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. . . l'f\fl<lJOIZ,.,:: ,: ··· ALLEll October 16, 1967 A Called Meeting of the Alderrnanic Parks Committee was held at 3:30 p.m., Monday, October 16 . 1967 ; in Committee Room No. 1 of the City Hall. In attendance were Aldermen Leftwich, Fowlkes, Williamson, and Millican. Also present were Mr. Paul B. Ivey, Land Agent, Mr. Stanley T. Martin, Senior Administrative Assistant, Parks Department, and Jack Delius, General Manager of Parks and Recreation. Mr. Ivey presented the most recently obtained appraisal on 11.019 acres of land commonly referred to as the Field Road Park Site adjacent to Bowen Homes on James Jackson Parkway. A Federal application for Open-Space assistance and participation had been filed in 1964 which included two park sites in addition to the Field Road location. Mr. Martin has determined from HUD that the letter of consent received some months ago on the original application is still valid for the purchase of the Field Road Site. Jack Delius advised the Park Committee that the Federal grant on Field Road would only be 30¾ of the purchase price instead of the new 50¾ since the application was approved prior to the new 50¾ assistance law. Mr. Delius advised the Committee that there still rema:Lns in the 1963 Bond Fund approximately $117,000 which is beinq held for the purchase of the Field Road Park Site as well as the West End Park Site. Additional land purchase funds are available from the recent windfall received from the State as well as a modest amount of money in the General Fund of the Park:3 Department for the purchase of land. The Alderma nic P arks Committee unanimousl y agre ed and dire cte d that the Land Agent proceed with condemnation procedures on the purchase of the Field Road Park Site. Condemnation will be n e cessary in that in the opinion of the City Attorney the ti tlE~ is clouded. Th ern b e i ng no f u rth er b us ine ss, t he meeting adjour ned. - )( I I nol fJI ,y' ' 1X C R o' 1;..n, •y .,-no "' { .... �