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CITY OF -ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 0 c..t o b e.'1. 1 8 , 30303 19 6 7 J ACK C . D E LIUS GENERA L MA N AGER Ivan Allen , Jn. , Mayon Ci.ty 0 6 A.tlan.ta Ci.ty Hall A.tlan.ta , Geo11.gia Re: Gol n Membe11.-0 hi p M11.. S.tewa11..t G11.ange11. Vea11. Ma yo11. Allen: Thi6 i6 .to adv i 6e tha.t .the Vep a11..tmen.t 0 6 Pa'1.k6 ha6 no 11.ec.011.d 0 6 eve'1. having 11.e c.elv ed a c.he c. k 111.om .the abov e c.a pt ion ed individual 6011. pu'1. c. ha6e on a golt membe'1.6 hip in Jul y . A6 i t -0 eem6 11.a.the.11. odd .tha.t .thi6 gentleman would wai.t .thnough .the mon.th6 06 July , Augu6.t and e ptern ben be.lone he advi6 ed u6 .that he had no.t 11.ec.eived hi6 mernbe'1.6hi p c.a11.d, we he6 i.ta.ted .to fio 11.wa11.d him ano.t he.11. one. Mn . G11.ange11. ha6 p'1.omi6ed .to no 11.wa11.d U6 .the c.anc.elled c.hec.k , at whi c.h .time we will be ha ppy .to give him a membe11.6hip c.and and make up .the .time he lo6.t due .to 6ome e11.no11. 011. ml-0unde11.-0.tanding. Thi6 .type thing ha6 happened be6 011.e in .thi6 depa11..tment and we have 6ound .that the individual c.ould not p11.oduc.e a 6ou11.c.e 0 6 pno o 6 o 0 hi6 even having punc. ha-0ed a memben-0hip. Thenefone, we mu6.t have evidenc. e be no11.e we c.an i66ue memben6hip6. We 11.eg11.e.t .the inc.onvenienc.e c.au-0ed yo u by .thi6 ove'1.6iefh~, but will be happy to c.011.11.ec..t it ju6.t a6 6oon a6 po66ible. si nc. enely, 7 mjh 7J(c.,,,, / J~ /J.-a--7 Many Jo Holle y Vepan.tmen.t of Pa'1.k6 