd r of tion �I I C ITY : OF TLA N TA OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER CITY HALL Atlanta, Georgia 30303 August 1, 1967 CHARLES L, DAVIS !COMPTROLLER EDGAR A. VAUGHN, JR. OEP ,U TY COMPTROLLER Mr. Jack C. Delius General Manager Parks and Recreation City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Jack: I am enclosing a copy of Local Public Agency Letter No. 420 which relates to a noncash grant-in-aid credit of twenty-five percent of the cost of a facility that is to be used for cultural, exhibition or civic purposes. This I believe will well fit the definition of a Cyclorama. It might be possible that if other federal aid is not available for relocation of the Cyclorama perhaps we could relocate it adjacent to Grant Park in an urban renewal project which is yet undetermined. I furni sh you this informa tion f or your use in the construction or the reloc a tion of the Cyclorama . Sincerely, 4 /4~,,.e'- ~ 't:Q.~ Charl es L. Dav is Compt r oller CLD:dhf Enclosure I ~------- ~ -- -,r~o\ .,,,,y �August 9, 1967 Mr . Jame H . Hall. Sr. c/o rs . Lynn Hall Mitchell Oakland City Apartxn nt Apartm nt <iC Oakland Drive B st Point. Georgia De r r. Hall: I have received the r port from the Parks D par nt regarding your daughter' mploym nt. you that th re as no di criminrt of the Park• De rtment cau of your d ught r' li ht birth defect. After e ver l riods of ab enteei m nd hat seem d to be lack of interest Mi • u.rchiaon deemed it wiae to talk with Mra . Mitchell and advi• her to e k employment a e her·e. De morning of July 31, he advia d th Park• rt ent that he waa r igning nd h r tio ae accepted in good tanding. If 1 can b of further a rvic , plea advia. Sine rely. Ivan All n, Jr. ay r lAJr! CC: ia• Virginia Car ·~hael, Parka D par t �_11/ August 7, 1967 Mr. James H . Hall, Sr . c / o Mrs . Lynn H ll Mitchell Oakland City A rtment A ,rtment 4C 0 kland Drive East Point, G org· D ar Mr . H 11: This will ckno 1 dge receipt of your letter of Jilly 31 r garding the circumstances urrounding your daughter's re ignation from the r D partment. 1 am requeatin a report of thi matter &nd 1 ill b in touch ith y when it i r cei eel. Sine rely,, Ivan Allen,. Jr. yor IA.Jr:eo CC: Mr. J ck Deliu. G n ra1 nag r Parb and R creatio Department �At ant , Georgia Jul ,, 31, 196 7 Mro I a Allen, Jr. M or of Atlanta City Ha Atlanta, Georgia Der Sir: I'm 't'IT · tin this letter to yon in regards to my dau~hter, Lynn Hal· Mitfhell who ias emnloyed b the cltv of At lan t Recre tion Department until o- y ·Jhen she res i ned. She T8S discriillAten, i1 ti~Rted a~d threa t ened with her hein ~ ire , until e qas forced to resip-n. She qas off' one a whe hPr uslJan was v er sic , an4 8bo t ti; o and a. hal f ho rs another cl.Py to ~o to the Hea~th de artment to take er nhysicQl. Ms Merch rson told he s~e had been out four days which he r attenance reco~d would nrove i , not true. Lynn just ~ran ten from Southwest DeKalb with aver~e grades and she so w:=inted to ,Tork for the city, but it SP~ms Mrs. Mercherson had a frien 't'Iho wanted thP ob. Lynn h . d a sl i crhr sneech defect, fro~ birth and I ' m sure this is why she was dis01"1'11ated 2"1inst- and I ' m sure you be ng a m:~n of' honor cAn ·p i v her- a l)ob. She resigned to keep Miss Mercherson from riavins::r the satisfactio n of havinn- fired her. I think you should 1nvest1o:ate this o!'t'ic8 8nd if it wa~ not an thing Lvnn had done, you sh0uln s~P thAt she ets a joh n so~e other denartment as she on ' t wc1nt to work for Miss Mercherson again. I am sendin~ a coov oft~ s lettPr ~o Mtss Mercherson as I wBnt: her to 1:mm, th;::,t the spe ch defect (which is verv sl ~ht) that my dau~hter has is the work of God, and I hope shP cPn sleAp w0ll fter this dirty ae~l she ~8ve my dau~hter. I cAn sPe why sbe is stili a 'MI~S ' . 0 Yours vary trulv, James H. Hall, Sr. P • .S. I hava o ~on in Viet- J\Tahm but 1-on,ler why -- for Miss Mercnerson? �C I TY 0 ATLANTA DEPARTMEN T of PARKS O f fice of General Manager A tlan t a, G eorgia 30303 J ACK C . DE LI U S GENERA L MANAGER Recreation Au gust 8, 1967 The Honorabl e Ivan Allen , Jr. Ma yor of Atl a nta Ci ty Ha ll City o f Atl an t a Atlanta , Geor g ia 30303 De a r S i r : Th i s i s i n a nswe r to you r l e t ter in r e gar d to Mrs. Lynn Mi t c h e ll . Mr s . Mitchell was r efer re d to us f rom the Pers onnel Depar t men t a nd empl o y e d on Jul y 3 , 196 7 b y th e Re cr eat io n Di visi on o f t h e Parks Depar t me nt . Her duti es were as fol lo ws: typing, c u tt in g an d run n i n g o f stenci ls , and filing. Duri n g her shor t perio d of e mployment, she was out : July 12 from 8:30 t o 1 2:30 to see h er pers onal physician, July 14 Health Department recheck for physical, wh ich we allowed her to do, July 17 she was out the entire day due to the illness of her husband. On July 18, Miss Murchison, who handles the personnel, deemed it wise to talk with Mrs. Mitchell and advised her to seek employment e l sewhere due to the pattern she was following of absenteeism, also lack of interest in her position. She went to the Personnel Department and was referred to the Police Department. She stated that she was not interested in working in that Department. She was, also, r eferred to the Board of Ed.ucation and went for an interview. �Pa g e 2 On the mornin g of July 31 , she decided of her own accord th a t she would resi gn. We accepted her resi gnation in good standin g . I trust that this inform a tion is satisfactory . I am, Yours s ~ ce~ C. Delius al Manager of Parks JD/ VC /ca p �LANCE ROOFING COMPANY, INC. 57 WEYMAN AVENUE, S.W. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 JACKSON 4-4771 u u ~ 7,197 Dtllu: r b , •• I~ wa cc: Leftwich, Fo lke s, Wil liamson & Mi llica n fOU 1 aae ll p �l' .. L_ August 1, 1967 I 1·

