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Octo.Jer 19, 1967 Mr . J . A o Snitzer , Jr o 389 ~ioodward . ay , N . w. Atl nta , Georgia 30305 Dear Mr . Snitzer: Thank you for your letter o f October 16, 1967 regarding the restoration of the Bobby Jones Golf Clubhouse . The architect employed .y the City of Atlanta for this project determine , and is opinion "as endorsed by the City ' s o·m architect, that the Bobby Jones Golf Clubhouse , due to the nature of its construction, etc . uould not warrant restoration . Rather , the architect felt th t i t would be cheaper and more pr ctical if the building "ere completely repl ced. The City of Atlanta does not have funds for this project and the architect at that point was released from eny further rork . In our 1968 General Budget request , we have requested funds for the repl cement of the Bobby Jones Golf Clubhouse . Very truly yours, Jack c. Delius General Manger of Parks and Recreation JCD:lg cc: Honorable Ivan All n , J". v' �