Mr. Obie . Shel ton 1 Executive Vice President Atlanta Chamber of Commerce ' 1 400 Commerce Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr . Shelton: During e recent Called Meeting of the Aldermanic Parks Committee the members informally discussed at my request the best location for the Cyclorama of the Battle of Atlanta if and when we reached the point where financing is available for restoration and a new home. The Committee directed that we bring this matter up f or e f ormal decision at the regular meeting scheduled for August 15, 1967 at 2:00 p.rn. in Committee Room No. 2 o f the City Hall. Members o f the Committee further asked that I correspond ·with you and invite you to attend this meeting in the event that you would like to express an opinion on the best location for the Cyclorama. If it should be inconvenient for you to attend on August 15 and you would care to writ e the undersigned , it would be my pleasure to __ present your views and opinions to the Aldermen. We particularly appreciate your continued interest in the Cyclorama which is obviously our most valuable physical historical possession and trusting you can attend on August 15, I am Cordially, Jack c. Delius General Manager of Parks end Recreation JCD:lg": CC: ,,.,,,;~ x,-;;.r Mr. Gordon F. Price, Southeastern Underwriter's Association Mr. Beverly . DuBose, Attorney at Law Mt Franklin M. Garrett, Coca- Cola Company Mr. Wilbur Kurtz, Jr., Coca- Cola Company All members of the Aldermanic Parks Committee Honorable Ivan Allen, ur., Mayor of Atlanta ./ Mr. R. ~arl Landers, Administrative Assistant to the MayorV"'"" IK, ,,,.... - ~·'""""' AO ______ -' 11,•yr-, • r·nC\ �July 26, 1967 A Called Meeting of the Aldermanic Parks Committee was held on Wednesday, July 26, 1967 at 2:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall Annex. Present were Aldermen Charlie Leftwich, Buddy Fowlkes, Q. v. Williamson, and G. Everett Millican. Also present was Mr. R. Earl Lander, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, Mr. Charles L. Davis, City Comptroller, Mr. Woody Underwood of the Comptroller's Staff, Mr. Eric Harkness of the Planning Department, and Messrs. Jack c. Delius, Stan Martin, A. P. Brindley, and Stan Ayer, of the Parks Department. Chairman Leftwich stated that the primary purpose of the called meeti ng was to discuss the recent allocation of some $35p,ooo by the Finance Committee to the Department of Parks for emergency-type activities in the Parks Department. Mr. Leftwich explained that the funds were ,·, :. allocated only for capital improvements, etc. and were not intended to be for operating costs and other everyday items. Mr. Leftwich distributed a preliminary list of priorities drawn up by the Park Staff. A cons i derable discussion to'ok place by members of the Park Committee a s to just how priorities should be established and the best ways to s p e nd the fund. I t was unani mously agreed that whenever and wherever possible the money should be utilized for projects qualifying unde r 50¾ aid assistance from the Federal government through either the Land and Water Conservation Act or the Open Space Program. Although additional park lands are desperately needed and should be purchased while still a v ai lable, it was generally felt by the Committee that the funds should be spent on Parks already purchased and owned by the City of Atlanta s o tha t the se faciliti e s might b e placed in service at the earliest possibl e d a t e . The Ci ty Comptrolle r h as pointe d out t h at the City o f Atlanta is officially committed to the purchase in the immediate future o f an Urban Renewal Park Site in the Western portion of the RawsonWash i ngton Urban Renewa l Area and a park site adjacent to the W. c. Hills School in the Bedford-Pine Urba n Re n ewal Area. Oth e r urban renewa l p ark sites were co n sidered too far o ff in the f u t ure t o commit f und s a t t he present t i me . Alderman Wi lliams on fe lt that the Peyton Ro ad Proj ect should b e deferred at t h is t ime s i nce i t is in a middle class community and not a disadvantaged area. The General Manag er pointed out tha t Peyton Road wa s the only par k site purchased under t h e 1 9 63 Bond Pr ogr am that had rec e ive d no de velopment o r alloca t ion o f funds and whi le i n p ri nci ple the majo r ity of the f u nds should go to disadvantaged areas o f the City , s ome development should start on the Peyton Road Site. Alderman Fowlkes expressed an opinion that all the funds should be .used for development, an opinion generally expressed by the General Manager. Alderman Mil l ican stated that one of the best ways to use the money would be to light ba l l fields for night- time use. The f ollowing list was finally decided upon and received the unanimous approval of the Parks Committee: (Cont I d) xrno'I t •o, , y l -- ( ,.,,,., xrROi y,,... l~C OERO PY .... r" �·' i.-(., ' ,. .. • 'i ..... .'..i ..; ,1 7-26-67 Revised List ALLOCATION OF SUPPLEMENTARY FUND PARKS DEPARTMENT TOTAL COST 1. I PEYTON ROAD 1st STAGE POSSIBLE FEDERAL FUNDS NET COST TO CITY 60,000 30,000 30,000 25,000 12,500 12,500 25,000 12,500 12,500 150,000 75 ~000 75,000 40,000 20 , 000 20 , 000 a) I ~Necessary site preparation b) c) d) e) 2. DANIEL STANTON 2nd STAGE a) b) c) 3. Drive and parking Pave d court a r e as Children's play areas Adult recreation areas GUN CLUB 3rd STAGE a) 5. Paved court areas Paved walk and skating circle Planting (trees & shrubs) HARPER 2nd STAGE a) b) c) d) 4. including storm drainage, grading, grassing. Drive and parking Ball diamond Paved court areas Children's play areas Major s ize swimming pool, bat hhouse, and ne c essary s u rrounding s ite work CENTER HILL (Improve ment to exist i ng p ark) a) b) c) d) e) Required site preparat ion, grading and drainage Park drive and parking Paved court area Children's p l ay area Relighting of existing ball field �,; . .. POSSIBLE FEDERAL FUNDS I TOTAL COST 6. ANDERSON PARK (improvement to existing park) a) b) c) d) 7. NET COST CITY TO 50,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 15,000 15,000 28,000 14,000 14,000 65,500 32,750 32,750 140,000 70,000 70,000 86,500 43,250 43,250 700 ,000 350,000 350,000 Required site preparation grading and drainage Park drive and parking Paved court area Children's play area BENTEEN 2nd STAGE I a) b) c) d) 8. THOMASVILLE 3rd STAGE a) b) c) d) 9. Complete drive and -parking Paved court area Children's play area Planting (trees & shrubs) Additional drive & parking Children's play area · paved walks Ball field lighting Purchase of park in Rawson Washington Urban Renewal Area (adjacent to public housing) 10. Purchase of c. W. Hill School park site in Bedford-Pine Urban Renewal area. 11. Purchase of additional park land throughout the city - to be decided with the help of the City Planni ng Department. TOTALS The last item on the proposed budget, number 11, concerns the purchase of additional park land throughout the City. Alderman Leftwich and other members of the Committee expressed an opinion that in the event that e stimates of construction were too low on some of the other projects that i tem 11 in part at least could be diverted to make up deficits. Stan Martin, Parks Administrative Assistant, has already requested the City Planning Department to make a survey to determine where additional park o lands are needed. Mr. Martin has already requested Mr. Collier Gladin, t he City Planning Engineer, to up date the 1961 Park Plan. .rhe General Manager was directed to forwa r d immediately to the Finance Committee of the Boar d of Aldermen 1rhe above suggested·.1allocation of t:he $350,000. 1 ~ l><E. COPY , ~'· . . . ...... - fuR01 ... jC OPY / ( )(r no l\P='Y �The General Manager then requested the Chairman of the Parks Committee to take up the discussion of the proposed location of the new Cyclorama if and when it is constructed. Mr. Delius feels that the Cyclorama shoul_d remain ih Grant Park since it is located on the fringe of the actual Battle of Atlanta which the Cyclorama depicts, has been in the park for some eighty years, is internationally advertised as being in Grant Park, and is adjacent to ample parking, the zoo, and Fort Walker. All members of the Committee agreed that the best location for the Cyclorama was for it to remain in Grant Park. Mr. Delius explained that there was some feeling among certain individuals that if the Cyclorama is rebuilt it be located in a downtown area possibly adjacent to the auditorium where it woul9 be immediately accessible to tourist traffic, etc. The Chairman of the Parks Committee suggested that at the next Park Committee meeting on August 15, 1967, that the matter be formally voted upon but that . in the meantime Mr. Delius should contact all those individuals who have expressed an interest in where the new Cyclorama should be located and invite them to come before the August 15th meeting. The Committee agreed that any and everything should be done possible within the capacity of our present finances to begin study towards the renovation of the painting proper and the construction of the new Cyclorama building. Mr. Charles Davis, City Comptroller, suggested to the Committee and the Parks Department that work should begin immediately on applications for matching Federal funds relative to the above mentioned $350,000 and that in addition, applications should be submitted for the purchase of park lands in the norther portion of the West End Urban Renewal Area and in the Rockdale Urban Renewal Area. In the case of the latter project, originally only one park site was suggested for Rockdale1 however, the~e appears to be three park sites now with two being donated and one having to be purchased by the City. Mr. Davis said that somehow or other funds would be made available for a park in the northern portion of the West End Urban Renewal project and in the Rockdale Urban Renewal Project. Being no further business, the meeting adjourned. - - ~ ~ -- �8, 1967 Ml".. F:ranc 717 WoociWltrli • -A2EIB.IJ.Jli\, y •• s U JAJrt/ CC: r . Ja.(:k Delius , Jr. �---------- July 27 , 1967 Mr .. E . Lewis King 45 - 3rd Street , N. E . Atlanta , Georgi a 30308 Dear Mr . King: This morning I received from Mr . Douglas R. Cockrill, Assistant Trust Officer of the First National Bank of Atlanta , a check from an anonymous donor in the amount of $5418 . 00 to be used specifically to cov r the cost of one Laykold Tenni Court at the new Shady Valley Park Site. Although, the donor dos wish to remain anonymous I wish you would take it upon yourself to extend to him the official appreciation of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen nd more p rticul rly the Department of Parks nd Recreation for his or her generosity . 1 I am this date sking the City Comptroller to deposit the check in the ppropri te account for this project. Th contract has been enter d into with F . T . Brown · Company, Inc . for the first pha construction of Sh dy V lley Park. The construction tim is estimated to be 120 consecutive calendar days . Again , our appreciation, I am Cordi lly, J ck c. liu Co itt e G n r 1 M nag r of P rks nd R er ation JCDalg CCt n menmer Jr. v l l n, of the Ald rmanic P rk �August z. 1967 MEMORANDUM TO Jack D liu FROM Ivan Allen, Jr. Representative Bill L of Cl yton County. and an official of th Southern Railw · y di cussed with me ye terday the erection of a fenc t Pittman Park to prevent opl from crossing th r Uro d track and ntering Pittman Park. on then orth or noribea t . l would appr ciat it if you would look into this matt rand be c rtain that Parks Commit is fully w r of th eh·cum tance• a11.d det rmine what ction. if any, should be taken by the rk Department. IAJr:am �I ~~ (/vi r) J an CARRETTE . l'roFeneur d'An g 1a,s lycee Jeon -Perrin 59 W.1BERSART t="RA NC E �July 27, 1967 Mrs . Lee A . Worthy 555 East Anthony Street, N. W . Atlanta 18 , Georgia Dear Mrs . W orthy: In further reply to your letter of July 15, this is to advise that a work order ha been issu_ed to modify the drainage ditch at the rear of 555 Ea t Anthony Street . This will be done at the earliest po date. S incerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor lAJr:eo ible �C ITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 July 25, 1967 JACK C. DELIUS G EN ERAL MANA G ER MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. FROM: Jack C. Delius, General Manager of Parks SUBJECT: Maddox Park drainage ditch flooding 555 E. Anthony Street, N.W. & The Assistant Park Engineer has checked this problem and found that we need to modify the drainage ditch to some degree to prevent water from running on to the rear of 555 E. Anthony Street, N.W. A work order has been given the Park Maintenance Superintende nt to carry out this function at the earlie st possible date. t- Cor respondence pertaining to this matter is her ewith a t tached. ee: Mr. Pierce Whit l ey Recreation �555 East .Anthony Street N.W. Atlanta 18, Georgia July· 15,1967 · Mayor Ivan Allen City Hall-i /[) ---:---7 .. <> AtlanteY;o~c-.ocb / ~ Dear Sir, ~/~ e /?. __ . ...-(__ ~~ ~ ~ a ~ . I am w-ri tting you hoping you are able to help me in some wa:y. I live at 555 E.Anthony St.N .H. ,my back yard is at the base of Maddox Park where there is a ditch that belongs to the city. When it rains the ditch overuns with water, the water therefore backs up into my bac~cdoor into my house an d my whole downstairs is then flooded with water. When this h appens I have to send my children to stay at my mother until we can get th e housF dry from the water. My baby has taken pneumonia fro 1!1 the lfi'ouse being flooded in the 18st rains. I have called the Sewage· and Park Depa.rtments concerning the problem, . but I have.go t no results fro m the departments. The ditch needs to be dug de~per or something so that the water will not' be overun with water during a rain. If ~u can give me any kind of help to ::.top the the wat e r from flooding my house I would Appreciate your hepp •. I feel that you will help me with my problem. Sincerely yours, {l fl~A----'4 ~ v £ ~- ;;?Lf -91~ a_, / ~/ . .. -·'· -. ..· ·. . �. . • July 17. 1967 Mrs. Lee A. Worthy 555 East Anthony Street. N. W. Atlanta. Georgia 30318 Dear Mrs. Worthy: This will acknowledge receipt of yo\ll" letter regarding the ditch behind your property. I am asking the Construction Department to look into this matter and advise me of their findings. I will be back in touch with you when this inform- ation is received. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJ'r: e o CC: M r. Ray NixoD 9 Chief of Conatruction / �.. - ... ... ROUTE TO: -4~o/~o/~L¥~:.6:2:{c........-.,c_)_ FROl\t: FORM 25•4 Ivan Allen, Jr. D {rt)frm, r :_ JUL i '? 1967 '. ~ D For your information D Please refer to the attached cGi'fp(i)fie~fL~NTI\ e the necessary reply. CONSTRUCTION .DEPT. ~ /. SLIP J: Li___ ~ 11 Ul/ Lb Advise me the status of the attached, �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of CONSTRUCTION 301 CITY HALL Atlanta 3, Georgia July 19, 1967 RICHARD W. RESPESS ASST. CHIEF OF CONSTRUCTION RAY A . NIXON Chief of Constructi on ROBERT H, MORRISS MEMO TO: Ray A. Nixon - Director of Public Wo~ks FROM: Ken Lancaster ASST. CHIEF OF CONSTRUCTION As directed, an investigation was made at #555 East Anthony Street N. W. to determine if we could be of assistance in the solution of a flood p:lioblem. We found that storm water from the streets does not flow into this drain ditch, and, therefore, responsibility by this Department can. not be justified. However, there is a great volume of storm water flowing into this ditch from City property belonging to the Parks ~ r t me ns. I believe, it would relieve the problem of this ditch overflowing onto this person's property if this water was intercepted and directed to Proctor Creek. This could be accomplished by constructing a bunker at the top of the small ditch bank or by the ·grading of a small berm ditch parallel to the existing one. RKL/pae j>. ATLANTA THE DOGWOOD CITY �July 17, 1967 r Mrs . Lee A . Worthy 555- East Anthony Street, N . W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 Dear Mr • Worthy: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter regarding the ditch behind your property. 1 am asking the Construction Department to look into this matter and advi e me of their findings . I will be back in touch with you when this inform ation i received. Sincerely , Ivan Allen, Jr. M yor lAJr:eo CC: Mr . Ray Nixon-, Chief of Con truction �- -'-~ ~ ,:;,;;..::; . ~ - ::-:-:x.,..,...,..~ . r-c.;. -..- . __.. -- · ' . . ....~. ~ _

AA.,~:J. ,. _ .. _._.., _ -· · ··-,~ - · .., ,, ... ' -. • • 555 East Anthony Street N. W. Atlant'a 18, Georgia July· 15,1967 !) Mayor Ivan Allen City HaJrl;~ /[J ---:7 · Atlante:J;o ~ ~~ Dear Sir, .. ~ /~e <) ~ ~ _ A° ,:;P'~ ~ ~ C7 ~ . I am writting you hoping you are able to help me in some wey. I live at 555 E.Anthony St.N .i·: . ,my back yard is at the base of Maddox Park where there is a ditch that belongs to the city. When it r a ins t he ditc h overuns with water, the wat er th e refore b a ck s up i n to my b ackdoor into mJr hous e and my whole do wnst a irs is then flooded wi t h water. When this h appens I have to send my children to stay at my mother until we c an get t h e hous !E! dry from the water. My baby has .taken pneumonia fro rn t h e lfi'ouse be ing floo ded i n the l ast rains. I have called the Sewage · and Pa rk Departments concerning the problem, but I have got no results fro m the departments. The ditch needs to b e dug de~per or something so that the water will no ~ b e ove run with water during a rain. If ~u can give me any kind of help to s top the the wat e r from flooding my house I would Appreciate your heip •. I feel that you will help me with my problem. Sincerely yours, ~:;]:!~ __ �;: _ ::.';" _; ·._ , __ •• _ , _, _ , _ •.:.... -4"--r.:r ....- · -- ·- - - - -· - - - - - · ·· - • -- • ·- •• • July 17, 1967 Mrs. Lee A. Worthy 555 East Anthony Street, N. W. Atlanta, Geor gia 30318 Dear 'Mra . Worthy: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter regarding the ditch behind your property. I am asking the Construction De partment to look into this m.atte:r and advise me of their findings. I will be b ack in touch with you when this information i s received. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr . lviayor IA.1r:eo CC: Mr. Ray Nixon Q Chief of Construction / �' I . - ... .... ROUTE TO:-~ FROM: \ I I I f SLIP 'i~ wl(Llrrrrn Ivan Allen, Jr. j ,' .i~:'t · JUL 1987 ul\___ 0::; tb ull Lb ~ 1 'l D Foryourinformation D Please refer to the attached cgrl'(p(i)fic'A'fU~ NT~-e the necessary reply. [0-" flj ! CONSTRUCTION DEPT. Advise me the status of the attached. f ! ., • FORM 25·4 ....... . .. ~ . . , . " . ... - �C I TY OF A TLANTA DEPARTMENT of CONSTRUCTION 301 CITY HALL Atlanta 3, Georgia July 19, 1967 RICHARD W. RESPESS ASST. CHIEF OF CONSTRUCTION RAY A . NIXON Chief of Construction ROBERT H. MORRISS MEMO TO: Ray A. Nixon - Director of Public Works FROM: Ken Lancaster ASST, CHIEF OF CONSTRUCTION As directed, an investigation was made at #555 East Anthony Street N. W. to determine if we could be of assistance in the solution of a flood problem. We found that storm water from the streets does not flow into this drain ditch, and, therefore, responsibility by this Department cannot be justified. However, there is a great volume of storm water flowing into this ditch from City property belonging to the Parks Departmens. I believe, it would relieve the problem of this ditch -overflowing onto this person's property if this water was intercepted and directed to Proctor Creek. · This could be accomplished by constructing a bunker at the top of the small ditch bank or by the grading of a small berm ditch parallel to the existing one. RKL/pae ATLANTA TUE DOGWOOD CITY �July 21 , 1967 Mr . Dillon Winship , Jr . President Georgia Highway Express , Inc . 2090 Jonesboro Road , S . E . Atlanta , Georgia 30315 Dear Mr . Dillon: Thank you very much for your letter of July 11 , 1967 ddressed to Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr ., concerning your gracious offer to assist in our recre tion program and facilities . I think you have an excellent suggestion in the use of worn out tractors as a play object for children . e h ve been considering for several weeks of acquiring an ntiquated jet fighter plane and similar equipment nd build a playlot somewhat like the John F . Kennedy Memorial Playground in Washington , D. c . Our probl at the present time is that of all the thirty some odd playlots that we have leased , hold only a thirty day renewable leasehold and we pay no rent . ~-10 t of them are quite sm 11 and dequ t only to aecomod t swing , slide, in some instances a portabl swimming pool , and tc . It does not ere te too much of a hardhip when we los possession of a given pl ylot inc th uipment is reus ble t a perm nent park install tion or some other re . How v r, in the c se of more unorthodox play obj cts we would be hard press d to blend into our m ster p rk schemes such obj cts s P. T. Bo ts, jet fighters and tr otor. Bing as c ndid s I possible can , there is nother problem involved in u ing anything that is ne nd unusual in th e dis dv nted area . The probl i th t many of th citizens of the ares consider th t w us th s gui na pigs nd n v r consider ne equ1 nt nd f cilities for th but r ly use c toff it • h v xperieneed thi to so ext nt with our portabl swi ing pool. l beli ve e number (Cont ' d) �Mr . Winship Page Two July 21 ; 1967 of these people would consider a tractor just another piece of 11 junk 11 and would accuse us of trying to save funds in not buying swings , slides, jungle-gyms, etc o Please let me give some more thought to how we might make use of your excellent suggestion and if I can find an area in size and location that it is suitable , I will so advise . Again , both Mayor Allen and the undersigned deeply appreciate your personal interest and I am Cordially , Jack c . Delius General Manager of Pa.rks and Recreation JCD:lg CC: Hon . Ivan Allen , Jr . Mi ss Virginia Carmichael, Director of Recreation �.. ~ · ,·' ' ,.,; •• ~ ~ "• l ' I ... .: I I CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 July 19, 1967 ' JACK C. DELIUS GENER,AL MANAGER I -1 Mr. Charles L. Davis Comptroller City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Charles: I Thank you for your letter . of July 13, 1967, advising us that the Finance Committee on July 12, 1967, had discussed the problem of financing additional parks and improvenents1 and, more particularly reference to the additional State Grant funds by which the Finance Committee desires to make some portion available to the Parks Department for additional park sites, etc. I have called together all of our staff members concerned with park developrrent and acquisition to very carefully review priorities on park projects. At the same time, we considered the City's committment towards the purchase of four urban renewal park sites located in various areas of the City. After we completed the attached priority li s t, we revie we d it with Chairman Leftwich on July 17, 1967. Mr. Leftwich has given h i s endorsement to the attached proposed disbursement of funds. Thi s entire priority list is based on the fact that we would receive some $350,000 from the State grant . As an expl ana tion to you and by c opy o f th is letter an explanation to the oth er members of t he Ald e rmanic Parks Commi ttee, I wou ld like to explain t o you jus t how we arrived at priorities. First of all; Peyton Road is the only one of the four t e e n parks purchased s ince 1964 which we have no t allocated a ny funds for the development o f or have not act ua l ly b orken · ground. In the case of Daniel Stunton Park Site (People's Town ) , we have under construc tion t the presenttime a recre ation building and a modest amount of mo n e y qas been set aside for storm drainage in the park. However, (Cont'd) rii°i-r?ol '.<, OP'r ..... - f, A><ERo\ ~CO P Y) - - ___.I ..... - - - - -- ~ RO I } r- o ,-• v"""- �', Mr. Davis Page Two July 19, 1967 this will be a case where we will have a completed recreation building and yet the land immediately surrounding it, etc., will not be usable. We built the park "backward" only because of an existing sub-station structure which could be remodeled into a gymnasium and we felt that having indoor facilities for yearround use took priority over basic site development of the park. In the case of Harper Park, we would like very much to do the second stage and this would virtually finish this facility except for a large project such as possibly a recreation building. In the case of Gun Club, we are not deviating from our announced and formal policy of building only neighborhood size pools since Gun Club is a community size park - the only one purchased under the 1963 Bond Issue. Some 3900 children live immediately adjacent to this park site and we have laready installed parking, electrical condiut, sewerage, water supply, etc., as well as lighting (general) for the s,;imming pool. If we move rapidly, Stan Martin feels that one-half the cost ot the swimming pool could be obtained under the Land and Water Conservation Act. As to Center Hill, located on Bankhead Highway, this was at one time a fairly well developed park which fell into disuse and now that the population has surged we feel that we must use a modest amount of our money renovating this facility. It is good level land in an area deficient of parks and we feel like moving very quickly on it. As to Benteen, we are under contract for phase one, which will cover only basic siting and improvements and when we finish this you can hardly tell that anything has been done - it will all be under ground. Therefore, we feel like moving very rapidly into phase two so that the citizens can have something to use. Thomasville Urban Renewal Park is unusual in that we have already gone through phase one and are starting phase two and yet have very little to show the public. It's another case of a lot of money being spent underground to handle drainage, etc. We feel however, that the modest additional expenditure of $15,000 would virtually complete the park except for a swimming pool or recreation center. As ot items 8,9,10, & 11, you have advised me of what you compute the total cost to be and the fact that the City has formerly committed itself to purchasing these lands within urban renewal projects. The entire priority list, including the purchase of new park lands, is based on the assumption that the City will get 50¾ assistance from the Federal government either u nder the open-space program or the Land and Water Conservation Act. We still have a considerable nUmber of parks which we should move into on phase two such as Benteen, Cleveland, Collier, the

f unding of Field Road when it's purchased, Shady Valley, Waters,

recreation buildings for Washington, Butler, University, Wilson Mill, Wesley, etc. Mr. Leftwich has asked that in the next few days we have a ca lled meeting of the Parks Committee to formally endorse this priority list and I assume that yQu will be reviewing the same ~ (Cont'd) XE RO t / XE~-~ ""' C OPY - . ropy~ fc-o,-• XCRO • . Y �,.. __ I ,_I Mr. Davis Page Three 1 July 19, 1967 with your committee. We are deeply indebted to the City Finance Committee for making available these additional funds and assuring you of our appreciation I am ack c. Delius eneral Manager of arks and Recreation JCD:lg CC: Mr. George Berry, Comptroller's Office All members of the Aldermanic Parks Committee Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. · 1 ~ - - ~ -- --.- ~""'F- ""·.. , -· f:x E R01 / C" n ,•v �7-26-67 ALLOCATION OF SUPPLEMENTARY FUND PARKS DEPARTMENT TOTAL COST POSSIBLE FEDERAL FUNDS NET COS:' TO CIT:~ 1. PEYTON ROAD 1st STAGE a) Necessary site preparation including storm drainage, grading, grassing. b) Drive and parking c) Ball diamond d) Paved court areas e) Childrens play areas 60,000 30,000 30,000 2. DANIEL STANTON 2nd STAGE 25,000 12,500 12,500 , 25, 000 12,500 12,500 150,000 75,000 75,000 a) b) c) 3. HARPER 2nd STAGE a) b) c) d) 4. Paved court areas Paved walk and s kating c ircle Planting (tr ees & ahruba) Drive and parki ng Paved court areas Childrens play areas Adult recreation areas GUN CLUB 3rd STAGE a) Major size swimming pool~ bathhouse, and necessary surrounding site work Page 1 �5. CENTER HILL (Improvement to existing park) a) b) c) d) e) 6. b) c) d) 7. c) d) NET COST TO CITY 40,000 20,000 20,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 15,000 15,0GQ Required site preparation grading and drainage Park drive and parking Paved court area Childrens play area BENTE:&:~ 2nd S'!'AGE a) b) POSSIBLE FEDERAL FUNDS Required site preparation, grading and drainage Park drive and parking Paved court area Childrens play area Relighting of exi~ting ball field ANDERSON PARK (improvement to existing park) a) TOTAL COST Complete drive and parking 7aved court area ehildrens play area Planting (trees & shrubs) 3. THO~.&ASVILLE 3rd Stage a) Additional drive & parking b) Childrens play area c) Paved walks 20,000 10,000 10,00Ci 9. Purchase of: park in Rcr-1s on Washington Urban Renewal Area (adj to public housing) 65,500 32,750 32,750 Page? �TOTAL COST POSSIBLE FEDERAL FUNDS NET c o .:.)'!' TC CITY 10 . Purchase of C. W. Hill School park site in Bed::ord Pine Urban Renewal Area 140,000 70,000 70,00 11. Purchase of additional park land throughout the city - To be decided with the help of the city plann ing department. 94,500 47,250 47, 25 ~.1 • TOTALS 700,000 350,000 350,000 Page 3 �July 18. 1967 Mr . Dillon Winship. Jr. Pre ident Georgia Highway Expres • Inc . Z090 Jone boro Road. S . E . Atlanta, Georgia 30315 Dear Dillon: Thank you very tnuch for your letter and your gen.erou · offer to sai t in our recreational facilitie thi ummer . 1 am referring thi . to the Director of the Parks Department. Mr . Jack Deliu • for hi con ideration and I m requesting him to corre pond ith you directly. With appreciation for your intere t, I am Sincerely your- , Ivan All n, Jr. Mayor lAJr/br CC: Mr . Jack Delius �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 July 17, 1967 JACK C. DELIUS GENERAL MANAGER Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: I wish to advise that I will be out of the City on Saturday, July 22, and Sunday, July 23. In the event that you need me, I may be contacted at the Capri Motel, Magnolia Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee. In my absence, Mr. Fred w. Boswell, Assistant General Manager o f Parks, will be in charge of the Department. incerely, ck c. Delius neral Manager of rks and Recreation JCD:lg CC: All Members of the P arks Committee Mr. Pie rce Whitley, Assistant General Manager of P arks Mr. Stan Martin, Administrative Assistant �. . ~- : ' i I CITY OF A TLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 July 20, 1967 JACK IC, DELIUS GENERAL MANAGER I Mr. Jesse Hill, Jr. ~ Co-Chairman: Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference ¾ Atlanta Life Insurance Company P. o. Box 897 Atlanta, Georgia 30301 Dear Mr. Hill: Thank you very much for your telephone call to my office on Friday, July 14 and your letter of July 17, 1967, requesting that we withold the earmarking or committment of some $350,000 for park purposes until a committee of the Atlanta Summit-;.: Leadership Conference can meet with me. First of all, the City has formerly committed itself to purchase of park site North of the expressway in the West End Urban Renewal Area; a park site adjacent to thew. c. Hills School in BedfordPine Urban Renewal Area; a park site in the Western portion of the Rawson-Washington Urban Renewal Area; and, a park site in the Rockdale Urban Renewal project. Our best information from the City Comptroller is that these park sites must be purchased and are part of the overall Urban Renewal projects for the respective areas of the City. The rather limited funds that are left after the p u rch ase o f these properti es have been very carefully allocat ed to a number of urgent proj ects on t h e south s i de , west si d e , and northQe~t s i de o f our Ci t y. ~be s uggested p rio r i ty l iet of projects has been s ubmitted to the Park Committee of the Board of Aldermen and, through the City Comptroller to the Finance Committee of the Bo ard of Aldermen. We expect to have a calle d meeting of t he Parks Committee in a few days after the member s have h a d t i me to review a nd digest the project li s t. Re g a rding your request t o meet wi th me on Tuesday, J u ly 25, I wo uld certainly be g lad t o me et wi t h you but I t h ink it would be b e s t for you·· to discus s your requ ests with the Park s Committee of the Board of Aldermen si nce ·t hey have t h e final say-so on p r ior ities, etc., per ta i ni n g to Park and Recreation fa c ilit i es . You may c are to correspond with Alderman Charlie Leftwi ch , the Chairman o f o ur Committe e and, of c ourse, Alde r man Williamson, --,\\..t. f q1, ,-6_ ' A ..;y ; ' ·i (Cont'd) ~ I '1~ Q , f iir: no , r' OP 'r'


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\' • ~ ••

Mr. Hill Page Two July 20, 1967 I your Co-Chairman of the Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference, is also a member of the Aldermanic Parks Committee. If you would still care to meet with me on July 25, just give me a call and thank you for your continued interest, I am Cordially, ack c. Delius eneral Manager of Parks and Recreation JCD:lg CC: Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor, City of Atlanta / Rev. s. W. Williams, Co-Chairman, Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference Alderman Q. V. Williamson, Co-Chairman, Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference and Member of Aldermanic Parks Committee Alderman Charlie Leftwich, Chairman, Aldermanic Parks Committee Alderman Buddy Fowlkes, Vice-Chairman, Aldermanic Parks Committee Alderman G. Everett Millican, Member, Aldermanic Parks Committee Honorable Milton Farris, Chairman, Finance Committee Mr. Charles L. Davis, Comptroller, City of Atlanta M XERO _c opy -r_.., ri-=------ I XERO \ - - - .........t C"n~1v �~.~ ·... . ~ 1-


I CITY O F ATLANTA I DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 July 20, 1967 JACK C . DELIUS I GENER A L MANAGER I Mr. Gilbert H. Boggs Director of Housing Atlanta Housing Authority 824 Hurt Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Boggs: SUBJECT: Pedestrian Bridge across Proctor Creek from Perry Homes to' Gun Club Park. · You may recall that last year I wrote Mr. Earl Metzger regarding the desperate need for a footbridge across Proctor Creek from Perry Homes to the Northeast corner of Gun Club Park. At that time, the estimated cost of a footbridge was between $10,000 and $15,000. Since our property line is on our side of the creek and the creek itself lies within the boundaries of the Perry Homes property, we asked that Atlanta Housing Authority consider undertaking the construction of this bridge to provide ingress to the park for the children in the eastern section of Perry Homes. My letter waa referred to you end yo ur reply , deted October 2 8 , 1 966 , wa s that the po ssibi lity of construction of "the footbridge to serve the park" would not be feasible from the Atlanta Housing Authority's standpoint becau s e y o u did not have the necessary $10,000 to $15,000 nor did y ou h a v e the authority from the Federal a gency whi ch mu s t approve t h is type of expend itu re . You f u rth er st ated that you did not believe it would be considered en eligible cost . We would would whole would f i rst l i ke t o point out that this footbridge not serve the park. Ont.he contrary, the footbriq.ge serve the people of Perry Homes. In fact, our purpose in acquiring and developing the 42-acre Gun KERO ·,- - . . . . - - . - - - - - -,!""I COPY ....- -- --,_,...--.- - - ,-,,_,,.~ �.. . . • ,. . • I I .• Mr. Boggs Page Two July 20, 1967 Club Park is to provide facilities for the more more than 3200 children isolated for so long in desperately needed recreation than one thousand families and and teenagers who have been the Perry Hornes Housing Project ·. We are aware of the new installation of culverts and the extension of the roadway from Perry Hornes across Proctor Creek providing access to the site of your new 140-unit addition to the Project. However, this is a considerable distance from the proposed location of the footbridge1 and the families who live in the eastern section of Perry Homes would face a quite lengthy hike to make their way west to the existing crossing and back through the new section of Perry Hornes to the Park. As a matter of fact, many children in the eastern extremity will be able to stand in their yards and see the ball diamonds across the creek • .We are convinced that a constant hazard will exist as these children attempt to ford Proctor Creek and make their own shortcut to the lower level of the Park. We feel very strongly that this type of situation should be eliminated and we feel that the Atlanta Housing Authority should accept the responsibility. Realizing that it would not be feasible for you to spend $10,000 to $15,000 for this purpose, we have taken it upon ourselves to explore the possibility of constructing a safe and permanent footbridge at a more feasible cost. Mr. Charles G. Devon, Assi~tant Parks Engineer, has developed a plan for a bridge constructed of precastprestressed concrete with hand rails and concrete footings that would cost less than $1500 in place. Further, we are prepared to offer our technical assistance and labor to supervise and assist in the construction of the bridge. Enclosed is a proposal from Concrete Materials of Georgia, Inc., for the main bridge structure, including its erection, in the amount of $1,067.53. This does not include the hand rails or the footings for which we would provide the labor and the materials are estimated to be approximately $400. Also enclosed is a drawing showing details of the plan. In light of this new cost estimate, perhaps you will reconsider the possibi ,lity of the Housing Authority funding this bridge. We have recently completed the first phase d evelopment of Gun Club Park at a cost of $83,541. We have signed the contract for $52,206 for the second phase development , which will include the ball diamonds on thelower end of the property adjacent to Proctor Creek, and the contractor is expected IXER'"oi .... C OPY I - (icE~'€\ J C:,Qpy I...., �··.:. .! ) ., Mr. Boggs Page Three July 20, 1967 to commence work within a few days. In view of our efforts to complete this park, we sincerely hope that you will make every effort to provide this additional means of access to the park for the residents of Perry Homes. Thank you for any consideration given our proposal. let us know of your decision in this matter. I Sincerely, Please .lk.1. ./. m~;A-


T. Martin, Jr.

Administrative Assistant STMJr:lg CC: 11wno r·u,;_Jr Mr. M. B. Satterfield, Executive Director, Atlanta Housing Authority V Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Mr. Dan sweat, Director of Governmental Liaison Mr. John Cox, Atlanta Youth Council Mr. Arthur Smith, Manager of Perry Homes Mr. Willie Johnson, Chairman, Constructive Youth Council of the Northwest Perry Homes Area Mr. Jack c. Delius, General Manager of Parks and Recreation Mr. A. P. Brindley, Parks Engineer . I Mr. Charles G. Devon, Assistant Parks Engineer Alderman Charlie Leftwich, Chairman, Municipal Parks Committee Alderman Buddy Fowlkes, Vice Chairman, Municipal Parks Committee Alderman G. Everett Millican, Member, Municipal Parks Committee Alderman Q. v. Williams on, Member, Muni c ipal Pa r k s Committee ~~---.....,.'!l!'i XE~o"\...,.. _________ " ro ri v ½C RO --4, ;" (lf 1 Y �-- CONCEPT, A'l'Li\.NTJ\ CYCLOR/IMA CENTER ~(\.. M ~I)\\, V ,C)clll' 1. ,J. ,:, rru1 rt 1, }t•.•J." l'.1 )'i1: l\•JJ.1.'r I !) 1~, ~~ox.\. C.o"" " 'ttb~ ~' '-'ce ·. c.., t.~ ~ ~ ·-~ M ""°.tJ ? (1/vi The "Battle of Atlanta." painting is uniq_ue not only as o. la.i·ge and _fa.:nou::, painting, but also·; being a cyclorama, it cannot, like most other th::.n·gs , be seen from without, but to view it one must literally get inside the circular canvas whic r is 0.J?pr_o ximately .1 20 feet in di~~eter a::.d 50 feet high. Tti& physical peculiarity· places a very important limitation on the cyclorama from an exhibition standpoint and creates a major safety problem; ·spectators must either be _lowered into . the 50-foot high circular picture area from above or brought to the viewing :platfo~m fro:::i. benea.th t=ou[;::: I a tunnel a.~d up stairways as in the present cycloram~, building. Neither arra.~ge~ent makes it possible to effect quick evacuation of the audience from the picture area. This brings about a definite safety-to-life · problem in case of a fire e~ergency, especially under the panic environment that would exist. . . ._Although the pa_inting is housed in a noncombustible building and by careful study every step feasible has been taken to improve the existing .structure from a safety standpoint, the "fire loading" from the painting itself is ever present and is considerable. The picture contains approximately on~-half-acre of free-hanging linen canvas impregnated with more than 8,000 _pounds of oil paint which would burn intensely if once ignited. A carbon dioxide gas fire extinguishing system has been provided to protect t he painting but this ·cannot·be brought into action until the audience has been evacuat ed. Even thoueh the attendance is now limited to · 150 people at one time·, thin.i<:. . of .the celrui:iity that might result should rire trap an audie~ce inside this paint-soaked canvas enclosure! Indeed, Atlanta should feel fortunate that she has thus far been sp~red such a pos s ible catastrophe. ,I t !,' The Plan . ·~) I ', The cycl orama painting can be housed a nd exhibited .i n a mo.nner t hat will assure 1 ': ® mplet e protection f r om fi r e t o bot h t he pa inting and the vi ewing audience and also pl·ov:tde control of atmospher e in the area for preservation of the painting. I . ·' ,,' ........, - ~ - .....~=====;...:.;;.. This, �.~ ; ,. ~2- I however, will require an entirely new and different concept in building design ·and arrangements from that of the present cyclorama building, which is approaching a halfcentury in age and is· obso+ete. · · The provision of a new cyclorama building of proper though unique design could eliminate the safety-to-life problem now prevailing and permit full capacity loading of the viewing platform when attendance is heavy as with I I . holiday and convention groups. · The new building could be more beautiful and much more I I appropriate for its occupancy than the present one. It could afford improved lighting, which is much needed, and better programing and sound effects. ·rt would, moreover, provide a special area located away from ground moistu~e for housing the painting, which area would normally be_ sealed off to permit controlled . atmosphere as regards temperature and humidity to prolong . life of the .canvas. In the event of fire in the picture area, it would allow complete and safe evacuation of the entire audience from the area in a matter of seconds, followed immediately by automatic flooding of the picture with carbon dioxide gas to extingui·s h the fire without leaving any residue, and thus assure complete fire control for the painting, at the same time providing full life safety. · . To embody these enhancements, this special structure of new concept would, of course, be of fire-resistive construction and would be similar in design to a two-tier wedding cake; the first story being about 300 feet in diameter and 20 feet high. This story would be protected by aut.omat"ic sprinklers and occupied as a Civil War museum, rel ating principally to the Battle of Atlanta, which in time could become the very finest museum of its kind. The second story would be 125 feet in diameter and about 50 feet high, or approximaiely the size of the present cyclorama building. the cyclorama painting an_d its foreground scenery . It would house only - The arrangement would be unique in that the 30-foot diameter viewing platform would be on a hydraulic ( aqua) lift. After bei?g fully briefed on the Atlanta Campaign in a small theater by use of animated film the . audience

' I woul.d be assembled on the platform .on the first floor .level and then with appropriate music and sound effects be elevated to viewing pos ition in the picture area in the second story. ·- YI PC" �. . ,. ~ -3At thio point the plo.tform would ulowly rnc\lce one 00111p l t;1 t ~ r evolu'l;i o n un1i l y 111 n 1111n o r' oectlonul:t:God oouml prog1•w11inL!, • t,ho :ln11J.v1clunl v :t uwur woulu l>o i.n.l'm ·111o< l nl , \l'l, ·t,ll a portion ·of the battle scene appearing before him. The platform would have an integral ceiling that would move up and down with the platform and which, when in the lowered position, would form a gas-tight separation between the first and second stories by I means of a simple water seal. l With the arrangement described, should a fire occur in the picture area, for example, while the platform is loaded .and at the viewing position, either the operator or the automatic fire detection system would allow the p~atfonn to be lowered immediately by gravity at a controlled speed to the first floor level to discharge the audience safely, the ceiling simultaneously forming a seal between .the two stories. By interlock control, as soon as the seal is ' formed; a carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system . would flood the picture· canvas with fire ~xtinguishing gas without the time delay that is now required. All emergency safety equipment would be designed on a multiple "positive operation 11 basis. The. arrangement would provide full safety to life for occupants of the building, coupled with prompt and complete fire control for the painting. It would also safely permit full audience capacity on the platform and allow a controlled atmosphere normally to be ma'intained in the picture area for prolonging life of the canvas. Special Features If such a new cyclorama building should be undertaken, .it ' is suggested that the proJect also include two special features; first, the old locomotive "Texas" which is now in the basement of the present building should be reconditioned for actual operation s o that it could take part with the "General" in any future re- enactments of the Andrews ' Raid*. Normally, however, the "Texas " would be kept on exhibi t in t he f i r st sto~y mus eum, but there would be provided withi n t he museum a length of fenc ed-off track i j' l

Are-enactment of "The Great Locomotive Chase" annually, or even quinquennially,

utili~ing both the engines , Texas and General, operating under steam over the L. & N. Railroad along the original . ... route of the, chase, could become a tourist attraction of nat:Lonal prominence. .,.. ER O l~COP Y I - �-4on which the old engine could be moved bnok and forth at regular intervala, operating on comp1•ouucc.l r:dr, wh.lch wouhl g:1.vo t,ho en1~l.rw t\ll tllu uounu 1\1hl 0 Ll1111• 1.1 t'C',:c t11 n11 t,l1 0 111~h actually moving. under steam. The other feature would be to include a water fountain of appropriate size, water patterns and lighting effects near the entrance to the building. A large I sculptured. phoenix would. constitute the central figure, w~th gas burning on the water's I - surface at .t he several cascading levels beneath the figure to symbolize· the resurgence of Atlanta after the battle. The phoenix theme could even include a programmed periodic envelopment of the phoenix by flames, acco~panied by the figure disappearing below the I surface - to rise again when the flames subside . Atlanta could be proud of a new cyclorama building such as described and the city deserves it. The preservation work on the picture which is repo~ted to be very necessary could be performed as each picture section is moved from the old to the new building. The "Battle of Atlanta" is entitled to a new home, s·o let the job be done right. The cycloraroa can be made an even greater tourist attraction and credit to the city than it has been in the past and conc_urrently incorporate full safety-to-life measures._ If located in the new auditorium-hotel complex area, with the larger audiences that could be handled and with longer hours of operation the revenue deri v.e d should certainly make the project feasible. Gordon F. Price ,.. '.:) Octobe;r 25, _1965 ,I 'r, II l I {Kr'rlO - r:o,, t �CITY OF ATLANTA JACK C . DELI US GENERAL MANAGER DEPARTMENT OF PARKS July 10, 1967 AND RECREATION Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Allen: First, I want to personally congratulate and . thank you for your excellent statement at the Kiwanis Club meeting on Thursday, July 6, 1967, concerning lawlessness in our town. Everyone r•ve talked with - City employees, private citizens, other City Officials are all talking about what you•ve said. I think your tone was correct and you were firm and I am sure that a lot of good will come from your remarks. Thank you again and assuring you of our desire to be of servi ce, I am a kc .. Delius G eral Manager df Parks and Recreation JCD: lg �Julv Der Mr . O, l~f, ont ornery, in thi 1 . , I rdi JCDtl cc, icbe 1 ly, tter d �Ju _y _Q , 1967 Honora e John Hood Represent tiv., istri c t 24 1123 · indsor Street , "" . :: • At anto , G orgi 3 310 De r ~,epresent ti v _ ·oo-~: c:m instructe h V nd If nytbing, I m fr id th favoring ch nic vill n will rhill. critiei I for y this in vi r l �Represent tive Hood Page Two July 10, 1967 of the fa~t that within the defined limits of these areas, we h ve the only recreation house that we ' ve rented, four playlots in Mechanicsville nd Operation Ch mp operation at Peter J . Bryant School. In Summerhill, re have n Operation Champ at Johnson Elementary~ 1 ol an - a playlot on Connally Street which is to the rear of the school . ~ummerhill is one of only four reas in Atl nta blessed with a port b le swimming pool. These pools which are for instruct.i onel purposes only were donated by the Rich Foundation . I _h ve lre dy been criticizea for selecting Summerhill as on of the four areas -to receive a pool but regardless of here it might have been pl ced , ie would have had criticism fro~ those communities not similarly treated . We pledge to you our full and G"Omplete support in ttempting to meet th needs of park and recra tion facilities for all of our citi zens and I am Cordially, acl • .;eliu..1 enoral kn~ger of

· arks a nd Recreation

uCD:lg CC: f yor v n .h.l.len, Jr . "'h rli eftwic lr . v �July 3 , 1967 n, Jr. 3031 1 cn,1 C I rely, �I . ! July 3, 1967 I I ! I Mr. Willie Johnson, Chairman Constructive Youth Counci l of the Nor thwest Perry Homes Area 2339 Arno Court, N. H. Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Johnson: Thank you very much for your l etter of June 28, 1967, regardi ng our conf erence of J une 20, 1967, out lining the r equests made by the cit i zens o f your area f or r e c reational and park fa c i liti e s . By copi es o f this letter , I am requesting the Directors of the Neighbo rhood Pl aylot Program and Operation Champ to submit to you the l ist o f all l ocations presentl y in existence. We ce rta i nly wi ll welcome the opportunity t o . a llow the community to assist i n the planning, developnent , and operation o f r e creational programs for youth and young adul ts i n your ne i ghborhood . As to t h e ut iliza tion o f neighborhood Youth Corps i n-school enroll ees a nd out -of - s chool enrollees , we currentl y have a request before E.O .A. for one hundred out-of- school young people . Fifty of these would be utilized in Operation Champ (the city-wide recreation program) and fifty , we hope utilized in the development of the Wilderness Camp at Lake .Allatoona . As of y et , we have not received any enrollees but we understand that they are being recruited from the respective E.O.A. Service Centers . I would assume that some will be coming from your neighborhood service center and there should be no problem to see that these individuals are properly assigned b a ck to the area from which they reside. By COP'J of this letter , I will make it known to Mi s s Vir gi nia Carmichael , the Director of Re creation, and also t h e Dire ct ors o f Operation Champ and the Ne ighbor h ood Playlot Program t h.it you are requesting the p laceme nt o f recreation l eader s at Pitt s , Finch, and Chattahoochee El ementary School s . (Cont ' d ) '" '?Ok I 11,-•y ~ ,- .~~n,.~, I~ '.7' ·· ~ ' ,. ,-,. ,, . . r )O llO �I· i Mr. Johnson Page Two July 3, 1967 The Aldermanic Parks Committee over the last several years has written the Atlanta Housing Authority requesting that recreation personnel be employed on a permanent basis by the Houstng ~'Authority to supervise recreation not only at Perry Homes but at all public housing projects. We have signed the contract for the second phase of Gun Club Park. 'i'his phase will be on the lower end of the property adjacent to Proctor Creek and the contractor is expected to commence work just any day. As discussed with you, we are still in a quandary over the availability of a pedestrian bridge across Proctor Creek so that the Park that will be developed can be immediately accessible to the residents of Perry Homes. We are waiting on a response from the Atlanta Hou5ing Authority as to who will pay for this bridge since our property line stops on our side of Proctor Creek and it's our understanding that the Housing Authority owns up to this line. We certainly appreciate the suggestion for location of additional playlots for your area. I am Xeroxing your letter and supplying it to Mr. Pete Williams, Right-Of- Way Agent , Land Agent's Office and ask that he search out each and every location you have suggested and , in the event he is unable to obtain permission for the use of any of these lots, to advise you accordingly. We would certainly like to extend the Operation Champ program to include other communities , but as you know this is a federally financed program which must terminate August 31 and we must be very caref ul not to overspend the allotted sum of money for this activity. If we should be able to save funds or have over-estimated the cost of certain activities, we would be the first to want to expand the program into other communities. Although the Master Plan for Gun Club Park includes a swimming pool , at this time I do not know at what date one could be installed. Rest assured that your area will be given every possible consideration in making up t he 1968 Capital Improvement Program , whi ch will amount to a little over $300,000. This rather limited amount of money must be spread over the entire City of Atlanta and include the construction of not only swimming pools but basic site work on some ten to fifteen parks purchased under the 1963 BomProgram, construction of recreation buildings, landscaping, etc . I em very pleased that your committee will be willing to meet xrr,o . ><1 r*" nPv 1 l l t ' 'i ! no �I I ' .J ' ... Mr. Johnson Page Three July 3, 1967 with the undersigned and other representatives of this Department in making your community a better place to live and I assure you that when we obtain leases on the playlots at the locations you have suggested, we will work vecy closely with your committee to see that the program, equipment, etc. is what you need and want. On behalf of Mayor Allen and other City Officials, let me again thank you for meeting with us on the 20th and I ~m Cordially, I Jack c. Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation JCD:lg CC: Mr. Pete Williams, Land Agent's Office Mr. Tom Christenson,. Director, Operation Champ Mr. Eddie McLemore, Director, Neighborhood Playlot Program Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. I/' . ---Mis s Virginia Carmichael Mr. John Cox, Atlanta Youth Council Mr. Bud Stone, E.o.A. Mr. J. H. Robertson Mr . Dan Sweat - .....---,----- . -IS}. -,,, -- ~, ,,. ... - --- . �CONSTRUCTIVE YOUTH COUNCIL OF THE Northwest Perry Homes Area 2339 Arno Court, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia June 28, 1967 Mr. Jack Delius, Director Parks & Recreation Department City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Delius: In reference to our conference of June 20, 1967, we the members of the Recreational Committee of the Constructive Youth Council of the North• west Perry Area are submitting in keeping with your request a proposal · outlining the requests made by the group of citizens of this area during the conference. We truly feel that your concern in such matters will enable us to build a better community in which to live. Moreover, we feel as members of our community we should be given the opportunity to assist in the planning and development of recreational programs for our community. We look forward to a reply at your earliest convenience. Yours truly, 1}~


Willie Johnson, Chairman WJ/mji Enclosure po-nc, ""\ r•r., , ,y

- ~ ~

·-·-r - .fW',. ., r:;;;: X rRQ\ ____1;:;-;,~~I - - - - - - - - ~ - - - -,...;< '(•l' Y �• I COU8TRUCTIVE YOUTU COUHCIL m· THE northwest Perry llomes ·Arca 2339 Arno Court, n. w. Atlanta, Georgia Today there is an ever-increasing desire on-the part of the young people to be heard, probably morcso in low-!ncoce areas. I It goes without saying that in the Northuest Perry Communities there are hundreds of young people ~mo arc without any or have very few meaningful programs in which to participate. It hns been said that "an idle mind is the devil I s workshop:• The rising rate of Crir:ie, Delinquency, Truancy and dcop-outs among the youth in our communities, indicate that city, public and private agencies arc failing to provide young people with the inner controls of behavior which arc basis for a healthy way of life and a clean community. Due to the many inadequacies in the areas of supervised recreation in the l-Torthwest Perry Communit i es, we the recreation committee, in keeping with your request, recotnr.'len<l the following servicco, program and facilities for your consideration and cvaluntion. Su3gcsted Areas of Concern and Responsibilities: 1. Keep the communities informed of available resources and opportunities in the fields of recreation and youth. 2. Allow the community the opportunity to assist in the planning, developing and runnini; of recreational prograr.is f or youth and young adults in the communities. It generally felt that the communities in the Northwest Perry area arc faced with tho same types of problems thllt exist in other communities throughout chc city. In trying to offset so~o of thcnc problems, we arc fu1·thor ro - cor.1mond:f.ng tho hiring of recreation personnel on a permnnont basio from thct !101'. tlnicst communities through tho Neighborhood Youth Corps in- s chool and out -of-school programs. 1Xrno..l r·u,-.y J ' I~ ... .. COPY f ., ... _ - f ><rRo\ (' O, •y �-2- 3. i 'f • I Recommendation for the placement of r.ecre3tional Leaders. (a) Pitts Elementary School Perry Boulevard, H. H. (b) Finch Elementary School Ajax Drive, N. W. (c) Chattahoochee Elementary School Peyton Road, N. H • . The hiring of recrea t ion personnel on a permanent basis by the Housin~ authority to super-,ise recreation in the Perry Homes projects. I 5. The completion of th9 .Gun Club Pork. G. Additional Play Lots for the area. (a) Possible Location of Play Lots. (1) Intersection of Hollywood r.ood and Nain Street, N. W. (2) Intersection of Harco and Areyle Drive (3) 2000 Mccallie Boulevard (4) Westmoreland Circle (near 1333) (5) Clorissd Drive (nco,cen Buildines 1602-2215) (6) Perry Doulevard (near 1395 Drew) 7. The Extension of the "Char:1p" Prograo to include other communities. O. Swimmi ng Pool for the area. The committee, nlone with other members of t he Council , will be willine to meet you and/or othe1.· responsible repres entatives of the City Par ks Depar tment , in tryi ng to m:ikc our community a bet t er pl ace i n which t o live . CC: )Wr,c, l t f ' (.Jf.J T ' ... Mayor Ivan Allen Vireinia Carmichae l John Cox 'Cud Stone J. 11. Robinson Dnn Sweat


>< r nc, .._,,.. ..... _,. - (' t,, •y �July 3, 1967 Representative Julian Bond Room 336, State c pitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Der Mr . Bond: Th nk you for your continued interest in the p rk located at Fair Street and Northside Drive nd more p rticularly your inquiry as to the hours of oper tion of the spray pool . Currently , the one Recreation Supervisor authorized "tty the City nd ssigned to this f ci-lity operates the pool from 10:00 in the morning until 6:00 at night; five d ys a ¥8 k. I am sing Mr. D vid Knolton, the Recre tion Supervi r for the Central District, to ork out some method by which th spray pool could be o r ted on Saturday and Sund y. A the nights gro arm r , r tru t that ill find way to oper te the ater into the late evening - p rh ps until lOeOO p.m .. Th nk you for your continued interest, I am Cordi lly, J ck c. Delius G n ral Mang r of Park and R er tion JCD1lg cc, Mr. David Knowlton ~ Hon. Iv n All n, Jr.v �June 9. 1967 R p . Julian Bond 8Z3 Drummond Str et, S . W . Atlant , Georgia 30314 D ar Julian: Than you very much for your 1 tter reg rding th n r at Fair Street and Northside Drive . I . ppreciate yollr sugg tion nd l m taking thi matt r up ith Mr. J ck Delius of the Parks D rtm.ent to hat c n b done bout it. I will ~ ep you adviaed. Sincerely, I n All n, J'r. Mayor . lAJr: o CC: r. Jack Deli • �COMMITTEES JULIAN BOND Representative, District 136 823 Drummond Street, S.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30314 EDUCATION Transportation INSURANCE Surety & Title STATE INSTITUTIONS & PROPERTY <fil4£ ~nus£ of ~epr£s£nht±h1es J\tlmtia, <lieorgia: --:JO:..' .., : I_.,.. -, .., ...J - '.- j I .. t . . c.l- -!:,: ) ¥• -· . - _ ! __, ..J.... ~ . 0 C :. !:"e s iJ:..!,,.\ ~ i.J.i.. .,,_4-. r 1 2 . ·_r "'T" _. _ , ,U(. "tl • "' r

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'-,: !(:· :!?~.' a ~I, j 1 , ·0·':, ,,• i_, _.;., ,,. .J' .. 1,_ ., ' ' i. -·--1.~. :l '- J • 'l ._;, i _ ti Y· .,,cl·_· • ..J, -C -, ? ., ,, I \) . f ~ • ' ( " 't1 ' ..... .... _ OT_~ .. _ n·(· _J_ 1't ,_-,... : nr ~,r· J, ·! ... ·' . n ,·1 • J .._, t:r· ' ,t ( �. t �-----'--~-- ··- -J. ~ ~ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20240 IN REPLY REFER TO : H30-HH June 6, 1967 Mr. Jack C. Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation Department of Parks Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Delius: Thia i1 in reply to your l etter of May 24, -addre&aad to the Regional Director of our Southeast Region, regarding the Cyclorama of the Battle of Atlanta. I think it would be reasonable to assume that the painting itself, as an object important in American history, could eventually be considered for inclusion on the National Register which is to be expanded under the provisions of Public Law 89- . 665, the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. To be placed on the National Register and thus eligible for Federal matching grant-in-aid funds, the painting would have to be included in a statewide survey and historic preservation plan approved by the Secretary of the Interior. The Georgia His- · torical Commission has been designated by Governor Maddox as Georgia's official State liaison with the Department of the Interior in the administration of this act as it may relate to the State of Georgia. While Congressional action on the Department's appropriation for fiscal year 1968 has not been completed, it appears unlikely at this time that there will be any Federal matching grant-in-aid funds available under P.L. 89-665 during fiscal year 1968. We are enclosing a copy of the act and a copy of "Federal Financial Assistance Through the Secretary of the Interior for Historic Preservation" for your inf ormation. Sincerely yours, ~~ Ofa Rober t M. Utley Acting Chief, of Archeol ogy and Historic Preservation Enclosures 2 i., I I ! o,o..',\.-, / �'.

~' ~..

.. ' ·, i C ITY O F DEPARTMENT A -. of L'-\ N TA PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 JACK C. DELIUS GENERAL MANAGER ' TO: FROM: June 27, Mayo~ Ivan Allen Mr. Tom Chri~tens on, Director, Operation Champ" SUBJECT: Program of "Operation Champ" Atlanta's "Operation Champ", sponsored · jointly by Atlanta Parks and Recreation Department and the Economic Opportunity, Atlanta, is a spor.ts and cultural program provided for locations in twenty-three crime infested and racial trouble areas. The ideal of the program is to aid · the children to develop social soundness, emotional stability! cultural interest, and physical fitness. In addition the aim is to curtail indirectly the high crime rate and racial tension. This ideal is approached by providing supervised recreation and cultural trips far the areas. The program is headed by a project director and assistant who coordinate the activities of the 23 areas and plan all cultural and s wimming trips. Four program supervisors directly supervise the 23 areas which are divided into four ge neral districts in the city. They act as go-betweens between the project director arrl the area counselors. Each area has t wo recreation leaders who work as counselors in the individual area and keep the area supervis e d Monday through Saturday from 10:00 A.· ~ - to 9 P. M. The 1nd1 v1dual · area activities inolude mass games individual 1nstruot1 onal games , ar t s · an d cr af t s , drama t ic prodwti ons , f olk dan01ns, ~htthm1o~l s~rn ~. ~eup sin gin g , and fi var-1ety of other ac t i vities , depending on the i ndi vidua l t a l e nts of the recreationa l s uper vis ors. Many areas work clos el y with the Gir l Scouts apd the Boy Scouts in an attempt to establish new t r oops that wi l l conti nue t hrough the year. Spe c i a l are a events suc h a s bicycle r ode os, pet s h ows, and tr ea3ure hunts en c oura ge the children t o devel op a f ee ling of fellows hip. The childr en should en joy t he a f ternoon snac k of milk and co oki es de livered da ily. Be oa. ua e of the · tremen dous ·c ooper a t i on and the dona ti on of time by many people, a variety of educational trips has been planned for the areas . Each area goes for a. "free II swim tw1 ce a week for s 1 x weeks • Many of our children will receive free bowling lessons from city establishments. The ,Atlanta Braves and Chiefs c ooperate with us by pr6senting periodical sports clinics and providing ~ ... 1...: --~ XERO lr.OPY ,. t.:: �·. . ..: \ Mayor tv~n A11~n unlimited tickets to both Brave and Chief ball games. Our children will bear-lecture! by the curator of the zoo, the Atlanta Horticulturist, and our Entomologist. New ideas and projects will be followed up by the area leaders through activities such a., transplanting flowers in the housing projects, collecting and mounting insects, identifying trees and birds o . . . The children will travel to various local industries, amusement parks and local entertainments including the Coca Cola Bottling Company, Mathis · Dairyf the Atlanta Journal, Chastain Park, childran 1s theaters, Cyc orama and Grant Park Zoo, and Grant Park green house. On ma~y of the trips the children · will be provided with a bot lunch. Hopefully the many experiences created by the cultural trips will add greatly to the underprivileged children's education. "Operation Champ" undoubtedly.. will not solve all of the problems of the high-crime rate, underprivileged areas 0 But through our personnel's combined efforts to provide supervised recreation and cultural trips, we hope to benefit the background of some of these children. Respectfully submitted, ~O~~- Tom Chris tens on Director · Operation Champ TC/~h enc. cc: Mr. Jack Delius, Genera·1 Manager City .of_Atlanta Departme~t of Parks Miss Virginia Carmichael, Director City of Atlanta Department of Recreation ~ ROI ,~l'H·•y ) �,. •O? EkAT l JN CHAM P" ,\... :... , .. ,\. _ _ .. ,..:;i., .\ •.• . . ~:., 12 .:,·-:, :: . ' .- . .. ;'.; l c. p :. ._•. E ,;,. g0w c ,;. Ave . :. i·Ja ve-r- :!.;, 11 arris Hornes 290 Sells Avenue Atlanta, Ga. ,~ay NE an~- , Ga. ~ J 307 A~ , :.,1 ey Av enue Park - ~ '. e i· St reet 1': .E •.

- - -"!. '..:..:. ,

. ~ . 30307 - ~c . e Hornes 668 Fair Street s.w. Atlanta, Ga. 30314 ~ s.w. Perry Hornes 1041 Kerry Drive N.W. Atlanta, Ga. 30318 .;. .... - . .;.,. _ :. . ·· 1ftc :.c-::. <> 1 u rL,e (: white :.:·o i- d Ave. ~ At l anta, Ga. 30317 SE Gun Club Park Gun Club & Ruth Streets, N.W, Atlanta, Ga. Whiteford Elementry School 35 White f oor d Avenu~ S,B. 30318 Bowen Hornes Atlanta, Ga. 30317 2804 Yates Drive N.W. Atlanta, Ga. 30318 Grady Homes 100 Bell Street s.E. At lanta, Ga. 30303 Center Hill Park Bankhead Highway N.W. Atlanta, Ga. 8~ ~apit ol Homes Memorial Drive S.E. Atlant a , Ga. 30312 Maddox Park Bankhead Av.~hue N.W. Atlanta, Ga. E. P. J ohnson School ~94 Mart in Street S.E. Atl a n ta, Ga. 30312 Rosalie Wright School 350 Autumn Lane S.W. Atlanta, Ga. 30310 P. J . Br y ant School ~. 2 Ce org ia Avenue s.w. ~-t _;_· :"!·:: a, - Ga. 3031 2 · ..:· 'J C . )-_ve:· c~ S. 3 _

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.,.. \ ~ - .,. ... ~ ,·. ~- ·~, - - Co . ,,. ,' J, I j I ·~ '· ,., ...... ., NEIGHBORHOOD PLAYLOT PROGRAM · I .i ! This list shows ali playlots and inside facilities :in the playlot program. Twenty-three of these locations are staffed and operating from 10:00 A.M. until 8:JO P.M. daily, Monday through Friday. Saturdays hours of operation are from 11:00 A.M. until 8:JO P.M. Arlington Mrs. Nix and Mrs. Edna Hill 2. 71 Little St. Mr. Smith and Miss Griffin { 141 Walnut St. Mr. Murphy and Miss Van Dee Perry 196 Savannah St ~ I 2 5.5 Dodd Ave. 1 Mr. Preston and Miss Evans "- 1. I 4; • I 5. I 6. Mr. Dunston and M1s s Franklin I ' Mr. Right, Mr. Schockly, and Mrs. Jenpings Haygood and Crew 7. Park Ave. & Mr. Stephens and Miss J. Coppedge Lansing 8. Ladd st. off Oakland Mrs. Bridges 9. Harper Park Miss Johnson and Mr. Wilkes 10. Daniel Stant.o n Park Mr. Bonner and Miss Dixon I 11. Rhodes Bet Sunset lI 12. Merritts lJ. Wylie 14. Connally St. near Richardson Mr. Napier and Miss G. Coppedge 15. McDaniel Ga. Mr •. Banks and Miss Jones 16. Gilliam Park on Wade Ave. . Mrs. Mahone and Mr. White 17. 373 Thurmaon St. Mr, Smith and Mrs. Sinclair 18. Magnolia1& Maple Miss Mpongo and Mr. Cloud 19. Huff Rd. near Booth Miss Smith and Mr. Stokes 20 . Universi t y Mr . Phillips and Mi s s Cla rk 21. Habershal at Perry Blvd . Mr. Scott and Miss Potts 22. W1nd.sor near Richardson Mr. Dunston l I I i & Vine Mr. Walker and Miss Webb , I & & Bedford Mr. Barr and Mr. Porter Tye & Mr. McLendon and Miss Moore I ' & Hubbard -I ,,.-r,io) ~ · '"'\-Y~ - - - ~ -- - - - -- ~r.npy[i,---1.--- - - - �Page 2 Mr. Belsen and Miss Culver 2J. Forrest 24. Perry Blvd. 25. Angier 26. Currier St. 27. Rear of )98 Parkway 28. Love St. 29. Pryor St. JO. Verbena St. (Hyac1nta) Jl. Sampson 32. Blvd. Pl. JJ. Plunk1tt Town J4. Auburn Ave. at Blvd. J5. 533-39 Central Ave. 36. Daniel Street off Edgewood Ave. & Fort & Lively Parkway & & East Ave. & Glen Iris Dr. o),,,.,....,_..--.,..-----. ""r _ _,.,,jXERO


I { xrno' \ C' llf · ,· ~ - - - - !"""" �June 27 , 1967 Mr • Margaret Gl'ier 325 Brook Avenue , S . W. Atlanta, G orgia 30310 Dear Mrs. Grier: Thank you very much for the petition which you forwarded me on June 22nd. I have comnumicated with the Parks De rtment and they ve advised me that this matter ha been taken care of by the opening up of the playground in the Ro alie Holley Wright Elementary School community. I m forwarding the petition on to Mi s Virginia Carmichael of th Park Departm nt for her record. I sincerely hope that thia i tiafactory d a urin you of our cooperation, I Sincerely yo r , Iv All n, Jr. Mayor IAJr/br CC: Miss Virginia Carmichael ith you, �:·•, I.. .• ·, , ' ' ~ . ':_ ,._ . I .... CrTY I O 'F ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 June 26, 1967 JACK C. DELIUS GENERAL MANAGER Mr. Thomas J. Armstrong Acting Assistant Regional Administrator for Metropolitan Development Department of Housing and Urban Development · Room 645, Peachtree-Seventh Building Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Dear Mr. Armstrong: Subject: Project No. GA. OSD-32 Application for Grant to Develop Open-Space Land Gun Club Park Site We respectfully request that you consider a 50% grant for the second phase of development of Gun Club Park Site and waive the 12½% of acquisition cost limitation on this portion of the above project. Gun Club is the second largest park site we have acquired under the 1963 Park Bond Program and is located adjacent to the largest public housing project •in Atlanta. One thousand families and approximately five thousand people live in the Perry Hornes Public Housing Project and it is absolutely essential that we compl t · the development of this park at the earliest possible date. At th~ present time, Perry Homes has only one small playground with which to provide outdoor recreation for more than 3,200 children and teenagers. The families of Perry Homes cannot afford to leave their immediate neighborhood in search of recreation as the median family income is only $2,500 per year. Perry Homes is a part of Census Tract F-87, which has been rated sixth in juvenile delinquency among approximately 100 tracts within the city limits of Atlanta. The need for a fully developed park is clearly reflected by the evidence of discontent and the feeling of being long neglected expressed by the people cf Perry Homes community. The urgent need is amplified by the expansion of the Perry Homes presently underway. An additional 140 units consi sting of three, four, and five bedrooms are now under construction. - --- -,,.---··~ - ,- �•I • • ,. - <t -• • I

_, '• Mr. Armstrong Page Two June 26, 1967 - we have made every effort to expedite this project and we are very proud of the fact that we received the first Open-Space Land Development Grant in the United States for the first phase development of this park. However, due to the lack of funds for capital improvements, we must develop all of our parks in phases over a period of several years. If our application is cut to 12½¾ of the acquisition cost,it will materially affect our financial capacity for additional development. Of course, all of our projects face the same problem, but the problem is particularly acute as it relates to Gun Club Park. As documentation in support of our request we have enclosed a census tract map of the city showing the area to be served by Gun Club Park; a cadastral map of the service area, showing generalized block-~ront structural conditions, blighted areas, the location of Perry Homes, and the Rockdale Urban Redevelopment Area; an analysis of the median family income for the area; an analysis of housing conditions in the area; a compilation of delinquency and crime statistics for the area to be served; a graph showing the relationship of income and crime in Atlanta; and an analysis of age groups in Perry Homes. The boundaries of the area to be served by Gun Club Park were determined by the Planning Department of the City of Atlanta. It should be noted that the site consists of 42.9 acres . and will serve as a Community Park. The service area encompasses approximately 4,147 housing units and has an estimated population of 15,800. More than 30¾ of the people in this service area live in the Perry Homes Public Housing Project, which contains 24¾ of all housing units in the service area. Of the remaining housing units, 35¾ are substandard structures. We would like to point out tha t the analy s is of me di a n fa mily income i s b ased on 1961 date, which is now obsolete and doe s not ref l ect a true picture, with the exception of Perry Homes. This entire area ha s bee n undergoing transition during the past several years. The Planning Department of the City of Atlanta is conducting a survey to determine the extent of change in racial occupancy and median family income . -~c.However,.-: current data .:.d : s -.not available at this time. We stro ngly suspect that the median family income for the entire service area i s c onsiderably less than thatreflected in the 1961 data. We do know t h at the population density has increased and wi ll c o nt i nue to increase . There are proposals for the Ro ckdale Ur ban Red evelopment Area that would p r ovide from 1300 to 1500 units of low- income h o using . The general loca tion of the Ro ckdale Ur ban Redevelopment Are a is shown on the att ached cadastr al map . A very comprehen sive s tudy o f t he c au ses of j uve nile delinquency and crime is embodied in the r e port of the Atl a nta Commission on Crime and Juve nile Delinque ncy, Opportuni ty f o r Urban Excelle nce , which was published in Februa ry , 1966 . Thi s d epartme nt i s s triving to implement the recommendation s of thi s report, which r epe ate dly e mphasizes the X E.RO OOP Y - -- fx rnol \<'Ul' Y) ... �·., ... :i . Mr. Armstrong Page Three June 26, 1967 lack of recreation facilities in congested, low-income areas of the city, including the Gun Club area. As further documentation of our request, we quote the following excerpts from Opportunity for Urban Excellence: One of Atlanta's most serious problems with regard to juvenile delinquency and crime is that the most congested areas of the city have the least recreation facilities ••• 11 Children need places to play other than the streets ••• • The Parks Department is in serious need of great financial assistance ••• The present capital budget of the Parks Department should be at least doubled ••• Parks should be built in congested high crime areas of the city •••• Open city now, will land is quickly disappearing in the heart of the as well as elsewhere, and if moves are not made opportunitie s to establish parks in congested areas be forever lost •••• The importance of constructive· play for children •••• can hardly be overstated. Similarly, with adults the constructive use of leisure t i me provide s an outlet e s sential to sound personal adjustment. I dle ness and lack of intere st are known contributors to both juve nile d e linquency and adult crime, and it is essential that the City of Atlanta provide reasonable facilities and appropriate supervision 1 for the play activities of its people. Persons interviewed by the Committee poin t e d repeatedly to t h e lack of adequate recreation f aci lit ies in many o f the known pov erty, h igh crime areas in Atlan ta ... · I t was t h e c onc lusion o f t h is Committee tha t the P arks De p a rtme nt i s doing an extremely f ine job wi th the f aci lities, personnel and money p re s e ntly available to it • • • It is a l s o clear, howeve r, t h at this Departmen t ' s probl ems are s t a ggeri ng , and the present sit uation is seriou s. The ma jor percent age o f the problems seems a directly t raceable t o mo ney. As suggested by many interv iewees, we fo u nd that many of the high crime , low income areas were not being adequately served •••• ••••• adjacent to the Perry Homes Area, the Department has recently acquired the large Gun Club Park site and has a lloca t e d $79,000 to its development. This will take car e o n l y of first stage development - roads, sewerage and p l aying fields, but there is a strong need now for a fully XE RO --~ fcoPv ~ - �I ~ .. - I Mr. Armstrong Page Four June 26, 1967 developed Park site ••• The needs of Perry Homes were emphasized time and time again, in particular by police officers. We recommend that specific steps be taken by the City to increase the public recreational facilities available to the poor •••• " In summary, the full and complete development of Gun Club Park will be a giant step toward correcting the many deficiencies of an older, low income, residential community of increasing population density that has been long devoid of public recreation facilities. We sincerely appreciate the very valuable assistance and cooperation of your agency and thank you for any consideration of this request. Sincerely, ~~ ~ Delius neral Manager of and Recreation JCD:lg X E:RO ...________ _ ·-~ - ~ - ~ - - - - --r:opv ~E'"9i \ ,..f.,.,-..,;ropv""'I------ �BCC: Honorable Ivan Al len , Jr., Mayor / All Members Al der manic Park s Committee Mr . Gilbert H. Boggs Director of Houoing ~.tl(.;nta ..lousing .;. uthori ty · 24 Hurt uildin~

tlant , Geo r ia

30303 Der Mr . Doggs: n further • i t your me tb rliest conv ni nc , cul b ing on the brid progr you , an edvis incerely , J ck c . G ner l ~ark n lius nag r of ecr tion JCI>alq CCa • • • • Ch rli rin l y, lJ von, r 1st ngi r �May 31 , 1967 Mr . Robert Summerville , President Atlanta Tr nit system 125 Pine Street , N. E. Atlant , Georgia Der Mr. Summerville: We certainly ppreciate the gen rosity of your oomp ny in providing land for playlot on Currier Street . In ddition , we ish to th nk you for th fine civic ct in don ting funds for equipment for both Curri r Str et d H rsh lat P rry Boulevard . The following equipment hes been inst lled on Hab rsh 1 . (1) 8 ft. slide with 12 ft. b ay (1) 10 ft . lide with 16 ft . b dway (1) t ings - 10 ft . high (1) s nior castl to r (to b in tall d) TOTAL $180.15 225 . 30 196 . 85 198 . 75 $801 . 05 Id tic 1 equi nt will install don th CUrri r Str Playlot wh n rec iv d . In ddition , w hope to inst 11 basketb 11 goal and outdoor drinking fountain . t If you pr fer , you may wit until th Curri r stre t 1 nt is install db for s nding us your ch ck for thi loc tion. Cordi lly, J ck c. Deliu Gen r l Mn gr of P rk nd ere tion JCDcbj cca on. Iv n All n , Jr. ~ 1 Virgini C ich 1 �September 19 , 1967 Mr . Kiliaen v. R. Townsend , President Atlanta Motor Lodges , Inc 120 North Avenue, N. -1. Atlanta , Georgia 30313 Der Mr ~ Townsend: Thank you very much for your letter of september 8 , 1967 regarding pl ylots in the eshington Street ar a of our City . I apologize for this beleted reply but have just returned from vacation trip . Mrs . Pat Royalty has be n quite interested in the po sibility of the City ' s losing the us of the Crew and Haygood Playlot . At the present time e have had notindicetion that the owner intends tot ke the property b ek although we only hold a lease for one y r which is cane llable upon thirty days notic . I und rst nd that the property will be up for zoning hearing on s ptember 21 , 1967, and I h v been further advised that Mr H rbert Johnson , Attorney for the owner , is under the impression that v n if the zoning application i successful , th t th own r is not planning to do anything with th 1 nd for two or three y ars . Our deral funds for th dev lo nt and staffing of th thirty-fiv pl ylots loc t din the hard-cor ps lwn er of our City xpir s September 30 . Alr dy, inc school is beck ins ssion, w h ve curt iled our operation to fter-school hours and on the week nd . W bav hop a of coll cting certain vit 1 loc tion and continue the aper tion of playlot in the areas through th end of they er . had funds to construct ntioned V (Cont ' d) �•• Mr . Townsend Page Two September 19 , 1967 not yet received any facilities o In the Washington- Ormond Street area and that portion generally considered to be Mechanicsville .and Summerhill , a number of locations have been created and frankly there has been criticism from neighborhoods which have been overlooked as t o the number of lots created in the southern portion of the C-i ty . You are most generous in your offer of various properties and I would like to take the liberty to keep your letter in our current file on playlots so that in the even that we do lose the Crew and Haygood location we can quickly turn to one of your properties . In conclusion, it is businessmen l i ke your that make it possible for the playlot program to function and I thank you ever so much for off ering to us without charge such valuable real estate . Sincerely , Jack c . Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation JCD:lg CCc / Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . Mrs . Robert M. Royalty �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 September 18, 1967 JAC K C. DELIUS GEN E RA L MANAGER Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Allen: After many months of very hard work on the part of the staff at the Reptile House and thanks to the cooperation and assistance of Ray Nixon's welder, and Fred Shepherd and Addy Chan of the Building Inspector, the Reptile House neared completion and ready for operation last week. We made a decision Saturday that if we kept waiting we never would get the place open and so we decided that come Sunday morning, September 17, we would open to the public. The only publicity we were able to get at th±s late date was a few news spots on WSB Radio Sunday morning o At 11:00 we opened the front doors and we began counting using hand counters of all adults and young p eople who came in. Children under the age of twelve were not counted. From 11:00 through 5:45, we had counted 13,057 and given out all of our 10,000 pamphlets on the b uilding ~ We received nothing b ut very favorable comments from the visitors and the only fly in the ointment was the fact that the air conditioni n g s y stem didn ~t seem capable of keeping the building reason.a bly cool with this large number of people inside . I know that you are as relieved as the unders±gned in seeing this facility fin al ly open to the public. ack c. Delius e n e ral . Manager of Parks and Recreation JCD:lg CC: All members of the Aldermanic Parks Committee �Septer.li..1e L ., 1967 Mr . Richard H. Rich Rich ' s , Inc . 45 Broad Street Atlanta , Georgia 30303 Dear. .Mr. Rich: I would like to give you a brief r eport on the outstanding success of the portable swimming pools your foundation was gracious enough to provide to the City of Atlanta . From June 9 through September 1 , 1967 , we had trained 153 classes whi ch had a total enrollment of 27 .6 chil ren . In addi tion , some 23 , 077 participated during " 1 lay eriods ow t a t fall is here we have removed the swimming poo s from their outdoor locations an already t~ree of the four have been installed in the basements of various schools where showers and drain ge are available and they will continue to be utili~ed through the school year . The structures sustain virtually no vand lism (several other cities had terrible experiences) and we fully expect to place them back in operation come next summer . Your don tion fortunately was sufficient enough to provide heaters to raise the water temperature so there ' s no problem there when cold weather sets in . · 11 • ~le don ' t really know how to estimate the life expectancy of the portable pools but we can certainly say with great deal of assurance that literally hundreds of thousands of children in the coming years will enjoy something that would not hav been possible had it not been for the generosity of the Rich Foundation . Sincerely , Jack C . Del iu General Manag r of Parks nd Recre tion JCD1lg cc: Honor abl Ivan Allen, Jr./ �September 8, 1967 Mr. Jack Delius General Manager Atlanta Parks Department 260 Central Avenue, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 I I I ,I Dear Mr. Delius: My good friend, Mrs . Pat Roy lty, has told me that you may po s1bly lo e the use of the Crew Street - Ha~od Street lot as a playground. Thi reminded me that I h ve been meaning to call you and offer the use of the four lots, approximately 180' frontage on Washington Street ne r Ormond Street, th t we own. We have demolished the houses and though it isn't perfectly level, most of the fall-off is toward the very re r. As I understand it from Mrs. Royalty, thes childern will not use f cilities ore th n sever 1 blocks away. Therefore, there may b good many in thi imm diate area th t would u small but conv ni nt pl yground. We, of cour I also h v thos 1 rge p rking lot st of W hington Street nd north of the Cancer H • including th 200' by 200' north of Bas Str t wh r w also park c r for th St dium cro d. Th ar now bein us din n informal, unoffici 1 way by number of child m, nd we are delighted. However. if th se toocould b ployed in more efficient n r to b nefit th neighborhood. ple let us know. W ours lv t e lot ents in the way of building on ony of on their Thi ia p rticul rly t. It i prob bl th t w thing sim1l r on th 200' futur, but v there, I st two ot thr y r. Since ely, Kilia v. a. Towns nd KVRT/wk /4, Mayor Iv n All �C ITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 JACK C. DELIUS GENERAL MANAGER Recreation September 8, 1967 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Ivan: Attached you will find an autographed program of the Mayor and of the participants of the Atlanta Team . to the United States Youth Garnes. You would have b e en proud of Atlanta's Team for their behavior, participation, and success . in all of the events. Atlanta won fourth place in Track and Field, went on to the semi-finals in bowling, and placed seventh in the overall games. We were faced with real competition, and in my opinion the teams made a magnificent performance. The entire program could not have been handled better. I believe it makes for a wonderful opportunity for children to meet other children from other cities. I would like to take this opportunity to thank y ou for letting us go . The g ames will be held in St. Louis in 1968 , and I ce r tainly ho p e we will be able to p a r tici p ate . �Pa g e 2 For your information, also, these games are conducted at no expense to the City. Old London Foods and the American Machine and Foundry Company provide the money. Our only expense is the transportation and uniforms. _ I would like to be in a position to invite them to Atlanta at some future date. With kindest personal regards and thanking you for all that you did for us, I am Yours sincerely, -,~. ' / Vi~~;a Carmichael Director of Recreation VC/cap �September s. 1967 r . Wallace E . S iney 1340 Burton Av nae Macon, Georgi 31204 De I" Mr. S in y : Thank you v ry much for yo r 1 tter concerning Grant Park. 1 m taking thi• up with the r Departm nt and I m moat grateful for your bringing it to lhe ttention of the city. Sincerely yours. Ivan Allen. J~. M yor lAJr/br '::J CC: Mr. Jack Delius �CITY OF ATLA TA OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER CITY HALL Atlanta, Georgia Augu t 30303 11, 1967 CHARLES L. DAVIS COMPTROLLER EDGAR A. VAUGHN, JR . DEPUTY COMP TR O LL ER lonorul• octney M. Cook 34 t nth Str t , • I . Atl' ta, G orgta 30309 l> r Rodney: ·ncloeing a copy of 1 tt r I wrot Mr. Jack De.liue r l•ting to th tr1a 1 at th com r of Caln and Spring etr ts . In my 1 tter to Mr. I omitt citing the Por . do · tion of 10,000. W now hav . ttrm Cuu.a>u. Lu-ut l h · th to11owi1l8 p~rtt e; J't.mail Llvlnpton Trailwaya Mr. J a Draper Di:. Bat'vln Coldate1n .- th• 110111111:lt lt t• hop t e111NJ11:n t · $10, 000 47, SOO 10, 000 S,000 20, 000 92, 500 �BO!loi'able Rodney M. Cook , se 2 AUgust 11, 1967 t hav had a coupl of p ople discus with the po ibiU.ty of o11cit1ng the clevelop nt fund _ from the ti . who no ope.rt the Peachtree on Peachtr Hotel, th Atlanta Athletic Club, Gec,rgi Po r 1 ands v r l other .concerns in th ar • I have •l o b . n informed that there i poseibUity th t Mr. for·_ wo1'ld deign the park on no•fee ba i whteh would llo contribut to th loc l _hare cot of th proj _t . lf I can h lp in 4llY way in oltcU:1ng fund . from either D vteon ' · or Gr ybound so th t e aight conclude th land acqui•ition pha e of thi proj ct, pl "1vis as to what part you ould U.k _ to play ind ling with thee two concerQS. tour . v ry truly, Charle : L. Davia C:~t.-otl ·r Q.0:dhf lncl,oaur • 1 Land r Mr . Jaek DeU.ua cc: Mr. �CARNEGIE - CAIN. TRIANGLE / Property Costs: \I _,._ Parcel P:=!rcel P3rce 1 PP-reel $ 92,000 1 Livingston 2 Ameri.cana 3 - Clark 4 Davis 53,000 ·- ?9 ,500 51,000 Demolition Administration InEPection Contingencies (10~ of property costs) Totnl estimated Acquisition coat Federal participation Estlmated local share of acquisition costs \ $??5,500 8,000 4,579 1, 6?7. 22,5SO 262,23'6 50% $131,128 , · Source of funds for local sha ~e: Contributions: Livingston AmericAna Portman Davison's TrBilways Greyhound Total needed for acquisition (see above) Balonce Available for development ... $46,000 53,000 10,000 ?0,000 ?0,000 20,000 169,000 131,1?8 $ 17,R72 Note: No orofes~ional estimste of the cost of developing the site has been made and would, of course, be dependent upon t he desired design. From all indic~tions , the development costs would also be eligible for 50% federal assistance which, if received, would result in a qevelopment budget of $75,744e �TENTATIVE ACQUISITION BUDGET CARNEGIE - CAIN TRIANGLE April 11, 1967 Property Cos ts: ? 8rcel 1 - Livingston . Parcel 2 - Americana Parcel 3 - Clark Parcel 4 - Davis t; 92 ,ooo 53,000 29,500 51,000 De n:o li tion l1.d:-ninis tration Inspection Contin ~encies (10% of Property Costs) Total Estimated Acquisition Cost Federal Participation Estimated Local Share of Acquisition Cost $ 225,500 8 , 000 4,579 1, 627 22 , s.so 2 62, 2 ,5 6 50% $131,128 Source of Funds for Local Share: Priv a te Contributions: Livingston Americana Hotel Portman Davison I s Tr ailwa.y s . Greyhound Draper $ 46,000 25,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 5,000 $136,000 �Aug t ZS. 1967 Mr. David Carl", Jr. 4'99 Ba · r Circle , N . W. Atlan , Geor 30318 Dea.rDa

I the I maybe there will be a.ent y city. Sincerely y Iv All n, Jr . ayoi- lAJr/ CC: Miss Virginia Carmichael �Aug t 23, 1967 M r • W . C . D meron Hi ghview Nur ing Home 2800 Springdale Road. S . W . Atlanta, Georg · 30310 De Mr• . Dameron: Yo are . o .kind to rite ch a nic letter about your visit to the Grant Park Zoo and commend Mr. Leftwich and Mr . Dilb ck. Dilbec ha• dee affection for· all people ell • all animals 1 kn W eciate bat you had to say. Sincerely yours. 1 an Allen, Jr. yor IAJr/br CC: Mr. Jad< De lius �August 23. 1967 Mr. E . M . Kinney , Chai rman Commiasi on on Member hip and Evangeli m Grace Methodi t Churc h 458 Ponce d Leon Avenu.e , N . E . Atlanta , Geol'g · 38308 Dear Mr. Kinney: Thi ill ckno ledge recei pt of your pplication for permit to ua Hurt Park on September 25th, 26th and 27th du.rin the noon hour hen Dr. Kermit Lon will pe k . 1 forw rding this req t to the Parka De rtm nt •• it mu.et pproved by the Par Committe • I m r comm.en.din to them that they i aue thi• roval . Sincerely yolll'a , I n Allen, Jr. Mayor l>Jr/br CC: Mr . Jack Deliu �CITY OF i-.TLP.NTJ:. DEPi>RTi·lENT OF P.i-.RKS .i-:.NiJ RECREi'. .TICN E.O.l-... FINi-.NCE.J SUViNER RECRE i ..TIGi~ PROGiifJ-i - lS:67 Report #2 - .i-,ugust 1, 1~67 . The E. C ..i-~. Contract ,,,i th the City of i-.tlanta Department of Parks and Recreation for ":; ummer Recreation covers seven fields of activities: Senior Citizens, Resident Camping, Wilderness Camping, Swimming, Playlot ~ rogram, the Extended Program, and Operation Champ. SENlOR CITI ZENS - For the period July 17 through July 31., 1~67, 250 Senior Citizens participated in a daily craft class; 555 participated in a night program; 150 took field trips; and 1000 attended baseball and soccer g~mes at the i ..tlanta Stadium. i ..TLl,r.lTh. RECRE.t'.TION Cfl' IPS - .tl.t our resident camp at Lake hllatoona for the period July 17 to July 31, our attendance was 175 young people. The ages ranged from 3 to 12 years and the c~ildren came from Grove Park, Center Hill, Brannon, Kirkwood, Vine City, and Savannah Street. 1 SWir-:il'-1ING - Using our four portable su imming pools located in the disadvantaged areas of Atlanta, 1.-re had the following total participation for the period July 3 - July 31, 1~67: , Conley Street, six classes, with an enrollment of 106 for a total attendance of 1332. Merritts l.venue, six 9lasses, with 113 enrolled for a total attendance of 1438. Rhodes Street, six classes, Hith 92 enrolled, for a total attendance of 75S. Wylie Street, five· c;lasses, ·with 50 enrolled,for a total attendance ·of 6S5 . T_h is totals 23 classe s u i th a total enrollment of 361 fo r a t o t al attendance of 4 22 4. Childr en from Operation Champ a r e nm·r being ta ught s 1,·1i mming at l-- iedmont Park with a . total of 13 cla sse s organized invo lving 294 d ifferent children fo r a to t al attendance of 1305. �E .O .i-•• Summer Recreation Program Page T·v10 J.ugust 1, 1967 ~ 'pLJ,YLOT PROGRIJ.i - There 1.-1 ere 32 play lots in operat ion during July and from July 1 through July 15 participation totaled 30,781. From July 16 through i.ugust 1, the attendance ~-,as 27,015, for a grand total for the month of July of 57,7S6. EXTENDED PROGR.i'J I The Recreation l:-rogram has been boosted by the addition of staff through the Extended Services Program this summer. Centers in 12 poverty areas are able to o pen their doors earlier and remain ope n later in the evening averaging beb·:een 10 to 30 hours a uee k b e yond the r e gular program· hours. There appears to be a 15¼ increase in participa tion in the overa ll r e creation program at the 10 community c enters involved. Dis~iplinary problems in most areas are cJ.ecreasina because o f the added staff members and the extended ueil rounded p{ogram. The Extended i-rogram is being offered at Tech,mod, E. 1:- . Hm1ell, Grove, i.iozley, Pittman, Joyland, i.nderson, Carver-Campbell, Bass, and Bessie Branha m. OP E.?J.:..TION CH..:J :i1; Total participation figur e for the first seven weeks of Operation Champ is 76, 960. This figure is the total number of different children participating each day, added · for a total of seven •,reeks. i-,bout 5322 spectators observed the various Operation Champ program s and are not counte d in the above mentioned figure . . For the p e riod July 1 7 through I.ugust 1, total daily attenda nce was 222 6 for a colle ctive a v e rage of 9 2.7 young p e ople at each playlot. For the period Jun e 17 through July 1, the total participation ,ras 2147 per day vith an average per playlot of Sl.S. There has not been a ppr e ciable increase in the average daily attendance during the month o f July. One ti.m Hee k p e rio d include d eight day s of rain ,-. rhich drastica lly curta il e d our p a rticipa tion figur e . Fre e admi ssion and t ra n sportation wer e provide d for the follo~·ring: · 14,9SO 1,511 1,310 5,500 3,000 lS 2 2,40S t!-,773 children children childre n ch i ldre n children childre n children chi l d r e n 63 children 53 3 ch i ldre n 1, 32 4 chi l dren Lectu re , .. · ·- to City 3,-rimming Pools. to i .iathis Dairies. to the Coca-Col a Compa ny. to .;,tl a nta Br a v es ' Games . t o · ;:.t l a nta Ch ief ' s Games . to .hrn-,ling clinic s . to fr ee movies. to d a n ces in ind i v idual areas. to the i,rchi v es Bu i lding. t o t h e l.tl a nta J our n a l. to Gr a nt l-ark Zoo, Cy clo rama , Natu r e and rrour . �E.O.A. 3ummer Recreation Program Page Three hugust 1, 1~67 HILDERNESS C.i-..1-'IP 1-.. Hell and hand pump is nmr in operation on the 470 acre tract of virgin land at Lake Allatoona near Cartersville. 90 children have taken a day trip to the Wilderness Camp during the period ending July 31, 1~67. Beginning in early Lugust, approxima•tely 50 young men ·will participate in developing trails, cutting undergro .-1th, etc. at the :ilderness Camp. 1 �--- CITY OF .i-.TL}U"\J.Ti,....._______ DEPARTMENT OF Pl.RKS j.:.NiJ RECRE..i'..T ION E . 0 . l:... Report #2 - i~gust 1, 1~67 The E. O • .i-. . Contract with the City of i,tlanta Department of Parks and Recreation for ':iummer Recreation covers seven fields of activities: Senior Citizens, Resident Camping, Wilderness Camping, Swimming, Playlot F rogram, the Extended Program, and Operation Champ. SIINlOR CITIZENS For the period July 17 through July 31, 1~67, 250 Senior Citizens participated in a daily craft class; 555 participated in a night program; 150 took field trips; and 1000 attended baseball and soccer games at the .i-i.tlanta Stadium. i-.TLANTl-,. RECREl-:.TION Cf,J•lPS . .-..t our resident camp at Lake l-.llatoona for the period July 1 7 to July 31, our attendance ,-,as 175 young people. The ages ranged from 3 to 12 years and the children came from Grove Park, Center Hill, Brannon, KirkHood, Vine City, and Savannah Street. SWIIvlHING - Using our four portable s,,!imming pools located in the disadvantaged areas of Atlanta, we had the following total participation for the period July 3 - July 31, 1 ~67: Conley Street, six classes, with an enrollment o f 106 for a t otal attendance of 1332. M:erritts i ,venue, six classes, with 113 enrolled for a total attendance of 1438. Rhodes Street , six classes, u ith 92 enrolled, for a total attendance of 75S . Wylie Street, five classes, ·with 50 enrolled ,for a total attendance of 695. This totals 23 classes with a total ~nrollment of 361 for a total attendance of 4 224. Children from Operation Champ are now being taught swimming at l-iedmont Park with a total of 18 classes organized involving 29 4 different children for a total attendanc e of 1305. �Summer Recreation P rogram Page Tv10 1-.ugust 1, 1967 E .0 . 1-~. PLZ.YLOT PROGRii.f-1 - There ·were 32 playlots in operation during July and from July 1 through July 15 participation totaled 30,781. From July 16 through l.ugust 1, the attendance Has 27,015, for a grand total for the month of July of 57,7 9 6. EXTENDED PROGRJ'J'-1 The Recreation l:- rogram has been boosted by the addition of staff through the Extended Services Program this summer. Centers in 12 poverty areas are a b le to open their doors earlier and remain open later in the evening averaging betv.reen 10 to 30 hours a 1:1eek beyond the regular program hours. There appears to be a 15% increase in participation in the overall recreation program at the 10 community centers involved. Dis~iplinary problems in most areas are decreasing because of the added staff members and the extended i_.Jell rounded program. The Extended l rogram is being offered at TechHood, E. 1- . Howell, Grove, l .iozley, P ittman, Joyland, 1.nderson, Carver-Campbell, Bass, and Bessie Branham. Ol='ER.1-.TION CHt -. iiI; Total participation f igure for t he £ irst seven weeks of Operation Champ i s 76, 960. Thi s figure is the total number of differ e nt children particip ating ea c h day, a dded for a tota l of seven 1eek s. hbout 5322 spectators obse rved the various Oper a tion Champ p rogram s and are not counted in the ab ove mentioned f i g ure . For the period July 17 through z.u g ust 1, total d a ily a t tendance was 2226 for a collective average of g 2 .7 young people a t ea ch p lay lot . For the pe riod June 17 through July 1 , the total particip ation u as 21 4 7 p er day u ith an avera ge per playlot of S l .S· . There has not be e n a p p r e ci ab le increase in the averag e daily a ttendance d uring the mont h o f July. One t u o u e ek pe rio d included eight days o f r ain ·1.-!hich drast ic a lly curtail e d our p a r t ic i p ation f i g u re. F ree a dmis sion a nd tran sportation ",!e re provide d f or t he f ollowing : 1 4,~:S 0 ch i ldren to Ci t y .'.3-u immi ng Po o l s. 1,511 1,310 5, 50 0 3 , 000 1S2 2, 4 0 8 t!-, 773 63 533 1, 38 4 childr e n children children children children children children children children children Lecture, to 1-iath i s Da i r i es. t o the Coc a-Co la Company. to h tl a n t a Bra ves ' Game s. t o ~ ..t l ant a Ch i ef's Games. t o bowling c li nics. to free movie s . to dances in i ndividu al areas . to the h rchive s Bui l d i ng. to the 1.t l ant a Journa l . to Grant l-·ark Zoo, Cyclorama , Nature and Tour. �E.O. A. 0urnmer Recreation Program Page Three J.-.ugust 1, 1~67 \'lILDERNESS C.i-J-'lP - A ·Hell and hand pump is nou in o peration on the 470 acre tract of virgin land at Lake l~llatoona near Cartersville. 9 0 children have taken a day trip to the Wilderness Camp during the period ending July 31, 1~67. Beginning in early l.ugust, app roximately 50 young men ·will p articipate in developing trails, cutting undergr01·1 th, etc . at the :ilderness Camp. �11~/ /_ _ _/ April 4, 1967 _/ / MEMORANDUM TO: Mr . Colli i- Gladin - Mr . Charles Davi - FROM: M yo'1' Iv n Allen, Jr . / I am still holding Mr . Frederick Cui.-rey' s letter of M i-ch 29th regarding thei" $10, 000 c ontribution (r ther than $30, 000) for the t:dangle in front of the bu ta.ti.Otl. ' Pl a e furni h me the uggested draft for an ppropria.te reply . �January 31, 1967 Mi-. Maurice Moore President Continental Trailways 315 Continental Avenue Dallaa, Texas Dear Mr . Moore: ln checking my follow.up file, 1 fail to locate an acknowledgment of Mayo;r Allen' letter of Decemb r 19th. Sine r ly youi-e, Mr • Ann Mo ExecuUv . S cretary AM/br- ��TRANSCONTINENTAL fR.EDER.JCK Bus SYSTEM , INC. G. CUR.R.EY CONTINENTAL BUILDING DALLAS,TEXAS V ICE PRESIDENT-F"INA.NCE March 29, 1967 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: Thank you very much for your letter of December 19, 1966 addressed to Mr. Moore and for the follow-up memorandum from your Executive Secretary dated January 31, 1967. In your initial correspondence you suggested that the Transcontinental Bus System, Inc . consider a tax free contribution to the City of Atlanta in connection with a matching funds program to clean up the triangle across the street from our new terminal construction. As you have surmised, we would be interested in seeing any improvement in downtown Atlanta, especially improvement directly adjacent to our property. As you no doubt have observed, we are planning a very substantial facility that will provide outstanding terminal facilities to accomodate traffic in both the passenger and package express fields. This facility certainly should enable us to service the City of Atlanta in an exemplary manner. We feel additionally that our 8 00 car parking garage on top of the terminal will be an asset to our area of the city. In short, we are coming to Atlanta to stay . We are making an ex treme l y significant capital investment and we want to be good citizens of Atlanta, Georgia. It would appear that the suggested figure of $30,000 f o r our company is somewhat out of line if one used a measure of total revenue generated on an annual bas is , or if one used a measure of total capital investment in facilities . We believe that $10,000 would represent a most substantial contribution on our part and we know this figure represent s a substantial percentage of our capital investment and anticipated annual revenue. I would be interested to know y our reaction. I know that our objectives are the same. As you can understand , un like many other ma jor transportation businesses, we make all of ou r capital investments and pay ta xe s on all of our improvements . So , being realis tic from a business standpoint, we believe that the $10,000 should be a top figure. �Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. March 29, 1967 Page Two Because of the term of our present lease in the subject blocks, our offer of a $10,000 contribution must be made subject to the following items: 1) Condemnation of the improvements known as 190-192 Spring Street, N. W. by the appropriate municipal authority, thus effecting termination of our lease as of the date of taking; 2) In the event counsel determines that (1) above does not effect termination of the subject lease, then the City of Atlanta must take whatever action might be necessary to cause such lease to be terminated. I a m sending a copy of this letter to my brother, Bradley Currey, Jr., Vice President, Trust Company of Georgia, with whom you a r e acquainted. I hope you will call upon Brad if you have any questions regarding our corporation. Yours very truly , ~cf?C, __ _ ~ FGC/ks cc Bradl ey Currey , J r . ck G. Cu; ;e~ �August 17 , 1967 Honor ble Bill Lee Southern Railway Company 9 Spring Street Atlanta , Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Lee : On August 15, 1~67, the Alderm nic Parks Committee discussed the suggestion that the City install a fence along the North and Northeast bound ries of Pittman Park so as to prevent people from cro sipg the railroad tracks and entering the recreation facil ity . The Park Engin er h d estimated the cost of this project at $2100 if the f nee is inst8lled on a contract or $1800 if City forces re us d . The Parks Committee in unani us decision dacided not to h v the fence installed since in their opinion the City has no obligation. The Committee further felt that the fence 'NOUld not guarantee the compl te absence of tr apassing since individuals could go a little bit out of their iay and come around the f enc or for that matter climb it. We appreci te your inter st in this m tter and I am .:iincerely, Jack c .• D lius General nag r of Parks nd Recreation JCDclg CC1 Mr . J . c . Milton, South rn Rai)N y Hon. van All n, Jr., M yor z/ �C ITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta , Georgia 30303 August 14, 1967 J ACK C. DELIUS GENERA L MANAGER Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Allen: I wish to advise that I will be out of the City from Friday, September 1, 1 9 67 thru Sunday, September 10, 1 9 67 on vacation. In my absence, Mr. Pierce Whitley, Assistant General Manager of Parks, will be in charge of the Department. I plan to drive to Expo '67 in Montreal. I will check with the office every day or so in the event that you need me. neral Manager o f rks and Recreation JCD: lg �C TY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager A tl a nta , Georgia 30303 August 15, 1967 JAC K C. DELIUS GE N E R A L MANA G ER MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. FROM: Jack SUBJECT: Replacement of bricks around downtown trees c. Delius, General Manager of Parks and Recreation Attached is a photograph showing the white marble chips which we have placed around trees in the downtown area after having removed the common red brick, etc. The only place where we have not removed bricks is that situation I mentioned in my earlie r memorandum regarding the specially made 4 x 4 brick tile on the west side of Peachtree near Harris . Th ese obviously have been specially d e signed fo r t hi s location to blend in with t h e d e cor of the Pe achtree

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remove them. �